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I have several imported playlists that have a lot more songs in the Sonos queue compared to the playlist.  For example, I have a playlist (Rock Unrated) that has 558 songs.  When I start the imported playlist in Sonos, the queue says it has 48,546 songs. Another playlist has 321 songs, but when played on Sonos the queue has 56,496 songs.

I created the auto playlist in Musicbee.  The playlist is then exported to a M3U file that Sonos imports.

This only happens when I start the playlist with my iPhone Sonos app.  If I start the imported playlist with the Windows Sonos software, it has the correct number of songs.    

Hi ​@Rstar 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Sorry to hear of this issue you are having with your playlist being added to the queue multiple times.

We are aware of the issue and are investigating, though I have no estimate for when a fix might be put in place. I will update this thread when I hear of it, however.

In the meantime, I believe that if you use the 3-dot menu and the Play Now option, it will work as expected. 

I hope this helps.

Thank you for the details that the issue is being investigated!

I tried the “3-dot menu and the Play Now option”, but I get an “unable to play content” message that pops up on my screen momentarily, and the playlist doesn’t start.  

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Hi ​@Rstar 

If Play Now also does not work as expected, does Add to Queue?
