My system is experiencing speaker dropout increasingly often. A year or two ago it happened once in a blue moon. It was so bad the other day that I did a diagnostic while it was occurring: 2031394178. I know it is preferable to call in to support, but the last time I was on hold too long and gave up.
I play my system in party mode with all speakers grouped in general, and increasingly, I am experiencing extremely frustrating speaker dropouts. I’ll be in a room and the music has been playing fine and then the speaker in the room and adjacent rooms stop playing while I can still hear it in other rooms in the house. Minutes will pass and then one speaker comes back on, then another, and they’re all back...for a while and then the cycle repeats soon or eventually.
I have 12 speakers and 3 are wired. I haven’t measured but I would guess that no speaker is more than 25 feet (horizontally or vertically) from the next; I would think that would make for a solid mesh network. I do have a mix of multiple generations of speakers, some of which (PLAY:1s) are quite old; not sure if that is an issue. I recently added 2 ERA 100 speakers in hopes of improving the issue by improving the mesh coverage. No soap.
I have taken a look at the network matrix and am rather surprised that it is not full of green squares; I basically have a speaker in every room and I can’t understand how the coverage is not more solid.

Second Floor
- PLAY:1 Master Bedroom (5/2/2016)
- PLAY:1 Office (4/10/2018) *wired*
- ONE SL Eve (11/19/2020)
- ERA 100 Grace (3/30/2023) *wired*
First Floor
- PLAY:1 Dining Room (4/11/2018)
- ONE SL pair Family Room (12/2/2019)
- ONE SL Kitchen (12/20/2019)
- ERA 100 Living Room (3/30/2023) *wired*
- PLAY:1 Gym (11/25/2016)
- PLAY:1 Workshop (11/27/2016)
Free Range, generally on First Floor
- ROAM (8/14/2021)
Generally, it seems that the Kitchen, Family Room, Dining Room, Gym and Workshop are the problematic speakers. But I’m not sure; it could just be that I am present in those areas when I notice the problem.
I make it a point to start the music on one of the wired speakers, generally the Office, and then group the other speakers into it. I do this because in another question I’ve asked about problems with album covers not displaying in the app, it was suggested that starting the music on a wired speaker could be part of the problem.