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Unable to play X - and the song is not encoded correctly

I was getting this error from time to time, but now I'm getting it on 3/4 of songs... Seems random, as sometimes a song that was working fine would refuse to play and start showing this error (or vice versa). 

My music source is YouTube Music. I've tried rebooting the speaker, reinstalling te app, rebooting the Wi-Fi router, etc. Also tried using an ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi. Nothing seems to work. 

Diagnostic number : 1167656549

Screenshot :

Thanks in advance! 


The issue I have (sounds like it is similar to others on this thread) is that playlists or songs from Amazon that I saved a while ago are now not playing and have an error saying the song isn't encoded correctly.  Current playlists will play. Seems maybe the playlist points to a file that has been changed on Amazon.  Really could do with a quick way to re add songs to playlists in order to get the 'new' song location.  Or for it to be fixed within Sonos or Amazon. I've also tried re-adding Amazon music in the app, but without success.  Songs in the playlists that are saved locally still play, it just skips any that are streamed from Amazon.

It seems Amazon are switching their ‘standard music account users’ over to their HD/UltraHD services at no extra charge to the customer, so I wonder if that’s the reason🤔? …and that some of the older saved playlist shortcuts are pointing to tracks that have been updated to higher resolution audio, but the shortcut should be sending the Sonos Speaker the original (lower bitrate) version. but is somehow getting ‘confused’ …causing these ‘occasional’ (saved playlist) errors.

I’ve seen some users here say they’ve re-added/saved their tracks/playlists again and that they then work okay. So maybe its a problem with some old shortcut links to some files on the Amazon servers… just a guess 🤔?

I’ve been subscribed to the Amazon HD/UltraHD Unlimited service since it was first launched, so maybe that’s perhaps why I’m not (yet) encountering this issue too (possibly).

I’ve had the same exact issue over the last day or so with Amazon Music. Based on our recent posts, there must have been an issue either with Amazon introducing HD (like eworthi said), or with some other software update. However, I just unplugged my Sonos bridge, unplugged and restarted my router, and then plugged Sonos back in, and so far (fingers crossed) it seems to now be working.

Good luck!


same problem for free sonos radio, it seems Sonos internal problem. 


I’ve had the same exact issue over the last day or so with Amazon Music. Based on our recent posts, there must have been an issue either with Amazon introducing HD (like eworthi said), or with some other software update. However, I just unplugged my Sonos bridge, unplugged and restarted my router, and then plugged Sonos back in, and so far (fingers crossed) it seems to now be working.

Good luck!


same problem for free sonos radio, it seems Sonos internal problem. 


I’m curious to know what Sonos said about your issue, after supplying them a diagnostic and calling in?

 I checked my emails and my Amazon music account has been automatically updated to include Amazon Music HD.

I have just had the following from Sonos support


"We have noticed issues with the old playlists after updating to Amazon Music HD.

We have two workarounds, either re-create the Sonos playlist by searching for the respective Amazon music content and adding it to a new Sonos Playlist or re-create the playlist on Amazon Music Natively.

This is an uncommon issue that our team is aware of working to address in a future software release."

I’ve had the same problem getting ‘file not encoded properly’ error message. My source files are .wav, created either from an LP recording device or Audacity, or in some cases recording sessions.   I think my device is an A100.   Know less than nothing about the technical stuff, but in reading this trail it feels like Sonos devices return this encoding error message from many different sources.   Assuming those source devices work fine with other players, it feels illogical to suspect they are all the cause.  Doesn’t it seem more likely the coding error problem may have to do with the Sonos devices?  Or perhaps some of the technology the Sonos devices are using?   I spent a year recording my LP collection and gave the vinyl away over a year ago thinking I’d still be able to listen to the music.  Sad my only playback is Windows Media Player, and empathize with the other writers in this trail.  Wouldn’t it be be great if Sonos  figures this out; and have been hoping some update will bring this music back!!!

Sonos has always had a published list of file types it can read, as noted in the supported audio formats FAQ. Sonos has never been able to read all music formats. in most cases, the responsibility lies with the streaming company to provide files that match these requirements, one of the reasons that most streaming companies have separate end points for Sonos to reach out to. But in the case of local files, it’s unfortunate that you weren’t able to test before giving away your collection. 

If I were to guess, when you ripped these files, you likely chose a bit rate that was higher than Sonos can read. Many people assume higher is better, but that is not always the case. 

Thanks very much Airgetiam!

That is very interesting.  One thing I should have mentioned is that a very few of the LP recordings do work, which doesn’t make sense to me if they are all from the same recording device (no provision to specify/alter output type).  Working files seem to be much shorter duration—under 3 minutes (some of the other files are as much as 15-20 min and some Wagner and others are off duration charts).  I made the LP recordings with the base model of the ION recording turntable and need to check output specs.   For some of the live recordings I used the H2 Handy recorder and I know I designated  bit rate over 16.   Have also noted in a quick search that it seems to be possible to convert .wav to lower bit rate.  With over 1K files would be big job but no need to do them all at once and could tag filename.   I still wouldn’t want to discourage Sonos from broadening playback capacity that seems to affect many, but realize companies need to measure use of resources.   Anyway, thanks very much for feedback, and if I come up with anything that may be of more general interest may chime in again.


I unfortunately don’t have any personal experience in ‘down-rezzing’ files, but I would assume you could just save them as a slightly different name, and do a few as a test, it should likely work. 

I’d agree, there’s always the opportunity for more from Sonos speakers, but also recognize the cost of effort versus the benefit to the largest population of users. And frankly. Sonos has long been a non-supporter of high-rez, since the science shows there is no audible benefits, so there’s less of a chance that they’ll expend a lot of energy in that direction. Not impossible, though. 


My Sonos just succeeded in playing a file that had not previously worked.   I loaded the .wav into Audacity, and executed EXPORT/EXPORT MULTIPLE.  Resulting display offers a Format option—I selected 16 bit WAV, then clicked on EXPORT (directed to destination folder with original file, but renamed the export file).  Then I needed to open Sonos app and remove the master folder that is supposed to include the newly formatted file, and then add it back in.   (I tried an option under ‘manage’ that sounded like it would update new files but couldn’t make that work.  It would be nice to know if that ‘manage’ function does work and how to make that happen--because the reconnecting procedure is time consuming).   Only then did the new file show up in the Sonos app, and it played right away.

While it will be a long time before all my files are likely to be converted, this is great news for me, and hope it helps others.   Thanks very much, Airgetiam!!


Delighted that you’ve achieved success! At least now, with a bunch of extra work, you’ll be able to get back to being able to play your stored music. 


Sama encoding issue with apple music, amazon and spotify. So annoying. This just started happening to me 2 months ago. I did a wireless refresh and still same encoding and random so g skip issue.

What did Sonos say, after you submitted a diagnostic, and you contacted them?

Same here with Tidal. It coincided with Tidal offering Hi-fi quality to Standard subscribers. 

I raised the issue with Tidal support; they suggested rebooting Sonos and the router, but it did not fix the issue - still getting the ‘not encoded correctly’ message.

I have the same “not encoded correctly” issue on spotify and tidal streaming services. Playlists that we have been using for a year all of the sudden no longer work after the most recent update. This has been happening only within the last month. I will be submitting a diagnostic. I have unplugged every speaker, then rebooted the router and sequentially plugged back in all devices to no avail. This is definitely a sonos issue.

I have just started encountering the “encoding” issue on my Christmas playlist.  The playlist is imported from my laptop which stores all my music.  The music files are a mixture of songs downloaded from Itunes or from CD’s (via) my Laptop and added to the my Itunes Christmas playlist.

Its infuriating !


Any thoughts ?


When you’re seeing it from local files, it would suggest a certain amount of wifi interference, either between the Sonos and your router, or the laptop and the router, or both. 

Before I submitted a diagnostic, I’d test by unplugging all Sonos devices from power, and shutting down the laptop. While they’re powered down, I’d reboot my router. Once the router comes back up, I’d power on the laptop first, then plug in the Sonos devices, and test to see if that error goes away. 

Oh, that process would not only be working for WiFi, but also if it was completely wired, too, as it’s intended to fix a basic network issue that applies to both.

Thanks for the prompt reply Airgetlam.

I'll give it a whirl, once I've overcome the Christmas festivities and report back.

Thanks again.

There seems to be an issue with SONOS streaming. I see there has been postings on this forum that are similar symptoms as I am experiencing. Music stops and "the song is not encoded correctly" is displayed on the SONOS app for Windows. Then next song starts to play after several seconds. SONOS Controller for PC Version 13.4.1. Speakers used and displaying this issue are wired ethernet so no WiFi issues.

Diagnostics sent: Your confirmation number is: 1173691071.

This is exactly my experience in terms of the practical terms my Sonos runs on WiFi.

I’m getting sick of this. Every time a Sonos update, same issue, and always blaming streaming service.

Songs starts playing absolutely fine then part way through stops with errors not encoded correctly. Same on next song, it’s playing fine then just stops midway through not encoded correctly. Was working fine yesterday, today after update, it’s broken again. 


I can’t see me buying Sonos again, i’m fed up of issues just trying to get it to play my music - shouldn’t be this hard.

If i use web app the steaming service strangely enough works just fine through my pc speakers.

I have to patience is running out with Sonos. 

There seems to be an issue with SONOS streaming. I see there has been postings on this forum that are similar symptoms as I am experiencing. Music stops and "the song is not encoded correctly" is displayed on the SONOS app for Windows. Then next song starts to play after several seconds. SONOS Controller for PC Version 13.4.1. Speakers used and displaying this issue are wired ethernet so no WiFi issues.

Diagnostics sent: Your confirmation number is: 1173691071.

My issue was only with one speaker, a SONOS Five. If I unplugged my SONOS Five and PING that assigned IP address I was still getting a response! My issue was due to an IP address conflict. I solved the issue by logging into my router and finding the conflicting device on my local network. Once I forced the other device to use a different unassigned IP address the streaming problem with my SONOS Five went away. Hope this helps, you problem may be similar to mine.

My issue was only with one speaker, a SONOS Five. If I unplugged my SONOS Five and PING that assigned IP address I was still getting a response! My issue was due to an IP address conflict. I solved the issue by logging into my router and finding the conflicting device on my local network. Once I forced the other device to use a different unassigned IP address the streaming problem with my SONOS Five went away. Hope this helps, you problem may be similar to mine.


In my 14 years posting here, I’ve found IP conflicts are the cause of 98% of all problems, despite the protests of “My network is fine!”. 

I’d have to concur. It’s unfortunate that most routers do not have a better facility to point out the issue.