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Does anyone know if it's possible to add all the results from a search "on this mobile device" to the queue at once? I assumed maybe it would load all the tracks if i just started to play one but it doesn't. It only adds that one track and starts playing it. I'm problaby just looking in the wrong place or missing something because it most be possible right? Looks like a basic function to me. 

Adding all the tracks one by one is not very user-friendly. 

I'm on android and have the S2 app.


Hi @SleepyRobot 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

It depends on what you are searching (if you search an Artist, for example, you can add all their albums to the queue), but if, as I suspect, you are searching for track titles, then there is no way to do as you describe - only if multiple tracks are within one search result entry can you add multiple tracks to the queue. You cannot add multiple search results to the queue in one go.

I hope this answers your question.



Hello Corry,


Thank you for the reply.

I'm indeed searching for tracks for with something common in the title like the name of the remixer for example Simon Templar Remix. I then get several tracks with this in the name but i couldn't add them al in one go to the queue.