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Alternative to Sonos App

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 10 replies

Given the issues that this latest update has caused, I am enquiring as to whether there is a good app that can replace and better Sonos? I have several Sonos products and do not want to replace them. Some of my speakers are several years old, Sonos Ones and the old Sound Bar, but I also have the newer speakers and Beam, including Move. Is there an App out there that is compatible with my speakers, so that I can get rid of Sonos and the issues it causes with it’s inadequately tested updates?

My issue is that my libraries, purchased tracks and albums, built over several years, have all disappeared. I have tried re-mapping them, but Sonos is unable to link to them now, stating error code 913. I contacted Sonos, who suggested I just use my 2 Airplay speakers! I escalated the issue and Sonos replied to me, suggesting that the issue is the age and older version of my MacBook. However, my Mac was purchased earlier this year, so is brand new and running on the very latest versions of everything I use. They then suggested that they would help with a workaround and offered to schedule a phone call to go through it. I have declined the offer, as I don’t want the stress when a new update or different App could fix the problem.

if anyone has any advice as to alternatives, if there are any, I’d be very grateful.

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2 replies

  • 13501 replies
  • May 21, 2024

With so much Sonos hardware I am afraid you will find it hard to separate; no other app will talk wirelessly to all your kit.

For more colour on this, see the two attached threads:

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 26, 2024

I too have decided to rid myself of the constant headache of updating each speaker and each mobile device and each apple laptop and today unable to re-connect to any of them, just going round in circles, re-starting orange and white flashing lights, green flashing lights Bing Bong coupling noises but not finding the very speaker it has just made the coupling/pin noise through and then starting the whole process all over again, month after month like chasing your own tail. What on earth needs updating so much in a god damn speaker!!!! So bye bye Sonos, after years of greatness you have withered away into a mere streaming speaker, but I want to hear my own playlists off my own computer too. In fact, just being able to hear anything from it would be something.

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