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Boost missing from the app

Hi, my boost is missing from the app, any fixes for this? Tried the normal reset. Thanks

Best answer by buzz

BOOST has little purpose in your system. I suggest that you power down BOOST. If the system works satisfactorily, recycle BOOST. BOOST was very useful for early SONOS when consumer WiFi was not as advanced as is current WiFi. “Mesh” is a current bragging point for WiFi. SONOS, at inception in 2005, was mesh. BOOST was useful to support the SONOS mesh, but was often not needed. Most of the units in your system profile are ignoring the SONOS mesh and use WiFi.

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13 replies

  • 23891 replies
  • Answer
  • November 4, 2024

BOOST has little purpose in your system. I suggest that you power down BOOST. If the system works satisfactorily, recycle BOOST. BOOST was very useful for early SONOS when consumer WiFi was not as advanced as is current WiFi. “Mesh” is a current bragging point for WiFi. SONOS, at inception in 2005, was mesh. BOOST was useful to support the SONOS mesh, but was often not needed. Most of the units in your system profile are ignoring the SONOS mesh and use WiFi.

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • November 5, 2024

H Buzz thanks for the info. Can I just ask when you say most of them, is there any in particular that I should watch out for that would have used Boost? Thanks 

  • 23891 replies
  • November 5, 2024

This article includes a list of products that don’t support SonosNet.

  • Lead Maestro
  • 11223 replies
  • November 6, 2024

I don’t have a list but you could look at the WiFi standards the Boost supports and what standards your other Sonos support and see which would have a better connection by going to your WiFi than the older Boost.

Same thing for SonosNet v2, for almost everyone WiFi is a better option today. Don’t even consider the Bridge and v1.

  • 42556 replies
  • November 6, 2024

I’m a little confused by that response. The BOOST is a SonosNet v2 product, it doesn’t ’support’ any WiFi standards. 

  • Lead Maestro
  • 11223 replies
  • November 6, 2024

I don’t think I’m confused.

Dug my Boost out of the junk drawer to get the FFC ID number.

802.11b/g/n (3x3) 2.4GHz WIRELESS ROUTER


I’m not good at reading the FCC filings but I think this is the older Bridge.

 IEEE 802.11b ; OFDM for IEEE 802.11g (from Radio Test Report)


Not sure if this is the Arc Ultra but it seems to be:

Can’t find a list of the WiFi standards but if you look down the list of documents you will see some. They also appear to be in here:

  • 42556 replies
  • November 6, 2024

Connect that BOOST, see which WiFi standards it supports in the Sonos application interface. 

I’d agree that it does use v2 SonosNet signals parallel to WiFi , but would argue that they aren’t ‘seen’ or ‘supported’ by WiFi standards. Given that they’re equivalent to WiFi, there can be interference, but they don’t act as ‘extenders’ for standard WiFi signals, but do act as ‘extenders’ for SonosNet signals. 

I think we’re discussing minutiae here…they are somewhat ‘WiFi’ devices, which do use standard WiFi signals to communicate with SonosNet devices, but the nature of the signal is slightly different, since it can’t be ‘seen’. But given that it is a radio signal, and the same frequencies as standard WiFi, it can certainly interfere. But as you can’t ‘access’ any of that in the Sonos controller, beyond what ‘channel’ it uses, I’d suggest that for most people, it isn’t a true ‘WiFi’ device. From an engineering standpoint, it is. From a user standpoint, I’d suggest it isn’t. Potato, potato, as it were ;)

  • Lead Maestro
  • 11223 replies
  • November 6, 2024

Didn’t Sonos offer an option to make Sonosnet visible to other WiFi devices by un-hiding the SSID? Maybe five years back?

  • 42556 replies
  • November 6, 2024

It was, if memory serves, visible for Android only, until some point in time when it was ‘hidden’. Not sure if that was at Google’s behest, or something Sonos did. But I don’t believe at any point other devices than an Android mobile device could connect to the SonosNet signal. @ratty or @buzz may have better knowledge on that. 

  • Local Superstar
  • 1731 replies
  • November 6, 2024

Yes, Android devices used to be able to connect to the Sonos SSID, it was very handy but assume a lack of QoS could impact streaming negatively (maybe using the device on heavy bandwidth activities).


What's up with this? Is Boost obsolete or not? I wish we could get an answer on this. 

I have 2 Boosts and they are (were?) essential for getting signal to my upstairs speakers (first gen Ikea lamps and a bookshelf). Now I don't know if there's even any reason to plug the boosts in and my upstairs speakers barely work, so I assume not.

  • 42556 replies
  • December 6, 2024

Obsolete appears to have more than one meaning, in this context. They still work for creating SonosNet v2, if that’s what you’re asking, but are not any longer sold by Sonos. You can get the same affect by wiring an Ethernet cable directly to a Sonos device, if you prefer, and retire the BOOST. 

I don’t currently have a speaker close to my router, so I have a BOOST wired, but then my Sonos Roam, which can’t connect to SonosNet in any way, is very happily connected to my WiFi directly, and plays well with my SonosNet connected speakers. 

  • Lead Maestro
  • 11223 replies
  • December 6, 2024

Boost - Maybe dated, not obsolete?

Look at the WiFi modes the Boost supports and compare that to the more recent Sonos speakers. It is likely you’d get a better WiFi link from a router to speaker connection than going through the Boost.

If the Boost is being used to extend your connection range it is likely going to help but a modern mesh WiFi would likely give better connections.

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