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SONOS are you reading this? Please put the controller queue function back how it was!

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351 replies

  • Lead Maestro
  • 17598 replies
  • December 27, 2016
We all hope but no signs yet.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • December 27, 2016
How has this not been fixed yet.... Unreal.

  • 27696 replies
  • December 27, 2016
James33708 wrote:
How has this not been fixed yet.... Unreal.

Sonos has never said they are going to "fix" anything. Indeed, they designed it this way. You and I may not like that fact, but thinking it is "unreal" that they haven't fixed something which works as designed is stretching logic.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • December 27, 2016
jgatie wrote:
James33708 wrote:
How has this not been fixed yet.... Unreal.

Sonos has never said they are going to "fix" anything. Indeed, they designed it this way. You and I may not like that fact, but thinking it is "unreal" that they haven't fixed something which works as designed is stretching logic.

I totally understand it was designed this way but I can't believe with such an active topic and so many people disgruntled they can't script a simple check box solution for those of us who don't want to replace the queue.

  • 27696 replies
  • December 27, 2016
James33708 wrote:

I totally understand it was designed this way but I can't believe with such an active topic and so many people disgruntled they can't script a simple check box solution for those of us who don't want to replace the queue.

Some believe it will be. Personally, I think Sonos is trying hard to mimic the single user apps, and has abandoned the queue in order to look more like them, regardless of how awkwardly this translates to a multi-room, multi-user environment. Pure speculation here, but I also think this was not driven by engineering, but by marketing, in an overall redesign of their goals. Which is also why I believe we aren't going to see a fix.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • December 27, 2016
jgatie wrote:
James33708 wrote:

I totally understand it was designed this way but I can't believe with such an active topic and so many people disgruntled they can't script a simple check box solution for those of us who don't want to replace the queue.

Some believe it will be. Personally, I think Sonos is trying hard to mimic the single user apps, and has abandoned the queue in order to look more like them, regardless of how awkwardly this translates to a multi-room, multi-user environment. Pure speculation here, but I also think this was not driven by engineering, but by marketing, in an overall redesign of their goals. Which is also why I believe we aren't going to see a fix.

Why would they try to mimic an inferior product? to become more appealing to a larger consumer base that will eventually end up preferring future products from the likes of Google/Apple/Amazon leaving everybody here empty handed?... this is all going BlackBerry... I hope they stop it now before its too late... Sonos, please, add the checkbox while there's time and keep it on track...

  • 27696 replies
  • December 27, 2016
Mauri wrote:

Why would they try to mimic an inferior product? to become more appealing to a larger consumer base that will eventually end up preferring future products from the likes of Google/Apple/Amazon leaving everybody here empty handed?... this is all going BlackBerry... I hope they stop it now before its too late... Sonos, please, add the checkbox while there's time and keep it on track...

I'm not saying I agree with them, I'm only trying to understand why it was done.

  • Lead Maestro
  • 17598 replies
  • December 27, 2016
Yea your preaching to the choir here ... but as jgatie said it isn't a fix. It would now be classified as an added feature unfortunately. I don't think anyone who spends time here has expected to see anything until after betas for alexa integration make there way through first part of year (if they ever back away from from stance of not allowing user customization - which they have given no indication of becoming more flexible on). I'm personally not very hopeful and think it is a big mistake Sonos is making not looking at some type of party mode. Parties and people over is a major source of Sonos word of mouth. And users becoming less prone to sharing the controller with others cuts back on this promotion.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • December 27, 2016
Chris wrote:
And users becoming less prone to sharing the controller with others cuts back on this promotion.

not sure what you mean here... as far as I know, I can't choose not to share the controller, as most my friends have my wifi credentials, the rest is just a stop by the app store... thing is, before I was quite proud of showing my set-up to my friends and letting them play all they want with it, now not so much...
Is there any official way to complain? (in such a way that increases the chances of somebody with decision-making power actually reading it?)

  • Lead Maestro
  • 17598 replies
  • December 27, 2016
I said users less prone to sharing I didn't say you couldn't share. Your agreeing with what I just said - your less prone to sharing.

You could call and complain I guess. Other then that this thread is probably the official complaint thread.

Ryan should be subscribed to it and I guess report to development every so often the general feedback.

  • Avid Contributor I
  • 57 replies
  • January 11, 2017
I agree that the new update is a disaster - we have been loving Sonos and selling it to our friends since 2006, and our house has 7 Sonos player units. I read somewhere that the old functionality is all there, just hidden. Is that true? (If so, it is well hidden.) Simple question - if I am playing a song or an album, and I found another song or album that I want to play NEXT, after this song or album finishes, which happens all the time, how do I do that? Thanks.

  • 27696 replies
  • January 11, 2017
Tap the three dots to the right of the song/album listing. The old menu choices are there.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • January 11, 2017
jgatie wrote:
Tap the three dots to the right of the song/album listing. The old menu choices are there.
Many times I find myself missing the three dots and the current song gets interrupted right away... lately i've been using tap and hold to get to the menu... not sure if its available in all the scenarios, but I find it more reliable in my case (I have a phone with a 4" screen size)... anyway, just another option until we get the option to change the default behavior (hopefully)

Or maybe you could tap your heels together 3 times and say "there's no place like home, there's no place like home..."
None of these convoluted work arounds are really satisfactory. Sonos needs to rethink what they are trying to do with the queue.

Tap n hold works for me. Or the three dots. I use an iPad to control so it's probably easier than a phone.

  • Contributor I
  • 9 replies
  • February 5, 2017
I know I'm late to the party on this topic but have to add my frustration to this new functionality.

It sucks !

I've had my Sonos gear for several years now and love(d) it but after using it recently its really annoying how it now handles adding tracks or entire albums to the queue.

If I tap a track from an album or a playlist it plays it straight away and replaces the queue with the rest of the album/playlist and if it's just that track on the album the queue gets replaced with just one track.

I also keep getting "the queue has been edited. Playing this will replace the queue ?"

I don't want my queue replaced. I just want a track added to the queue and played.

If you tap a track I want a pop up a menu asking what to do - play now, play next, add to end of queue.

And why cant we just have back the option to "add all tracks from this album"

Come on Sonos admit you got it wrong on this one and sort it out please !

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • February 9, 2017
Heavy investment in the system with a 10 room setup. Mostly very happy with it and to laud it to others.... until now!

Totally echo the reply above me. Sonos... you took a system that was intuitive without instructions and buggered it up. Seriously, replacing the entire queue when clicking a single song?!!! What stupid focus group told you to do that? The ones that actually USE the system? I doubt it.

Please put back the 'Add to end of queue' as the default feature (which is how jukeboxes should always work) or at least allow us to select an option as to what we want the default to be (and stick the remainder of the options under the ...) Seriously, you could stack as many options as you want under the ... - play now, play next, add all from here to queue, with a minimum of coding and support most desires.

If I could backout to before this "brilliant" (sarcasm fully intended) feature was included, I would, but a new Sonos purchase FORCES you to update.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 118 replies
  • February 18, 2017
Well I have tried to get used to the new way of selecting music but I have to say that I still hate it. I am using my Sonos less and less as time goes by. If Sonos do not get back to to a consistent method of playing music then it will start to gather dust... might not even make a loss if I decide to sell with the recent price rise coming into force. ?

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • March 21, 2017
For me this is the typical "let's break what works and fix what no one asked to fix" approach seen so often these days just so that it looks like the dev team is constantly working on something. Same shite happened to the Spotify app in which they keep moving buttons and functions around, same shite happened to most apps done by Microsoft. Let people get used to something for a few years and then whack them in the head with changes so they have to unlearn everything they learned so far, only to do the same in a few years.

The main thing that bugs me with this (and "bugs" is an understatement of the century as I'm willing to sell the Sonos and move to something else because of this change) is that it's simply against common sense. You used to be able to tap a song and it would play but also add itself to the end of the queue, now you tap and it replaces the entire queue with whatever list you found the song on. Where's the logic in that? I sort of understand the logic behind replacing the queue if you hit "Play" on a playlist, but not on a single bloody song. Assuming that if I tap a song I'd want to listen to the entire album is going too far, but perhaps acceptable if the album would add itself to the end of the queue (still not the action most people would assign to tapping a song to play). Making the same assumption and at the same time deleting the entire queue is not only too far, but plain stupid and annoying at the same time.

Anyone else figured out if it's doable to roll back to before 6.4?


I signed up for this forum just to make sure they see another disgruntled customer. #BringBackTheQueSonos TWEET THEM!!

  • 31402 replies
  • April 16, 2017
Mrjcbrowninc wrote:
I signed up for this forum just to make sure they see another disgruntled customer. #BringBackTheQueSonos TWEET THEM!!

I suggest you find a more accurate hashtag. The queue is still there. It's the manner in which it's loaded/replaced which has apparently divided opinion.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 118 replies
  • April 16, 2017
How about #HeySonosStoppissingoffyourloyalcustomersbychangingthefunctionalityofthequeuefornoreasonwhenitworkedjustfine

Unfortunately it's all about the 'voice' these days for Sonos, until they realise the limited commands available with voice, as music services are so diverse these days. Voice control should be an add on and not drive the functionality of a controller, hopefully they will realise this one day.

  • Lyricist III
  • 9 replies
  • June 5, 2017
Both my wife and I have fallen out of love with Sonos due to this queue issue. When we bought our first Playbar, we were smitten. We only wanted a TV soundbar, but the wonderful software made us go all-in. We soon had a full 5.1 surround setup and a pair of Play:5s for the the other rooms in our home. Playing a new song required no thought or consideration, just tap and play and it was added to the queue. Now you have to be careful about how you click. We accidentally erased a ques of several dozen songs or more several times now, and since they aren't saved automatically, it's difficult to impossible to rebuild the queue. What a pain in the ass. Sonos, your audio quality is great, but non unparalleled. What set you apart from the crowd was the software, which is now frustrating and inconvenient. We no longer recommend Sonos to our friends and will invest no more into Sonos products until this is fixed. Your competitors are going to move into your space and either eat your lunch or force you to respond to customer needs. Either way, a win for consumers. Perhaps no one realized how vital the "additive queue" functionality was to the pleasure of the Sonos system until it was gone. Sonos sure didn't.

  • Local Superstar
  • 1732 replies
  • June 5, 2017
GHT001x wrote:
Perhaps no one realized how vital the "additive queue" functionality was to the pleasure of the Sonos system until it was gone. Sonos sure didn't.
Plenty of people knew how great and vital it was - and made their feeling very clear. Sonos chose to ignore them completely and not even allow them the option of keeping the same control system.

  • Lyricist III
  • 9 replies
  • June 5, 2017
It's a pretty crappy move by them. Unfortunately for Sonos, it's also a very easily copied feature. Some competitor will figure this out, and then Sonos will be the next Blackberry.

sjw wrote:
Plenty of people knew how great and vital it was - and made their feeling very clear. Sonos chose to ignore them completely and not even allow them the option of keeping the same control system.

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