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How to remove a room from Sonos One/Alexa menu ?

  • September 17, 2018
  • 5 replies

Lone Sonos One speaker paired properly with Playbar and Sony TV. Later, for some forgotten reason, I repeated the setup and added a "room" with another name -- but it's just a duplicate of the original room. But now, when I attempt to cast media to my television, Sonos defaults to this second "room" I created by mistake and only plays audio -- no television video. The simple fix would be to delete this added "room." But how? I see no delete option...
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5 replies

  • 19684 replies
  • September 17, 2018
This is a puzzling post. You cannot 'pair' a Playbar and a single Sonos One. You might 'group' them to play in sync, but they would retain separate identities. And a room name is just a label for a speaker. No speaker, no room name, so the concept of having to delete a room has no meaning.

Could you post a screenshot of your Rooms tab, if you are using a mobile controller? We need to see what is actually going on.

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • September 17, 2018
The DB “room” was the second add. Pair = sync.

  • 42509 replies
  • September 17, 2018
So you've grouped them, not paired them. There's a difference in most of our understanding of these phrases, since they have very different meanings in the Sonos world. I'm making the assumption that TV Room is the room with your PLAYBAR.

I think the first thing I'd do is ungroup them. On that first image, click on the button that says "group", and the deselect the radio button next to DB TV. This will un-group the two speakers so that they no longer play in sync.

Next, go in to Settings, and click on "room settings", and select the room you've named DB TV. If I remember correctly (and I'm not at home to check) you would then click on Advanced settings and get to where you see the room's name, which you can click on and change. There may even be a pull down on that with some standard names available, but you could still click on it and backspace over DB TV and name it whatever you like.

I think that will resolve your issues....

Sorry to step on your toes, John 🙂

  • 9848 replies
  • September 17, 2018
This still doesn't making any sense. Grouping is the only way that your Sonos One and playbar would be playing in sync. They would be separate rooms in Sonos. From the screenshots you have provided, this is what you have setup, so I see no reason to delete anything.

The solution may just be selecting the proper audio source for your group.

And you probably should clarify what 'cast media to my television' means. Are you talking about google casting, airplay?

  • 19684 replies
  • September 17, 2018
Bruce and Danny are right. 'Room' is just a label for a speaker and does not necessarily correspond to a physical room. You have two speakers, therefore two rooms, which are currently grouped to play in sync.

There is nothing you can or should delete.

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