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Android tablet recommendation?

Hi all,

What Android tablet would you recommend for use with sonos app?

Do you think the Lenovo Yoga Smart Tab would be OK to use?

Thanks for all input!

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14 replies

  • Local Superstar
  • 2557 replies
  • September 19, 2019
I'd get an iPad, just the latest cheapest one(and it does pain me to say it). Then you get the ability to Trueplay your speakers too.

Android tablets never get firmware updates and are all too soon useless. However if you want to keep it cheap and cheerful maybe get an Amazon Fire tablet? That will run the Sonos app and it mega cheap, around £50 and often a lot less in one of Amazons frequent sales.

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  • Avid Contributor III
  • 15 replies
  • September 19, 2019
Hi bockersjv,

Thanks for the tips!


  • 27569 replies
  • September 19, 2019
bockersjv wrote:

Android tablets never get firmware updates and are all too soon useless.

Huh? I've got a 5 year old Samsung Tab S 8.4", and a 3 year old Samsung Tab S 10" and they are both run the latest Sonos app just fine. Matter of fact, the Sonos app for Android goes back a year further in compatibility (Android 5 - released April 2015) than iOS (iOS 10 - released Sept 2016).

  • Local Superstar
  • 2557 replies
  • September 19, 2019
It's more the Android OS versions I was referring to. Sounds like Samsung are good at keeping their Tablets up to date, but I have a drawer of retired Android tablets, from various dubious Chinese manufacturers, that I couldn't even give away yet my Daughter is still using her Ipad 2 daily, albeit not as a Sonos controller.

Took the reluctant plunge onto an iPad earlier this year, and must admit I use it more than any of my previous tablets, but it has its irritants!

  • Local Superstar
  • 1726 replies
  • September 19, 2019
No, bockersjv, you are right.
Android tablets are supported for much, much shorter time than Apple ones. A five year old Samsung Android tablet will still run Sonos fine - but its OS and probably security updates will probably be way out. In fact the same goes for much newer devices too. The S7 for example, I don't think it even got all of the Android 8 updates, nevermind 9. That's 3 years old.
While you many need a relatively recent version of iOS for Sonos, the devices actually get OS updates from Apple for far longer than Android devices tend to.
People like to say the opposite here and that it's Apple with the forced obsolescence thing.

  • 27569 replies
  • September 19, 2019
The way I see it, the OP was looking for an Android tablet specifically to run Sonos. Since Android supports Sonos for a year longer than iOS, recommending an iPad for specific use as a Sonos controller is questionable.

  • Local Superstar
  • 1726 replies
  • September 19, 2019
Yup, don't disagree with that.

  • Local Superstar
  • 2557 replies
  • September 19, 2019
True, but I was assuming (yes I know) that he may want to use it for other things and IMHO an iPad is arguably a better option. I did also mention getting a Fire (pseudo android) tablet and that would probably support Sonos for as long as "proper" android. It is nigh on useless for anything else mind :)

Hey, the OP now has loads of options 🤔

  • Enthusiast II
  • 569 replies
  • September 19, 2019
Looking at the Sonos system requirements

Says you only need Android 5 or higher.

So with that said, go with something that's affordable and running at least Android 8. That way you should have support for quite a few years.

Same cannot be said for Apple.

  • Author
  • Avid Contributor III
  • 15 replies
  • September 20, 2019
Hi all,

And thanks for all the recommendations! 👍

Sorry if i didn't make it clear in the first post, but i was only looking for a Android tablet, not Ipad.
The reason for that is that i have been a Android user for several years, and if i would use it for other things than controlling Sonos, and use apps i have already paid for, i don't have to pay for them one more time. 😉

But do any of you think that the Lenovo Yoga Smart Tab would be a good tablet for Sonos?

Thanks again for all answers!


  • 31402 replies
  • September 20, 2019
Edvardsen wrote:
But do any of you think that the Lenovo Yoga Smart Tab would be a good tablet for Sonos?

Well, it depends on your definition of 'good'. It's a 10.1” FHD Android tablet running Oreo. The Sonos controller should just work.

  • Local Superstar
  • 2557 replies
  • September 20, 2019
I think from the various comments above we've established ANY relatively new Android tablet would be good for Sonos. The interface is the same on all of them. It is then a question of your personal preference on screen size and other things you will be using it for, that will determine what to get. The Sonos app will work the same way on all of them.

If it is to be used as a Sonos controller ONLY then there are ways to make it boot into Sonos exclusively. Can't find the thread at the moment.

  • 31402 replies
  • September 20, 2019
bockersjv wrote:
The Sonos app will work the same way on all of them.

Not entirely. In landscape, with the queue displayed, some will stack the playback controls under the artwork whereas others overlay the controls onto the lower half of the art. It depends on size, resolution and aspect ratio. But this is to nit-pick. On a 10.1" tablet it'll be fine.

If it is to be used as a Sonos controller ONLY then there are ways to make it boot into Sonos exclusively. Can't find the thread at the moment.

Pinning the app is usually the easiest method.

  • Author
  • Avid Contributor III
  • 15 replies
  • September 30, 2019
ratty wrote:

bockersjv wrote:
The Sonos app will work the same way on all of them.
Not entirely. In landscape, with the queue displayed, some will stack the playback controls under the artwork whereas others overlay the controls onto the lower half of the art. It depends on size, resolution and aspect ratio. But this is to nit-pick. On a 10.1" tablet it'll be fine.

If it is to be used as a Sonos controller ONLY then there are ways to make it boot into Sonos exclusively. Can't find the thread at the moment.
Pinning the app is usually the easiest method.

I have just bought the Lenovo yoga smart tab 10,1 tablet, and i like it so far.

But i see when i use the Sonos app in landscape mode it's so small everything, a lot of unused place on the screen?
See picture below:

But in portrait mode it fill the entire screen.
See picture below:

Are there some solution to this?
I am using Sonos version 10.4.1
Is the beta version better?

Thanks for all help!


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