I recently acquired a Sonos Move, which has replaced a Play 1 in our dining room. We have so far used it predominantly moved into the bathroom as needed and for occasional dinner background music in the dining room. It’s always connected to Wifi - not yet used the Bluetooth functionality. We will also be using it on the patio when/if the UK weather improves in the summer. (also on Wifi but may need to use Bluetooth if kids want to take it down the end of the garden. We’ve had it a few weeks and I’m reasonably happy with it.
When not used in the bathroom it has always been kept on it’s charging base. Recently though I have noticed in the app that it never gets to 100% charge, always stopping at 95%. On the odd occasion, it has shown 100% in the app for around 1 second then changes to 95%.
I should point out that I don’t have voice services active but I do keep the mic on for auto true play.
So - is this normal battery behaviour? Should I take it off the charger for a while? I’m a litle concerned there is a battery fault that will only get worse over time.
Apologies if this has already been asked in another thread