Hi all,
Maybe useful if when someone receives an estimate from Murphy for returning their collection, they let this forum know that. Just concerned that Murphy does a thorough job in creating all requests.
I did not receive all the emails from Murphy that others did. Assuming this whole process will be a rush job, they may miss some of us.
The CD return offer is not from Murfie, they are gone forever, but from their creditors and a group of users that are trying to make this less awful.
Did you all get the email from Murfie Customer Return Service, LLC?
Where you have to pay $100 to even get an estimate for the return of your collection? Looked like a scammer but had the pertinent data.
Thanks for any info.
Did you all get the email from Murfie Customer Return Service, LLC?
Where you have to pay $100 to even get an estimate for the return of your collection? Looked like a scammer but had the pertinent data.
Thanks for any info.
I received it yesterday eve and have been searching for info on the LLC or email to get a read on it but there’s very little discussion online. Perhaps surprising because they w supposedly been overwhelmed by responses.
The email is a bit scammy sounding (CDreturns2u@gmail.com) but I’m wondering if paying w goods / services via PayPal offers some protection.
I feel like the clock is ticking (they didn’t specify how long I had but it is limited and prioritized by when deposit is received). I do want the cds back ...
Thanks for your message.
I did decide to pay the $100 since it's on a credit card - I can always submit it as fraud if it turns out that way.
This is so shady and wrong. The email address for the CEO of WISC Partners is david@wiscpartners.com his direct phone number is 608-628-2620. Hopefully this info will help some of you with pressuring him to return the (stolen) property he’s sitting on. I just left the same comment on The Verge article.
This is so shady and wrong. The email address for the CEO of WISC Partners is david@wiscpartners.com his direct phone number is 608-628-2620. Hopefully this info will help some of you with pressuring him to return the (stolen) property he’s sitting on. I just left the same comment on The Verge article.
Thank you very much, I'm going to press it because it's not fair that they keep millions of our CDs and the worst thing is that they charge a high ransom to recover what is ours, this is very bad, especially it makes a bad image to the other streaming music companies, like iTunes Tidal Deezer etc
Keep in mind you are not dealing with Murfie, they are gone forever, but the folks they owed money to and a few users who are trying to help others.
Threats are usually the best possible way to screw up your chances of getting something done.
One place I worked had a simple policy, at the first threat your case went to legal and the support folks were banned from touching it again without permission (which rarely happened) from legal.
Stanley’s advice was solid.
It’s clear from the information available that the music store is going to be sold or destroyed very soon. Those who want to retrieve their physical property need to decide, quickly, if threats and insults are more likely than pleasant discussions to obtain the desired outcome. Bearing in mind that those trying to re-unite the property are not part of the company that is now defunct so have NO legal obligation to affect said re-unification.
And, though it may feel like it, legally the CD’s that are not returned because of the receivership situation are not ‘stolen’.
From where I’m sitting the way Murfie worked (letting them keep your CD’s) required a lot of trust in the company, that must have had an ever growing cost of having to stock all the CD’s. Unfortunately this trust has been shamed,
Hey! I understand the anger of KodaKolour99 against that user Stanley, and it is that this subject seems to be earning something to protect the cursed Murfie scammers, instead of supporting with arguments to enforce our rights, this stanley subject does give up and give up , a man never gives up and one must win the battle until the last cartridge is burned, unfortunately I am from the US, but those who live nearby can approach that Madinson office and claim their Vinyl n CD, it cannot be that they take us for fools For these clown's of Murfie, North America grew great for asserting their rights and ignoring guys who make you give up, on my hard disk I have more than 3,000 albums in wav format, for comfort I can give them, I know that some are difficult to get, I am willing to exchange, from today I will not trust any web crap streaming music, maybe as I am a graduate of networks and communications I can make a server but I will need the support of a programmer for an app with the Winamp type model, hopefully he will mass meet in that warehouse and claim his own.
Has anyone who has paid $100 to get an estimate received the estimate or any other response? I have not yet received anything.
Any info appreciated.
Has anyone who has paid $100 to get an estimate received the estimate or any other response? I have not yet received anything.
Any info appreciated.
That's what I was wondering. I sent my $100 via Paypal; have received receipt from them but heard nothing further from Murfie or whoever is supposed to be handling our returns.
Thanks for your message.
I'm hoping if someone gets any further response about the return, they will post that. This way if any of us fails to get a response, we can try to get action before the window closes.
Hopefully good news for those of us wanting our music back!
Figured I might as well try emailing CDreturns2u@gmail.com last night:
Have paid $100 deposit. Haven't heard anything back.
Was pleasantly surprised to receive the following response this morning:
| 9:23 AM (3 hours ago) | |   |
to me  |
Thanks for your patience. We have got a huge response and a tad behind on follow ups.
Your collection is 196 discs but fairly dispersed in the warehouse. We cam pull those and get them back to you and call it even with the $100 you already paid. We'll dent you confirmation and tracking no. as soon as the collection is ready.
That is great news. I emailed them this morning for an update since I haven't heard anything after paying my $100 deposit.
fdrew, Thanks for posting that.
Good to know you are getting your collection back! I'll email that address and keep others posted here when I get a response.
Thanks again.
Received below from the group returning our CDs. Sounds very encouraging.
" This is to acknowledge that we have received payment of your $100 deposit and you are in our queue. Thank you for your response. Some of you may have heard from us already but if not, we will be back in touch to provide you with a firm quote for return of your collection. We appreciate your patience; the response has been overwhelming.
In the meantime please know we have access to the facility where Murfie stored all customer media. Your CDs/LPs are safe and not in danger of being discarded or mis-appropriated. "
Wondering if anyone has heard anything further from the Murfie Collection Recovery Team or actually gotten their collection back yet. Starting to get worried again.
I haven't heard further from them yet either.
Thanks for the reply. Looks like it might be time to try emailing them again.
Murfie’s streaming player is still working! I was able to access my entire collection today via their webplayer (player.murfie.com). In addition, I’m able to login and play my collection via a BlueOS streaming device I own, as well as, the iOS app on my iPhone. Can Sonos please open up access to this music service so we can continue to stream our collections via our Sonos devices, for as long as the service is still available from the cloud?
Murfie’s streaming player is still working! I was able to access my entire collection today via their webplayer (player.murfie.com). In addition, I’m able to login and play my collection via a BlueOS streaming device I own, as well as, the iOS app on my iPhone. Can Sonos please open up access to this music service so we can continue to stream our collections via our Sonos devices, for as long as the service is still available from the cloud?
I am able to access all my music as well. Is it possible to download my library from the player?
Not that I’m aware of. I’d be interested if there’s a way to do so.