Hi, with all of the fall-out from the new Sonos App Launched on 7th May, I’ve had an idea which would certainly address many people’s concerns regarding the new user interface and problems which people are experiencing regarding accessibility and usability. As Background I’m totally blind and a voiceover screen reader user on IOS, so my main concerns relate to accessibility of the new user interface.
Would it be a possibility to have all of the functionality of the new app but with two different user interfaces (contemporary which would be the new redesigned app) and Classic (which would be the old app layout with tabs across the bottom and the same operation as before. In the settings menu, in app preferences the user could select the appropriate interface for them, Contemporary or Classic, and be presented with the app looking and operating in the way they want it. All of the functionality which underpins the new app and the firmwear on each device could be retained and the user could have the user experience they prefer. I know this might cause problems for helpdesk calls, and would take extra time for app developers, but it does seem like a solution to me which would help to reduce long standing customers concerns and frustrations and ultimately would help to rebuild trust with sonos and it’s user base across the world.
What do sonos staff and sonos users think of this suggestion, and would there be a practical way of implementing this. I’d be interested to hear people’s thoughts.