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This was just brought up in a different thread. As all the others have stated in that thread, simply turn off automatic updates. Problem solved. Life will be groovy.

I don’t for the life of me know what the hub bub is with updating the Sonos gear? Maybe my system may differ, but the update takes just a couple minutes of my precious time. It’s just like my iPad, iPhones and any other electronic device; they must stay updated to work smoothly, no?

The updates may be a good thing....while it updates, enjoy the silence. We don’t get much time to do that in this busy busy world.
I wondered the same thing. Is the two minutes of silence really that threatening to your personal ecosystem? You can always decline the update when it prompts you. I’ve never had one run amok on me to the point of needing to post about it.
I wondered the same thing. Is the two minutes of silence really that threatening to your personal ecosystem? You can always decline the update when it prompts you. I’ve never had one run amok on me to the point of needing to post about it.

Two minutes? What kind of serious multi-room installation can be updated in two minutes? If you can update that fast its time to ask yourself if you really even need a 32 zone capable multi-room product like Sonos.
[/quote]Two minutes? What kind of serious multi-room installation can be updated in two minutes? If you can update that fast its time to ask yourself if you really even need a 32 zone capable multi-room product like Sonos.[/quote]

So if I am understanding you correctly, if a consumer is only using this for let’s say a home theater or audio in 4 or 5 rooms of their home, it is not worth buying? You’re saying that Sonos is only “worth” it if you are installing in an office building or public venue settings? If this is what you are alluding too, that’s the most preposterous thing I have ever heard. This is BY FAR the easiest multi room audio source in the world. It should not matter if you have a single Play 1 or 32 Play 5s. It’s convenience and quality that attracts the Sonos market.

I will keep in mind your reasoning though the next time I am shopping for a car. There surely is no need to buy a vehicle with a 32 gallon gas tank if I only drive the vehicle in town for errands. You may have just saved me a boat load of money and also 15% on my car insurance!
lol. Pretty sure his comment was in jest. I just got my RV set ready for the road and had to update the four pieces after their long winter's nap and all ten pieces updated in just a couple of minutes with barely any input from me. I couldn't be more thrilled with the update process.
I've used Sonos for a pretty long time, probably 5 years now. I have to say I _totally_ agree with the OP here There are far too many updates. Typically, I am required to take the update because I want to add a speaker. I often need to re-add a speaker because I've moved the speaker or the speaker has lost power. For example I power off my entertainment center via switch on surge suppressor. Sometimes Sonos will add the component back but most of the time I need to install the update, press the speaker button, go back to me PC, press the speaker button, etc. And now I need to remember a password as well? OMFG. All in all it is constant drip drip drop of annoyance. I retrospect I regret the purchase, I should have spent the money on a wired system.
There is absolutely no reason why you need to add a speaker back to the system after moving it. Just plug it in and gfive it a minute or so to re-acclimate. If you constantly need to re-add. then you are suffering from IP conflicts. A network refresh, followed by reserving IP addresses in your router for all Sonos products will solve the problem.
Not sure why DHCP shouldn't "just work" but I will try assigning static IPs to each speaker. Thanks for the tip.
DHCP often doesn't "just work" because many routers don't keep track of the leases that devices have been given if the router is rebooted. For example... some cable modem/router combo devices will reboot if the cable provider does maintenance in the middle of the night. If this happens, your devices still have their leases from before the reboot, but the router has lost track of what has been given out. So the next time a device asks for a lease, the router might be giving that device the address that a different device had received before the router rebooted, causing an IP address conflict.

DHCP reservations (or static DHCP) are usually saved to the router's storage, so they persist across reboots. Some routers even make you assign addresses outside of the normal DHCP pool, so there's not even a remote chance that something else could be given the address.
Part of the reason DHCP doesn't just work for Sonos is because it was designed for individual devices to request an IP address from the router. It didn't matter if the IP changed randomly as the device and router were both happy to deal with that.

With Sonos you are dealing with a mesh of devices that have to have to maintain coordination between themselves over what IP addresses each are using. That means that if the router's DHCP server changes an IP address the router and changed device are good BUT there is no method for DHCP to notify all the other Sonos devices that one of them has been moved to a new address. Electronic confusion ensues.

Assigning a reserved IP address f or each Sonos device keeps this from happening as every time a Sonos device checks the DHCP server it is given the same address and the Sonos mesh is kept happy.

I can't point my finger at anything but I feel like this used to be less of a problem than it has been recently. Maybe Sonos tweaked something and that impacted how fast and well the mesh recovered or maybe something else changed.

I do know it impacts a variety of routers, from inexpensive home ones like an RT-AC66U, mid grade commercial gear like the Ubiquity Edge Routers, and fairly high end NetGate/pfSense routers. That implies it is not a router issue.

Assigning the reserved addresses takes a few minutes and solves many issues. You can even assign names to your Sonos devices so you can browse by name rather than trying to find and browse an ever-changing IP address.
I am definitely forced to pile on. I am a long term user (from the beginning) and Sonos is getting as bad as the Apples and others of the world that believe that constant updates are needed. I have the Play units all over the house and seems like at least once week / every other week I go into a room, tap the button to play and get the darned flashing orange light. Have to go back to the control app and reassign the music to the speakers. Used to be the best IOT toy I had and now it just pees me off as much as my (long ago) beloved Apple stuff does......
I am definitely forced to pile on. I am a long term user (from the beginning) and Sonos is getting as bad as the Apples and others of the world that believe that constant updates are needed. I have the Play units all over the house and seems like at least once week / every other week I go into a room, tap the button to play and get the darned flashing orange light. Have to go back to the control app and reassign the music to the speakers. Used to be the best IOT toy I had and now it just pees me off as much as my (long ago) beloved Apple stuff does......

Sonos does not have weekly updates. Unless there is a bug fix pushed out, they don't even have monthly updates. So you are either exaggerating, or you are participating in a voluntary beta, which by definition requires frequent updates.
Okay fair enough. I exaggerated about updates. I will be more specific. There is at least one update a month however with all of the updates, the platform has become far more unstable than it ever was. Without exaggerating I would say that at least four times per month when I go to use Sonos, it tells me I need to update my controller OR I get the flashing orange light. When I open the controller on my iMac, none of the music sources are selected for the speakers and I need to reselect them. That is at least once a month. So, as a long term (I am sure first wave) user of the devices, there are far far more occasions when I go to just press the play button in a room to listen and I have to go back to the controller and do something. Either an update, a reset or a remapping of my music. Obviously I am not alone as there are many many comments about this exact issue. Sonos is becoming like Apple. Too many peaks and tweaks that affect the stability of the system. For years I could just press PLAY and it plays. Now I am in my shop two floors below my controller (again last night) and pressed play and nothing. Flashing orange light. Went to the controller on my Mac and had to remap Slacker to all of the speakers. Just saying (and not exaggerating).
You have the symptoms of a network problem, specifically dupliicate IP assignments. A network refresh by rebooting every network device, followed by assigning permanent IP addresses to your Sonos units in your router setup, will stop it from happening again. I did this years ago, and never have a problem with updates, even while on beta.
May be the wrong forum but I can't seem to find my way back to the right one. I just updated my CR100 controller and Sonos told me after I updated that it would no longer work after this update. Sonos did not notify me by E-mail or otherwise about this limitation. Sonos should not even permit the update to be installed if it renders the controller unusable. I don't give a flip about Sonos's attitude that a ten year life is adequate. Let me decide that. If you don't want to support it, that's fine but DON'T make it useless without warning me. I am ANGRY at Sonos right now and certainly will not be telling my friends to get a Sonos system!!!!!!! If you had a vintage Volve that you loved, how would you like it if Volvo installed an update on the car's electronics in the guise of a really useful improvement that made the car useless???
May be the wrong forum but I can't seem to find my way back to the right one. I just updated my CR100 controller and Sonos told me after I updated that it would no longer work after this update. Sonos did not notify me by E-mail or otherwise about this limitation. Sonos should not even permit the update to be installed if it renders the controller unusable. I don't give a flip about Sonos's attitude that a ten year life is adequate. Let me decide that. If you don't want to support it, that's fine but DON'T make it useless without warning me. I am ANGRY at Sonos right now and certainly will not be telling my friends to get a Sonos system!!!!!!! If you had a vintage Volve that you loved, how would you like it if Volvo installed an update on the car's electronics in the guise of a really useful improvement that made the car useless???

Dude your cr100s are ******. Hopefully you dont have a large number. Sonos is giving 100 dollar voucher per controller so jump on that while you can.
I must be LAF because apart from the odd drop out which I artribute the nature if my home (4 tmstory townbhose with concrete floors and a singke wifi/boost setup) I’ve had very few issues. There have been a few uodates recently, but not much more than my iphone, laptop and other smart devices jnsist upon. They usually take two to three minutes ansld then the music resumes.
You have the symptoms of a network problem, specifically dupliicate IP assignments. A network refresh by rebooting every network device, followed by assigning permanent IP addresses to your Sonos units in your router setup, will stop it from happening again. I did this years ago, and never have a problem with updates, even while on beta.

Okay, will try static IPs and see what happens. Thanks for the suggest.

What jgatie is saying is extremely good advice. Add all your Sonos devices to your routers DHCP reservation table. It is one of the best things you can ever do, IMHO.

I followed his advice and did it some years ago... I have never had a single problem since, with any of the Sonos updates. My friends and family have done the same with their Sonos systems and it’s the same story for them. Not one single update problem.
Thanks Ken. I have done with with other devices such as my IP security cams and generator monitor. I found the happy spot in my Hitron cable modem to make the reservations however the host names for the Sonos speakers register as 'unknown' and therefore the modem will only make a reservation on one host name called 'unknown'. It is coming to the time to put the darn think into passthrough mode and put a better router in place. It is too bad that static IP addresses cannot be configured at the Sonos devices. My DHCP table is set up to .199 and then my static devices are above that. The advice given by both of you is spot on as the more I observe the problem the more I think my router is dropping the speakers when it renews the leases.
simply turn off automatic updates. Problem solved. Life will be groovy.

ALL UPDATES DISABLED ON ALL DEVICES. Yet...Happened again this morning. iPad, iPhones and any other electronic device; they must stay updated to work smoothly, no?

NO. They do not. How many times do you update your toaster, washing machine, refrigerator, DVD player, television? NEVER. This is an appliance. Not a computer. I bought speakers to listen to music. The system I bought a couple of years ago was fine. I don't need Alexa or any other feature upgrades. Don't force updates on customers.
simply turn off automatic updates. Problem solved. Life will be groovy.

ALL UPDATES DISABLED ON ALL DEVICES. Yet...Happened again this morning.

There hasn't been an update for weeks.

And in case you haven't noticed, Sonos is not a toaster or a washing machine (even though there are many major appliances that require updates nowadays, like refrigerators, TV's and yes, washing machines).
I don’t for the life of me know what the hub bub is with updating the Sonos gear? while it updates, enjoy the silence. We don’t get much time to do that in this busy busy world.

Well isn't life just rosy for you. You obviously don't have kids or other interruptions going on around you.

Music is the thing that calms our house and brings serenity to what is otherwise chaos. All I wanted this morning was some relaxing background music while we get ready for the day.

I'll say again... ALL UPDATES DISABLED ON ALL DEVICES. Yet when I turn Sonos on, at the most critical of times I get interrupted and told "NO MUSIC FOR YOU" (did the soup nazi design this app?)

Click, prompt, ignore, cancel, app shuts down, If say no to either, I get bounced out of the app, or Sonos says, well bad luck for you, we're going to limit your functionality (like no EQ). reopen app, I click update. Device App updates. App shuts down. Reopen app. Now I have to update the controllers. read, curse, accept, waiting to update controller....

Now the wife nagging, go get breakfast ready. Daughter running around agitating, because I'm not getting her breakfast ready and ignoring her. She wants to play with the ipad I'm holding in my hands, so I'm blocking the kid with one hand, holding device in another. Then the TV gets turned on and tantrums now that music overrides the tv speakers.

15 minutes later. The house is at war. So, screw you with your new age mantras. There is no silence when sonos updates. We were a happy household until SONOS put itself first and interrupted us.

Those hipster SONOS coders and their idealistic lifestyles need to understand what goes on in the real world. No doubt their software updates KPI's are being met though, so as long as they're happy. Self centred pricks.
Sonos is not a toaster or a washing machine.

Sonos are speakers. Speakers are an appliance, "like" a toaster. This is called an analogy.