
Android app shows empty queue each time started up

  • 28 February 2023
  • 50 replies

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50 replies

Userlevel 6
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Hi @JohnG666 

We consider this issue resolved. Therefore, we are no longer making any effort to fix it - why would we?

As you are continuing to see this issue, please get in touch with our technical support team to report as much - you seem to be the only person still reporting that you have this issue, so if you don’t report that you are still affected by it, who will? 


I consider this issue as never been fixed and only came back to this thread out of annoyance. I’d not even seen your previous post where you claimed that it had been fixed.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @JohnG666 

Maybe you have disabled email notifications for the forum? My post saying it was fixed contained a @JohnG666, so you should have received one for that alone, not to mention that it was marked as a Best Answer, which means you should have gotten another.

Regardless, I don’t think anything more will be done if you don’t get in touch, so if you expect a resolution, that’s the only way to move forward.

I hope this helps.

Userlevel 6
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That’s another issue I have. I changed the email address associated with my Sonos system and also log in to these forums with the new email address but the email notifications are still going to my old email address.


Userlevel 6
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I am currently speaking to technical support.

It seems it doesn’t occur on his android device but it happens on both my android phones every time.


Userlevel 7
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Hi @JohnG666 

That’s another issue I have. I changed the email address associated with my Sonos system and also log in to these forums with the new email address but the email notifications are still going to my old email address.

Okay. I’ll send you a Private Message regarding this - please keep an eye out for it.

Userlevel 6
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Hi @JohnG666 

That’s another issue I have. I changed the email address associated with my Sonos system and also log in to these forums with the new email address but the email notifications are still going to my old email address.

Okay. I’ll send you a Private Message regarding this - please keep an eye out for it.


Did you send a PM ? I don’t seem to have received one.


Userlevel 7
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Hi @JohnG666 

Apologies - I was in a meeting. I have sent you one now.

Userlevel 6
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Thanks. I have received and replied to your PM.

I did the change of email via the Sonos app and it seemed to have worked fine for that and for logging into here but the notifications and I believe some marketing emails are still going to the old one.


Userlevel 7
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Hi @JohnG666 

I’ve updated our records, and as a result, you should get a notification that I have mentioned you in this thread.

I hope this helps.

Userlevel 6
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As an update and reminder to myself, I have sent 2 screenshots to support regarding this issue as requested.


Userlevel 6
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As another update and reminder to myself…

I was asked to completely power down everything and restart even though I knew this wouldn’t solve the issue…. and it didn’t.

I then sent more screenshots and a diagnostic.

I am wondering if they are just tapping the minimised “now playing” because it doesn’t do it then - it’s only if you swipe up on the “now playing” that it displays the queue screen and then it’s only the first time you do it after starting the app with the “now playing” minimised.


Userlevel 6
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I’ve had zero response from support since doing the full rebooting of the netword as requested - not even acknowledgement that they’ve received the email with screenshots and the diagnostic.

I hope they realise that it can be quite a process to go through having to unplug all the devices concerned with the network and Sonos system as most of the power sockets are not in a place which is easily accessible.


Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hi @JohnG666,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, I’m sorry to hear that you’ve gone this long without contact from our team, we aim to do better.

I’ve located your case in our system and have flagged it with a colleague. They should be reaching out to you soon, if not today then tomorrow.

If there is anything else you’d like to bring to my attention, please reply here.

Userlevel 7
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My knees and back were not happy power-cycling my Sonos, added these and things are much easier.

Userlevel 6
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How do I send a 28MB screen recording to Sonos support because it keeps bouncing back saying that the attachment is too large.


Userlevel 6
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I still get the feeling that Sonos Support are messing me about.

I only ever get replies last thing at night or first thing in the morning.

I have provided all the information they have asked for. Every time I do something for them and send them the information, I then have to wait again only for them to ask for something else. It’s the sort of tactics we used to employ when I worked as a developer to grind down a user with issues.

I only seem to get emails from them last thing in the working day or at the start of their working day and even if I reply immediately to the early emails, I don’t get replies soon enough.

Is there anyone else on this thread who has the same issue as me? I only listen to internet radio stations these days and I have a mixture of Android phones/Ipad/PC Software to control my speakers.


Please note:-
It never happens the first time you open the Sonos App.
On first opening, make sure the Now Playing is minimised.
Then close the app.
Then open the app and the Now Playing will be minimised.
Swipe up on the Now Playing (tapping the Now Playing does not have this issue)
Notice the Queue screen
Now if I keep closing the queue screen, minimising the now playing, closing and opening the app it will continue to show the queue screen when swipe up on now playing.
Userlevel 7
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Email is not good for large attachments, even worse it doubles the size when encoding them to transfer.

What works better is to upload them to a file sharing service and then share a link to that location in your e-mail.

Google Drive link to a screen-shot of the last eclipse’s impact on my solar.

Userlevel 6
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I managed to create a shorter video by hurrying during the demonstration and missing out certain bits so now the file is just small enough to send.

I don’t tend to use any form of cloud storage but might have to investigate for future use. Sonos did suggest using something called wetransfer but that would have required me to give my email address to them and I’d rather limit giving out my email address to 3rd parties.



Userlevel 7
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Setting up a throw away Google account to share a file and then deleting it is a pretty safe way of doing things if you don’t do it often. If you already have a Google account the Drive option is there and free for your use.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @JohnG666 

It never happens the first time you open the Sonos App.

On first opening, make sure the Now Playing is minimised.
Then close the app.
Then open the app and the Now Playing will be minimised.
Swipe up on the Now Playing (tapping the Now Playing does not have this issue)
Notice the Queue screen
Now if I keep closing the queue screen, minimising the now playing, closing and opening the app it will continue to show the queue screen when swipe up on now playing.


I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear that by following the above steps exactly, I am able to reproduce the issue you’re having on my own phone. I will report this to a colleague, but considering that if I don’t follow these steps exactly it doesn’t happen, my advice to you in the meantime is not to swipe Now Playing - only tap it, and you shouldn’t be bothered by this issue any more.

I was able to record a screen capture of this happening - no need to supply your own, thanks.

Note, however, that this is not the issue that was previously described and fixed - that issue was about the Queue showing when opening the app, not when just sliding the Now Playing screen up.

I hope this helps.

Userlevel 6
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Hi @JohnG666 

It never happens the first time you open the Sonos App.

On first opening, make sure the Now Playing is minimised.
Then close the app.
Then open the app and the Now Playing will be minimised.
Swipe up on the Now Playing (tapping the Now Playing does not have this issue)
Notice the Queue screen
Now if I keep closing the queue screen, minimising the now playing, closing and opening the app it will continue to show the queue screen when swipe up on now playing.


I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear that by following the above steps exactly, I am able to reproduce the issue you’re having on my own phone. I will report this to a colleague, but considering that if I don’t follow these steps exactly it doesn’t happen, my advice to you in the meantime is not to swipe Now Playing - only tap it, and you shouldn’t be bothered by this issue any more.

I hope this helps.


That is excellent news, thanks very much for doing that for me. I’ve given the exact same steps many times to support who always claimed they couldn’t recreate it.

I just needed proof that it is a software issue and not an issue that only I have which is what was being intimated. If only they had followed my steps exactly, it would have saved me hours of messing around sending diagnostics, resetting all my systems and creating videos (as well as time on the phone to them).

I do appreciate that I can avoid this if I touch the minimised Now Playing instead of swiping, but when you’ve got in the habit of doing a thing, it’s not easy to remember to do it differently :)


Userlevel 7
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Hi @JohnG666 

I do appreciate that I can avoid this if I touch the minimised Now Playing instead of swiping, but when you’ve got in the habit of doing a thing, it’s not easy to remember to do it differently :)

Well, given that it doesn’t happen on first opening the app, I’m going to assume that showing the queue when swiping up is not intended behaviour. Please be aware, however, that with only one (possibly two) people reporting this, it’s not going to be a high priority to fix - just to manage some expectations here.

Note that I edited my previous post after you quoted it - just to draw your attention to the fact that is a slightly different issue than the one originally reported (and fixed) - which may explain the difficulty you had in reporting.

Userlevel 6
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Indeed I appreciate the situation. I was just reporting that the issue is still there although in a different way to the original.

What winds me up is the belief that support were not taking me seriously and I suspect didn’t believe that there was still an issue (however small it is still a software issue) and so kept fobbing me off getting me to send reports and videos in etc.

I’m just glad that they can’t keep telling me that it’s only me who has this issue so it isn’t an issue with the software.


Userlevel 7
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Hi @JohnG666 

I can only apologise for the trouble you had, but I have to confess that even after reproducing the issue and letting you know, when it came to recording a screen capture, I was at first unable to do so as I kept trying to capture the Queue showing after re-opening the app, rather than when swiping up - I was still partly convinced that that was the issue I was trying to reproduce. And I have a lot more spare time than the average telephone agent in which to do this kind of thing - I’m not trying to make excuses, just trying to illustrate the cognitive dissonance that the agents you were speaking to probably had, especially if they were just referencing the existing documentation on the matter.

Hopefully, we’re all on the right path now.

Userlevel 6
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Once again - thanks for your time and help with this, much appreciated.