Beyond thrilled to receive the new Sonos Arc. True played my room and I have loudness on as well connected to LG B8 using Tidal and Spotify. Most of the sound range is phenomenal, aside from the bass. At even half volume the woofers are extremely muddy and sound terrible. Not sure if this is because I have under two hours of use but I wasn’t expecting to have to break-in the speaker. I own set of speakers next to it in the same room (KEF LS50W) and the difference is night and day. There have also been posts on Reddit regarding this issue. It is interesting given no reviewers have mentioned this issue but more than a few recipients have. Has anyone else experienced similar issues? Turning loudness off helps but it is disappointing for such a highly anticipated product.
- Community
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- Sonos Arc Muddy/Bottoming out Bass
Sonos Arc Muddy/Bottoming out Bass
- June 10, 2020
- 1406 replies
- Enthusiast II
- 32 replies
Best answer by Scott - Sonos
Hello everyone. I’m a product manager at Sonos. Thank you for sharing your experiences with Arc. The development team is monitoring this community and listening to your feedback.
As we do with all Sonos products, we’ll continue to improve the experience for Arc through numerous software updates into the future. Last week we issued our first update (12.0.1) to fix a bug some customers were experiencing with low-frequency distortion at higher volumes.
If you have specific music tracks or timestamps for TV shows and movies that you want to bring to our attention, please use this form. It is helpful if you can submit a diagnostic when you’re listening to the content. Instructions for doing so can be found here.
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1406 replies
- Lyricist III
- 9 replies
- June 26, 2020
Just talked to couple guys at Best Buy and they mentioned they have spoken to SONOS about this (they are well aware of the complaints on this board) and everything they heard was basically the lot of you got a “bad production”. Take it for what its worth
I wouldn’t believe anything the guys at Best Buy said
- Enthusiast I
- 56 replies
- June 27, 2020
Sonos or other people shouldn’t be surprised to see negative comments about soundbar if the response is the speakers always need adjustments up to a year later to make them sound as advertised
Yes continual improvement and updates should be the mark of failure.
No - don’t agree - continual improvements and updates show progress and support. One reason I have a SONOS ecosystem is because I know there will be continuous updates and improvements. I have purchased other products that stop receiving updates within a year. As I have posted before - My ARC sounds great - no complaints at all - Just watched ‘Enter the Dragon’ - no not ATMOS but still sounded better than my Playbar. Mine is not going back - I know it will just get better. It always has.. I’ve been a fan for 11 years now..
- Enthusiast I
- 56 replies
- June 27, 2020
Interesting. My email to got this response just now.
Thanks for taking the time to reach out to us, we're here to help. This email address is no longer monitored, instead you can reach us by submitting your question via the web at You’ll also find answers to common questions and alternative ways to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Sonos Support
Well they laid off 12% of the workforce. But the stock is rockin.. and the direct to consumer sales are up 400% - this is NOT after the ARC but before - The company has always been solid -
- Enthusiast II
- 164 replies
- June 27, 2020
Are all you getting this - I mobile phone mic can even pick out the distortion - would any of you be happy with this?!?
That’s horr
- Trending Lyricist II
- 66 replies
- June 27, 2020
Interesting. My email to got this response just now.
Thanks for taking the time to reach out to us, we're here to help. This email address is no longer monitored, instead you can reach us by submitting your question via the web at You’ll also find answers to common questions and alternative ways to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Sonos Support
Yeah they are really keeping us up-to-date here… yesterday I turned off my sub just to check: yep still distortion (must say my eq is +5 but my Beam didn’t have any issues with that)
- Enthusiast II
- 105 replies
- June 27, 2020
Sonos or other people shouldn’t be surprised to see negative comments about soundbar if the response is the speakers always need adjustments up to a year later to make them sound as advertised
Yes continual improvement and updates should be the mark of failure.
No - don’t agree - continual improvements and updates show progress and support. One reason I have a SONOS ecosystem is because I know there will be continuous updates and improvements. I have purchased other products that stop receiving updates within a year. As I have posted before - My ARC sounds great - no complaints at all - Just watched ‘Enter the Dragon’ - no not ATMOS but still sounded better than my Playbar. Mine is not going back - I know it will just get better. It always has.. I’ve been a fan for 11 years now..
this isn’t a dig honestly but can you hear the problem on my video just because ears hear things differently - if you can hear it then I’m more and more believing hardware faults on some units
- Trending Lyricist I
- 27 replies
- June 27, 2020
Sonos or other people shouldn’t be surprised to see negative comments about soundbar if the response is the speakers always need adjustments up to a year later to make them sound as advertised
Yes continual improvement and updates should be the mark of failure.
No - don’t agree - continual improvements and updates show progress and support. One reason I have a SONOS ecosystem is because I know there will be continuous updates and improvements. I have purchased other products that stop receiving updates within a year. As I have posted before - My ARC sounds great - no complaints at all - Just watched ‘Enter the Dragon’ - no not ATMOS but still sounded better than my Playbar. Mine is not going back - I know it will just get better. It always has.. I’ve been a fan for 11 years now..
this isn’t a dig honestly but can you hear the problem on my video just because ears hear things differently - if you can hear it then I’m more and more believing hardware faults on some units
That sound is an issue: no doubt. I Just listened to that scene on my arc and have to say that it doesn’t sound brilliant as tight as I would like but nothing like as bad as your recording.
i am not sure of your recording is making it sound worse: I can see how a recording of mid could end up sounding like yours.
I am running it from Apple TV using the latest “fix” update on Sonos.
- Enthusiast II
- 105 replies
- June 27, 2020
Sonos or other people shouldn’t be surprised to see negative comments about soundbar if the response is the speakers always need adjustments up to a year later to make them sound as advertised
Yes continual improvement and updates should be the mark of failure.
No - don’t agree - continual improvements and updates show progress and support. One reason I have a SONOS ecosystem is because I know there will be continuous updates and improvements. I have purchased other products that stop receiving updates within a year. As I have posted before - My ARC sounds great - no complaints at all - Just watched ‘Enter the Dragon’ - no not ATMOS but still sounded better than my Playbar. Mine is not going back - I know it will just get better. It always has.. I’ve been a fan for 11 years now..
this isn’t a dig honestly but can you hear the problem on my video just because ears hear things differently - if you can hear it then I’m more and more believing hardware faults on some units
That sound is an issue: no doubt. I Just listened to that scene on my arc and have to say that it doesn’t sound brilliant as tight as I would like but nothing like as bad as your recording.
i am not sure of your recording is making it sound worse: I can see how a recording of mid could end up sounding like yours.
I am running it from Apple TV using the latest “fix” update on Sonos.
It sounds exactly like that in real life - I too using Apple tv4k Netflix and latest fix from sonos
- Enthusiast II
- 105 replies
- June 27, 2020
How are people getting on with Sonos ‘support’ - tbf they are emailing me once a day with things to try today it was try turning trueplay and loudness off… same drive clip just as horrible but have to get the volume 5 higher before it starts…..
- Trending Lyricist I
- 34 replies
- June 27, 2020
Found a new problematic film please can someone who claims the issue has gone try it? Go on Netflix and find their film ‘DRIVE’ I think it’s Bollywood anyway 35:00 listen around 30% the right bass sounds good how you’d expect it - now up to 60% it sounds worse than the original toy story sound? Can someone try this except me? Cheers
Just tried this and its absolutely faultless, actually sounds pretty phenomenal. Guys this HAS to be a hardware problem. Im actually anxious about updating to the latest s/w version as I bet it will make it worse.
- Enthusiast II
- 105 replies
- June 27, 2020
Found a new problematic film please can someone who claims the issue has gone try it? Go on Netflix and find their film ‘DRIVE’ I think it’s Bollywood anyway 35:00 listen around 30% the right bass sounds good how you’d expect it - now up to 60% it sounds worse than the original toy story sound? Can someone try this except me? Cheers
Just tried this and its absolutely faultless, actually sounds pretty phenomenal. Guys this HAS to be a hardware problem. Im actually anxious about updating to the latest s/w version as I bet it will make it worse.
You are running over half volume if you go into the app (maybe 60%?) trueplay and loudness on with NO sub?
- Trending Lyricist I
- 34 replies
- June 27, 2020
Found a new problematic film please can someone who claims the issue has gone try it? Go on Netflix and find their film ‘DRIVE’ I think it’s Bollywood anyway 35:00 listen around 30% the right bass sounds good how you’d expect it - now up to 60% it sounds worse than the original toy story sound? Can someone try this except me? Cheers
Just tried this and its absolutely faultless, actually sounds pretty phenomenal. Guys this HAS to be a hardware problem. Im actually anxious about updating to the latest s/w version as I bet it will make it worse.
You are running over half volume if you go into the app (maybe 60%?) trueplay and loudness on with NO sub?
no with sub at any volume my ears could tolerate, I can try without sub but the thing just sounds awful without, but so did the beam tbf, its unreal the difference sub makes to the soundbars sound signature, almost as if they were completely designed to work in tandem
- Trending Lyricist I
- 34 replies
- June 27, 2020
Found a new problematic film please can someone who claims the issue has gone try it? Go on Netflix and find their film ‘DRIVE’ I think it’s Bollywood anyway 35:00 listen around 30% the right bass sounds good how you’d expect it - now up to 60% it sounds worse than the original toy story sound? Can someone try this except me? Cheers
Just tried this and its absolutely faultless, actually sounds pretty phenomenal. Guys this HAS to be a hardware problem. Im actually anxious about updating to the latest s/w version as I bet it will make it worse.
You are running over half volume if you go into the app (maybe 60%?) trueplay and loudness on with NO sub?
ok just tried without sub, and aside from there being a disappointing lack of bass, the distortion is there, but nothing like the level you are experiencing, and this is pre update. whether sub is masking the issue, or stoping arc from reproducing them I don't know, but I suspect the latter.
- Trending Lyricist II
- 66 replies
- June 27, 2020
Found a new problematic film please can someone who claims the issue has gone try it? Go on Netflix and find their film ‘DRIVE’ I think it’s Bollywood anyway 35:00 listen around 30% the right bass sounds good how you’d expect it - now up to 60% it sounds worse than the original toy story sound? Can someone try this except me? Cheers
Just tried this and its absolutely faultless, actually sounds pretty phenomenal. Guys this HAS to be a hardware problem. Im actually anxious about updating to the latest s/w version as I bet it will make it worse.
With sub I can push up to 80% with ease (eq bass +6) when watching 6 Underground intro. No problem at all, also with music, . Turn the sub off → problems
- Enthusiast II
- 105 replies
- June 27, 2020
That’s the problem though guys all the reviews said it has so much bass it doesn’t need a sub unless you are listening at high volumes and as you have rightly said the bass isn’t much more than a beam - and the beam doesn’t distort… so why is this over twice the price for a little extra length?
- Trending Lyricist I
- 34 replies
- June 27, 2020
That’s the problem though guys all the reviews said it has so much bass it doesn’t need a sub unless you are listening at high volumes and as you have rightly said the bass isn’t much more than a beam - and the beam doesn’t distort… so why is this over twice the price for a little extra length?
I agree with you, as a standalone, I would expect WAY more, anybody that says a sub isn't needed really hasn't heard the it, it isn't even slightly comparable, and it isn't just the bass, the mids are smoother and better articulated.
- Trending Lyricist I
- 34 replies
- June 27, 2020
Found a new problematic film please can someone who claims the issue has gone try it? Go on Netflix and find their film ‘DRIVE’ I think it’s Bollywood anyway 35:00 listen around 30% the right bass sounds good how you’d expect it - now up to 60% it sounds worse than the original toy story sound? Can someone try this except me? Cheers
Just tried this and its absolutely faultless, actually sounds pretty phenomenal. Guys this HAS to be a hardware problem. Im actually anxious about updating to the latest s/w version as I bet it will make it worse.
With sub I can push up to 80% with ease (eq bass +6) when watching 6 Underground intro. No problem at all, also with music, . Turn the sub off → problems
Did you update?, if so any difference with sub and surrounds?
- Trending Lyricist II
- 66 replies
- June 27, 2020
Found a new problematic film please can someone who claims the issue has gone try it? Go on Netflix and find their film ‘DRIVE’ I think it’s Bollywood anyway 35:00 listen around 30% the right bass sounds good how you’d expect it - now up to 60% it sounds worse than the original toy story sound? Can someone try this except me? Cheers
Just tried this and its absolutely faultless, actually sounds pretty phenomenal. Guys this HAS to be a hardware problem. Im actually anxious about updating to the latest s/w version as I bet it will make it worse.
With sub I can push up to 80% with ease (eq bass +6) when watching 6 Underground intro. No problem at all, also with music, . Turn the sub off → problems
Did you update?, if so any difference with sub and surrounds?
Yep I did update. But i still think the Arc is missing midrange.
surrounds sound just fine with the sub turned on.
- Lyricist II
- 4 replies
- June 29, 2020
Nothing new but another review confirming the bass/tin sound issues that the users have been experiencing: Rtings Review
- Headliner I
- 648 replies
- June 29, 2020
Nothing new but another review confirming the bass/tin sound issues that the users have been experiencing: Rtings Review
Review was before 12.0.1 update, also without a Sub.
- Lyricist II
- 4 replies
- June 29, 2020
Nothing new but another review confirming the bass/tin sound issues that the users have been experiencing: Rtings Review
Review was before 12.0.1 update, also without a Sub.
Yup - hopefully they will update the review soon. However, it’s the first time I’ve seen a reviewer acknowledge the bright/metallic sound signature.
- Enthusiast II
- 105 replies
- June 29, 2020
Nothing new but another review confirming the bass/tin sound issues that the users have been experiencing: Rtings Review
Review was before 12.0.1 update, also without a Sub.
And? It should be able to stand up without the sub as so many of the original reviews and reviewers said? Also the Playable which it replaces had phenomenal bass in comparison and didn't have these issues.
The 12.0.1 fixed one frequency band but the issue is still massively prominent. watch Drive on Netflix without a sub 35:00 exactly 60% volume, you will see it was not fixed just temporarily botched.
- Lyricist II
- 4 replies
- June 29, 2020
Nothing new but another review confirming the bass/tin sound issues that the users have been experiencing: Rtings Review
Review was before 12.0.1 update, also without a Sub.
And? It should be able to stand up without the sub as so many of the original reviews and reviewers said? Also the Playable which it replaces had phenomenal bass in comparison and didn't have these issues.
The 12.0.1 fixed one frequency band but the issue is still massively prominent. watch Drive on Netflix without a sub 35:00 exactly 60% volume, you will see it was not fixed just temporarily botched.
I can confirm this - huge difference in bass response when I turn off the sub.
- Headliner I
- 648 replies
- June 29, 2020
And? It should be able to stand up without the sub as so many of the original reviews and reviewers said? Also the Playable which it replaces had phenomenal bass in comparison and didn't have these issues.
In comparison to 12.0.0 or 12.0.1? Have you read the Playbar review on rtings site?
- Enthusiast II
- 105 replies
- June 29, 2020
And? It should be able to stand up without the sub as so many of the original reviews and reviewers said? Also the Playable which it replaces had phenomenal bass in comparison and didn't have these issues.
In comparison to 12.0.0 or 12.0.1? Have you read the Playbar review on rtings site?
I’m not sure what you mean but I am saying 12.0.1 still is riddled with issues, yes it fixed a particular frequency i.e the toystory bass issue but its still heavily prevalent when you don't have a sub, Eminem - Without Me over 50% for example and the film I mentioned. But I watched rampage yesterday any deep explosion scene the bass just caves and sounds horrible even if it is only a couple of seconds at a time.
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