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Would appreciate it if you would make it possible to revert to the previous version of the app.  The new app is terrible with many previously existing features missing.  I really regret having updated.

See this post


New App is horrible.  I’ve lost some very basic functions and overall usability has suffered.

I have a couple Sonos One’s, a mini sub and a Move.  I mostly use the Move as I can take it with me throughout the house.

Move functions/functionality lost:

Battery % can only been seen by navigating all the way into the product

Numerical volume display is gone

If I change the music selection while listening to the Move, the app will automatically select the rest of the system forcing me to go in a unselect the One’s and mini sub. Typically I’m in my office listening to the Move and my wife will be asking why am I listening to music in the living room when I’m in the office!!

System functions lost:

If I’m listening to the entire system and want to change volume, I used to just move the volume slide and the rest of the system would pop up.  Now I have to click the system button at the bottom to get the entire system volume to pop up.

Every time I open the app it defaults to selecting one of my Sonos one’s even if the the Move is already playing.  It won’t detect that the Move is playing music so I have to deselect the One and reselect the Move.

I love Sonos because it doesn’t compromise on build or sound quality.  You pay for this quality, but you get the best.  So I’m baffled as to why an app upgrade that's a half-baked piece of garbage was released.

Please reinstate the old version until you fix the new app. 

I just read the Verge article where Sonos leadership calls themselves “courageous”.

I don’t mind change. I even look forward to OS updates, because it feels like getting a new phone. But I do wish Sonos had been courageous enough to tell us that we would be losing functionality; we were only told that the new app was “better” and “easier to use” and it certainly isn’t. I used the alarm function literally every day. I sincerely would have appreciated the choice to stay on the old app. The help desk person was certainly charming and sympathetic, but could only advise that I switch to the computer app. So much for ease of use.