Hello. The Murfie website says they have ceased operations. As of today, my collection is still streaming but I cannot reach anyone there. I have about 600 discs uploaded as FLAC files there and am very concerned to be able to retrieve those in tact.
Anyone else use Murfie or any suggestions?
Thank you,
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I’d recommend not using a cloud service for Sonos but a local music library. That could range from a Raspberry Pi to a full blown NAS device, as long as it supports SMB v1 connections.
This is so shady and wrong. The email address for the CEO of WISC Partners is david@wiscpartners.com his direct phone number is 608-628-2620. Hopefully this info will help some of you with pressuring him to return the (stolen) property he’s sitting on. I just left the same comment on The Verge article.
This is so shady and wrong. The email address for the CEO of WISC Partners is david@wiscpartners.com his direct phone number is 608-628-2620. Hopefully this info will help some of you with pressuring him to return the (stolen) property he’s sitting on. I just left the same comment on The Verge article.
Thank you very much, I'm going to press it because it's not fair that they keep millions of our CDs and the worst thing is that they charge a high ransom to recover what is ours, this is very bad, especially it makes a bad image to the other streaming music companies, like iTunes Tidal Deezer etc
Keep in mind you are not dealing with Murfie, they are gone forever, but the folks they owed money to and a few users who are trying to help others.
Threats are usually the best possible way to screw up your chances of getting something done.
One place I worked had a simple policy, at the first threat your case went to legal and the support folks were banned from touching it again without permission (which rarely happened) from legal.
Curious how you downloaded every album you had purchased in FLAC? Was this done via Murfie streaming?
Thank you
Once you have bought an album from an artist, you can do only one thing, put it in your Murfie store and sell it, or Download it in Any format (WAV, m4a, mp3) but once downloaded in those formats you no longer have the right to sell it through Murfie.com, I downloaded everything purchased on Murfie.com, only one album did not download it and I put it for sale and just at the time I wanted to download it was that day Wednesday, November 20, and when I gave it a download button, I got the message: "There was an error with your download" that screwed and only three days ago I bought an album, it is more when I bought an album and gave me songs that were not in the required album, I had him return my money and do not download the album and press the cancel button, but they did not return my money to my account, but they gave me the amount to my credit Murfie wallet, I think that several clients had cash in the Murfie wallet, I have more than 5,000 albums , it is very rare that this company Murfie He has not even given a notice in advance to be able to download his purchase even in digital form, to obtain my purchase in physical CD, because he was from Peru I had to pay $ 16 for the shipment and add more for each CD, here I paste the following message who sent me as well as the download image of a purchase made at murfie.com:
"The charge for one CD shipped to Peru is $ 16. Were you planning on buying more than one? If so, it would be cheaper to buy them all at once. It would then be $ 3 for each additional disc. Let me know what you think! Thank you!
Matt "
Abandon. I also just received this message, a ray of hope I guess for those who own physical media in possession of Murfie.
Thank you,
they sent me a message:
Unfortunately, Mufie has ceased operations. The senior debt holders of the company will determine the process by which you may retrieve any physical media that you may have stored at Murfie, and will be in contact regarding it. Thank you for your support over the years.
The Murfie Team
Has anyone who has paid $100 to get an estimate received the estimate or any other response? I have not yet received anything.
Any info appreciated.
Thanks for your message.
I'm hoping if someone gets any further response about the return, they will post that. This way if any of us fails to get a response, we can try to get action before the window closes.
Hopefully good news for those of us wanting our music back! Figured I might as well try emailing CDreturns2u@gmail.com last night: Have paid $100 deposit. Haven't heard anything back. Was pleasantly surprised to receive the following response this morning:
The MCRS Team
9:23 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
Thanks for your patience. We have got a huge response and a tad behind on follow ups.
Your collection is 196 discs but fairly dispersed in the warehouse. We cam pull those and get them back to you and call it even with the $100 you already paid. We'll dent you confirmation and tracking no. as soon as the collection is ready.
That is great news. I emailed them this morning for an update since I haven't heard anything after paying my $100 deposit.
fdrew, Thanks for posting that.
Good to know you are getting your collection back! I'll email that address and keep others posted here when I get a response.
Thanks again.
Received below from the group returning our CDs. Sounds very encouraging.
" This is to acknowledge that we have received payment of your $100 deposit and you are in our queue. Thank you for your response. Some of you may have heard from us already but if not, we will be back in touch to provide you with a firm quote for return of your collection. We appreciate your patience; the response has been overwhelming.
In the meantime please know we have access to the facility where Murfie stored all customer media. Your CDs/LPs are safe and not in danger of being discarded or mis-appropriated. "
I haven't heard further from them yet either.
If you want to do a class action case it will be difficult (I’d say impossible) to get a judge to certify the class without a licenced legal professional as the lead.
Even if you got a judge to certify the class without a lawyer you’d not get anything in the way of jail time for the Murfie folks, that has to go through the criminal courts, not civil. You’d need to get a District Attorney or the like to press charges there.
I didn’t read the original or amended contract with Murfie so I can’t say what they promised in the main section or limited in the fine print. Reading that and picking the applicable laws and precedents is a job for a legal professional with a research staff behind them.
Civil or Criminal there are rules and hurdles that must be met.
Murfie Users, alone we may seem powerless but perhaps we should be considering banding together for a class action. Has anyone sought legal advice? I have 10,000 cds there and had over $400 in my account from cd sales. The financial impact for me is significant in the short and long term. I’m beside myself right now so please chime in if you have any ideas.
This is extremely frustrating! We need to pay hundreds of dollars to get our own property back?
Madriddm: I have reached out, with little hope, to a small business owner (hi-fi stereo shop) in the Madison area who sent me to Murfie a couple years back. Hopefully, she can gain some insight for us.
I am sick about this as well. My library is till streaming as of now, love the service I received and the quality of sound that was reproduced from my collection.
Keep posted via this forum.
If and when we get our CDs back can anyone recommend a Sonos compatible cloud service. Thx.
Google Play Music or Apple will do it. Google Play Music is free for 50,000 tracks (just cancel payment after the free trial), Apple requires a subscription.
Not that I’m aware of. I’d be interested if there’s a way to do so.
I feel for everyone affected by this. This is one reason why I still buy cd’s much there the amusement of my children.
Hello. The Murfie website says they have ceased operations. As of today, my collection is still streaming but I cannot reach anyone there. I have about 600 discs uploaded as FLAC files there and am very concerned to be able to retrieve those in tact.
Anyone else use Murfie or any suggestions?
Thank you,
As a Sonos speaker owner and record collector who entrusted over 500 disks to Murfie, I was surprised by what Murfie did on Wednesday. I’m still able to use the Murfie player to listen to the disks. A while back, Murfie indicated in its FAQ section that if it went belly up, it would return my collection. That’s a big matter that Murfie has better answer.
Hi all,
Maybe useful if when someone receives an estimate from Murphy for returning their collection, they let this forum know that. Just concerned that Murphy does a thorough job in creating all requests.
I did not receive all the emails from Murphy that others did. Assuming this whole process will be a rush job, they may miss some of us.
Did you all get the email from Murfie Customer Return Service, LLC?
Where you have to pay $100 to even get an estimate for the return of your collection? Looked like a scammer but had the pertinent data.
Thanks for any info.
The CD return offer is not from Murfie, they are gone forever, but from their creditors and a group of users that are trying to make this less awful.