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I cannot seem to find a way to add songs to playlist in the new app. when I click on the ••• next to a song while another is playing, the only option now appears to be Replace Queue, and no ability to insert the song. what am I missing?

Hi @Sadie bear 

We do not use email as a support channel - unless you replied to an email from us relating to an existing case, no-one will have seen the email you sent. Please contact us via phone or chat instead.

I hope this helps.

I did reply to an email from your department one week ago and never received a response. I even addressed it to the individual that sent me the email. I’ve spent a lot of time sending diagnostic codes only to get no response/ no satisfaction. 

Hi @Sadie bear 

Understood - it looks like Unal might be off work at the moment, but someone else should have picked up your case by now. I’ll see what I can do to get someone over in America to look into this for you (Unal and I are in Europe, so usually only handle European cases).

When is the function being returned, that’s what I want to know? 
it’s quite clear that no one wanted it to be removed in the first place. 
I have stopped using the app pretty much altogether as it never connects, is clunky & I can’t edit playlists, change the volume easily etc. 

Surely Sonos should be listening to feedback & implementing fixes? I used to really believe in Sonos products but this app update has really let me down. 

Hi ​@Krissix 

We’re aiming to have playlist editing added in December, as mentioned in this article:

I hope this helps.

Hi ​@Krissix 

We’re aiming to have playlist editing added in December, as mentioned in this article:

I hope this helps.

And yet Nick game himself a perfect score 5/5… There is something seriously wrong if he thinks he’s doing/done a great job, but we are waiting 5 months for something so basic and was working in the previous app. The CIO should be fired.

Absolutely ridiculous that the playlist creation and editing function is still unavailable after all this time.

How can you possibly balls up the implementation of a new app this badly, heads need to roll. 

I have been a long time investor in, and advocate for,  Sonos equipment, but will not spend a penny more, or recommend, until these issues have been fixed and confidence has been rebuilt.

How can you possibly balls up the implementation of a new app this badly, heads need to roll. 

Many have asked that same question and we’d all love to be a fly on the wall in the head office when the answer is discussed.

Looks like nobody is paying a high price for the mess or the inability to recover from it.


As with past (far lesser bungles) all you can do is work to get things working as well as possible and wait for them to get a fix pushed out.

I've owned Sonos speakers for more than 10 years (I've got 12 around the house) and I'm seriously considering binning them and switching to alternatives.

The new app is totally useless. It rarely works, and when it does it's incredibly slow.

Now I find I can't use playlists any more. Absolutely absurd.

Sonos, you seem to be on a self-destruct mission. Sort yourselves out!!!

Yeah, the new update is a bit confusing! To add a song to a playlist, try pausing the current track first—sometimes, the "Add to Playlist" option shows up then. If not, maybe check for any app updates or re-install. Hope that helps! 

Oh, it made the playlist vanished. 

Problems persist with YouTube Music playlist. I have a 150 song playlist. When viewing in Sonos, only about 30 songs are displayed, but in an infinite loop. So when I scroll down the 1st song reappears after the 30th. This seems to happen infinitely.


Additionally, when I queue up this playlist, the queue seems to infinitely refresh with more songs in 100 songs increments. So it will begin with like 1000 songs. Then 1100. Then 1200 etc. this problem has been present for months 
