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i think I got a faulty Roam

Hello all, I think I got a faulty Roam, it was working fine till today, the led light flashes red, if I hook it to the charger, its a solid red. I’ve tried to reset it by long oressing all the buttons to no avail, unfortunately it seems Sonos has no customer service over the weekend in the US, anyone run into this issue? Any thoughts on gow to fix it, or am I stuck with a faulty Roam? Thanks in advance!

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32 replies

  • Lyricist I
  • 3 replies
  • April 25, 2021

Same issue here, but a flashing orange light.  Roam is completely unresponsive to any hardware resets etc.  Wont even turn on or off.

Hopefully someone can find a fix.  Pretty pricey paper weight.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • April 25, 2021

I have the same problem. Let me know if you find a solution

  • 6146 replies
  • April 25, 2021

Did you contact Sonos about this?

  • Prominent Collaborator I
  • 67 replies
  • April 25, 2021

Sonos has no customer service over the weekend. He said that in his narrative. I’m in the same boat. Worked for a day and now my Roam won’t power on no matter what song and dance I do. And yes, I checked the air in my tires. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 4 replies
  • April 25, 2021

Just had the same issue and at first nothing was working and the reset procedure for the Roam did nothing.

It is back up and running after doing the following; (read the steps first before trying this, so that you know the timings etc) 

  1. Left the Roam plugged in using the USB C cable for about 10mins to allow charge in to the battery.
  2. Took the USB C cable out
  3. Held the power button in and kept holding it, to see if anything would happen and after about 10-15secs the white light on the front came on (if after 30secs the white light doesn’t show, then unfortunately this may not have worked for you BUT I would leave the Roam to charge longer and try again).
  4. Let go off the power button
  5. Plugged the USB C cable back in
  6. Checked Sonos app and could see the battery level was only 17% and now charging.

Hope the above works for others :)

  • Prominent Collaborator I
  • 67 replies
  • April 25, 2021

Tried that. No go for me. Thanks for sharing.

  • Lyricist I
  • 4 replies
  • April 25, 2021

@shfawaz maybe leave it plugged in long enough to charge.

Also worth checking that the USB plug you are using is not less than 1.5A output.

  • Prominent Collaborator I
  • 67 replies
  • April 25, 2021

Actually I’ve tried at least three different known working charging cables and three separate adapters of 20, 45, and 100 watts. I know that it recognizing the cable/charge because when I unplug the USB C from the Roam, the bottom Orange LED comes on for a few seconds and then goes out. If I plug in and unplug again, I can repeat it. But nothing else. It’s dead.

  • Lyricist I
  • 4 replies
  • April 25, 2021

It’s the Amps output that you want to make sure is correct

  • Prominent Collaborator I
  • 67 replies
  • April 25, 2021

Watts translate to Amps. I’m positive this is not a charger issue. How many known working chargers and cables does one have to try before one can conclude it not’s the charger or cable? I’m pretty sure 3 is more than enough to do that. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 4 replies
  • April 25, 2021

Fair enough mate, hope you get it sorted ASAP :)

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • April 26, 2021

After charging it for about 10 hours mine suddenly started working again. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 19, 2021

Was there ever a solid solution to this problem? Set up mine 24hrs ago. Worked great last night and the same exact thing happened that everyone has listed. I’m about to return and never buy from Sonos again. They are two expensive to be this faulty. My Play 1 is unable to connect to WiFi about once a month and I have to reset it every time, I made the mistake of thinking that it must be a one off thing. 


A 5v/3Amp power-output charger that we use here will charge the Roam fully in 2-¼ hours from an almost empty state, if that helps at all.

No point using the ‘usual’ 5v/1A phone chargers, as you’ll probably be waiting ‘days’ for it to charge.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 29, 2021

Had exactly the same problem, it was the charger as described above by Ken_Griffiths

pmattd wrote:

Had exactly the same problem, it was the charger as described above by Ken_Griffiths

Not quite sure what you are saying here, was it a case that the charger caused the problem with your Roam? If so, perhaps post an image showing it’s spec.

Same like issue. Update then my roam disappeared.  Won't connect and can't be found no matter what I do.  Reset modem. Reset Sonos. Logged in and out secret times. Solid red light

sonsarchangel wrote:

Same like issue. Update then my roam disappeared.  Won't connect and can't be found no matter what I do.  Reset modem. Reset Sonos. Logged in and out secret times. Solid red light

Try holding rear power button for 20+ seconds until the top status LED shows and place on a charger that has a minimum power output of 5v/2A and leave for an hour, then power it on/or repeat the above procedure and see if that brings it back to life.

It won't charge either. And when I get it to turn off it just turns itself on... White flasing for about 45 min.  Then solid red light.    I'll verify the charger I was trying in addition to the wireless Sonos I bought with it

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 38 replies
  • July 27, 2021
Savershim wrote:

Hello all, I think I got a faulty Roam, it was working fine till today, the led light flashes red, if I hook it to the charger, its a solid red. I’ve tried to reset it by long oressing all the buttons to no avail, unfortunately it seems Sonos has no customer service over the weekend in the US, anyone run into this issue? Any thoughts on gow to fix it, or am I stuck with a faulty Roam? Thanks in advance!

1) I have the same problem, red led light at the bottom flashing for more than 6 day  unable to reset or power off or able to play . Contacted support by email and they promised to call tomorrow. 2) Since buying this item 2 months ago already seen faults like poor Charing , takes over a day to charge full using  Sonos roam  cable and ac ac wall socket plus also using Sonos roam wireless charger takes longer . No fixed to-date. 3) developed fault after a while music should goes up and down . 4) intermittently lock freezes and cant rest or power down . 

  1. when fully charged and then not used after 2 day it shows no power ie it cannot hold charge even after 2 day , I was told by Sonos tech support iris because it is designed to by Sonos to constant monitoring and Chevy with the router vm even when fully powered off , hence this takes power / bad design we are loosing power on my expense 

this product is badly designed and unreliable . I have been using other excellent potable  blue tooth speakers over 4 years , JBL flip , Marshal and Bose , have not had any problems with them and all of the still hold full charge even when not in use for S3Hs month and ready to go power os available which is not there on the roam , it runs out of juice : peer after 2 day even when not used 



Been charging for 3 days, using same charger Ive been using, only happens when it goes completely dead. 

  • 42584 replies
  • October 25, 2021

What are the specs of your charger? Specifically, voltage and amperage, and if you’re connecting it directly, or using the conductive charger from Sonos?

12volt , not charging on wireless charger either

Been happening since last beta update

  • 42584 replies
  • October 25, 2021

What about amperage? It’s kind of equally as important. All the voltage in the world won’t make a difference across a 1 amp connection. 


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