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Prevent beam from creating clone rooms

  • September 11, 2021
  • 8 replies

Hi all,

Recently I’ve moved from my apartment, and tried to set my sonos system as before in my new place :

1 beam + 2 one SL (used as surround, behind the couch)

I had to factory reset my 3 speakers for them to work within my new home.

The problem is that whenever I want to get the in the same room : Living room, it seems that my beam is duplicating the room as such « Living Room 2 ». At the end of the day I have 3 speakers which won’t get to work together because virtually they’re in different rooms…

It’s pretty frustrating because no one seemed to have that problem before.

Does anyone know how to fix this ?


Best answer by Airgetlam

You shouldn’t have needed to factory reset any speakers, they should have just worked. 

I’m confused, however, that you’re saying you have more than one ‘living room’ in the software. That suggests that whichever speakers that are in Living Room 2 are not yet bonded as surround speakers to the Beam. Is this a possibility? If so, going through the process of re-bonding the to the Beam as surrounds would get rid of that second living room.


Edit: same info as the faster typing buzz….

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8 replies

  • 23898 replies
  • September 11, 2021

In general don’t Factory Reset without further consult. The Factory Reset has complicated your issue.

“Room” names must be unique. If you have stereo paired the SL’s, unpair them and give them arbitrary Room names, then add them to BEAM as surrounds. At this point you will have only one “Room” -- the surround system.

  • 42590 replies
  • Answer
  • September 11, 2021

You shouldn’t have needed to factory reset any speakers, they should have just worked. 

I’m confused, however, that you’re saying you have more than one ‘living room’ in the software. That suggests that whichever speakers that are in Living Room 2 are not yet bonded as surround speakers to the Beam. Is this a possibility? If so, going through the process of re-bonding the to the Beam as surrounds would get rid of that second living room.


Edit: same info as the faster typing buzz….

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • September 20, 2021

This is happening to me, so while it’s helpful to know not to factory reset, we’re often not left with choice. I removed my stereo paired Sonos Play:1s, removed my sub from my Arc 5.1 system, and reset a Sonos Five I bought from someone else. When I go to add it, I can select my Living Room with the Arc in it, to begin the bonding process, but it just creates a Living Room 2. I can go and rename it to Living Room again, but then I have two separate instances of Living Room and can’t begin the stereo pairing process.

Any tips?

  • 42590 replies
  • September 20, 2021

What is Living Room (1) consist of, speaker wise. What does Living Room 2 consist of, speaker wise?

I mean in the Sonos software, if you go to System> Settings > System (yea, just noticed how confusing that is...fhe first System is the gear icon, the others are words).

I’m interested in the Room name, and what follows it in parentheses.

In fact, it may help to have a full list of all your “rooms” and what is in them, so that those who respond can be uber clear as to what you should be doing/seeing as you go through this process. 

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • September 20, 2021

For the sake of discussion here is my current setup. Actions taken thus far were to factory reset the Sonos Five. I’m attempting to consolidate to the Living Room. 


As you can see, when I attempt to transition rooms, there is no valid option. It also throws out other versions of “room 2” implying to my non backend brain that there is some separation going on here.



  • 42590 replies
  • September 20, 2021

Thanks, that does help me, being somewhat mentally challenged today :)

I think what is happening is that you’re attempting to add the Sonos Five (an individual speaker) to a room that requires a bonded pair of speakers in order to act as surround speakers. The current “living room” which is the Arc must have a pair of speakers in order to be surrounds.

A “home theater” room can exist in these configurations: 

  1. A sound bar (Arc or Beam)
  2. A sound bar with a pair of surround speakers (surrounds must be same type, i.e. two Ones, or two Fives, but not a One and a Five)
  3. Either of the above, but with a SUB (or two) attached/bonded.

If you’re trying to just “add” a single Sonos Five, it can’t be in the room labeled Living Room, because that room already has an Arc in it. You could set that individual Sonos Five as a separate Room (name of your choice, Living Room two is just as good as anything else, or you can backspace over the current name and type in your own), and then just “group” the Living Room with the other room that you set up the Sonos Five in. Then for music, they’d all play in sync, but for TV input to the Arc, the Five would be slightly behind (roughly 75ms, generally speaking) the Arc. 

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • September 20, 2021

Thanks for your reply. I talked to Sonos Support on the phone to verify some assumptions, I think you’re right. I was thinking you could add only one, as my last setup had instances where one of the play one’s would drop out, leaving only the left or right channel.


They confirmed my suspicion, and I need to have both my fives at the ready in separate rooms before trying to add them as surround speakers. The only problem is my other five is in the mail in transit to me, guess I’ll be patient.

  • 42590 replies
  • September 20, 2021

LOL. Yup, completely comprehend your desire :) Patience is one of those virtues I’m rather lacking in, too. Hang tough!

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