I have a few suggestions regarding search function in the app, and the search engine itself. Using S2 on current ios devices or windows desktop app, sonos software up to date.
- current search in music library is “literal” and only works on exact text matches. Some of my albums/tracks show “piano concerto” and some show “concerto for piano”, and if I input “piano concerto” only tracks with that in the track text appear. In itunes, and most other music apps, if I search for “piano concerto”, both show up.
- when I use the sonos app to search spotify, I can use “piano concerto”, “concerto for piano” or “concerto piano” spotify shows the same results, apparently doing an implict “and”, not simply a literal match.
- possible addition of boolean search so “and” and “or” can be used, or perhaps , or + operators
- there is no search from the edit playlist page in the app, where I would most like to perform a search.
- there doesn’t appear to be a way to search for a combination of artist and track. For example, “Laura Groves infinite wisdom” returns nothing. Nor does “mozart piano sonata”.
I think those would all be worthwhile improvements. Thank you.