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Music Added to running queue ignored


Hi all,

apologies in advance for the length of the post, just want to cover all I can to save on questions.

I have looked over the forums and troubleshooting but can find a solution other than the usual “blame the users network” as the cause of the issue I will try and describe below. I am biased as I am a networker by trade but the answer of network fault makes no sense and I hope to explain why.

Only in the last month or so when I add a song to a queue, that is already running, it misses any addition and continues on to the next song. If it was a network / connectivity issue it would do this to most if not all songs not just the ones I add to the list, the songs in the original queue don’t ever skip or fail to be played. This happens with different playlist queues and created for you playlists from Spotify, so random songs and queues from day to day but issue is consistent. In addition there are no error messages displayed, simply song added to queue shows when the song is dropped into the queue.

I have tested this on a paired set of Symfonisk Sonos/ikea lamps , with and without a Move also in the mix and have also experimented with my living room setup of a playbar, sub and 2 play 1’s, same issue every time. 

While they are all wirelessly connected and grouped separately and the lamps /move are in the dinning room / conservatory I have an additional WAP with EOP providing the data feed and the this WAP is no more than 10 meters from any of the kit. My living room setup runs from my main Wifi router and is again under 10 meters from the router. WIFI signal is excellent and I have no issues streaming services, making video calls etc from these rooms, so as we say in my office, NTFN ( not the network, expletive deleted)

I have been through the obvious reboot of kit , as I said above no issues with any streaming other than the missing of newly added songs to the queue, all music is being streamed from Spotify and the Spotify App does not have the same problem, I can connect to my Sonos kit via the Spotify App, play a queue, add a song and it plays in sequence. So looks very much like an issue with the Sonos App.

If anyone else has had or having this issue and has a solution, other than use the Spotify App, I'd appreciate the feed back.

thanks for listening.

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29 replies

  • 19684 replies
  • May 27, 2021

Hi. When you add the new song, exactly which option - word for word - are you choosing from the options menu?


I’ve not had/seen the issue, but I am aware that Sonos do not support EOP access points, so whilst j appreciate that you have no issues with WiFi connectivity, I was wondering that if you switch off that AP if the problem goes away, even if that means moving some devices either closer to the main router, or running them over a SonosNet mesh connection with one device wired to the router?

  • Author
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  • 5 replies
  • May 27, 2021

First of all, thanks both for the reply.


John, I am selecting play next from the menu option when using the 3 dot menu drop down against the song I want to play. When I select play now or add to end of queue that works fine ( if I wait until the end of the queue the song will play)

Ken, I don’t know if this is splitting hairs re what Sonos will or will not support but while its a WAP with an EOP feed it is actually a Cisco AP that uses an EOP plug to receive its data not a WIFI extender or AP that has EOP built in. Again as the issue doesn’t happen using Spotify App over same AP and feed it suggests to me its something that the Sonos App is not managing to handle re sequencing.

As I said earlier this has only started happening in the last month or so prior to this there was no issue, only thing that has changed in that time is I have added a Move to my Sonos environment, don’t see how that should effect queue when playing music in the living room that does not involve the Move, but it may be a factor i am unaware of. I have tried to replicate the issue with the move powered down but issue persists.


Thanks again.


This is Sonos’s list from their requirements page …

Unsupported network setups and devices

  • Wireless internet connections such as satellite, mobile hotspots, or LTE routers
  • Guest networks or networks that use a portal login page
  • Networks using wireless range extenders 
  • Ethernet over Power (EOP) devices
  • WPA/WPA2 Enterprise

I know that’s not actually of help to you, but I would just see what happens when the AP is taken offline, if only to eliminate it being a communication issue between a speaker and the controller, if both are maybe attached to different AP’s.

  • Lead Maestro
  • 7530 replies
  • May 27, 2021

You are in Scotland, not suffering from one of these are you:


  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 5 replies
  • May 28, 2021

Hi Controlav, no wouldn’t go any where near BT for anything. While their engineers are more often than not good or even excellent, their customer support and back office assistance is nearly always awful.


 Ken, I will take the 2nd AP out of the equation at some point today hopefully but have an additional question for you. When you say controller in above reply, do you mean my device ie phone/tablet? I only ask as i have never looked into but wondered if the sonos system uses one of the devices as an anchor of sorts for the other devices you add to your network. Just checking you don’t mean a controlling speaker , if there is such a thing. 


I have also done another quick test on a separate Play 3 in the house, it did the same and even did this when i added a song to the end of the queue, then moved it up to play next by editing and the system still skipped past it, I immediately went into the queue and hit the song I had moved and it played instantly with no delay, again suggesting its not a feed/network issue more an issue with the app not dealing with the change being made to the queue.


I do prefer the Sonos App to the Spotify which is why i am wasting my time trying to work this out, thanks all for your responses, and taking time to read my rambling.

  • 19684 replies
  • May 28, 2021

I can confirm that ‘Play Next’ still works as expected on my system, and so there does not appear to be a generic issue.  The absence of this issue from anyone else on the forum suggests that it is either a local issue or some very rare combination of circumstances.

  • 19684 replies
  • May 28, 2021

From the context, Ken was referring to the Sonos app controller.

As an aside, when speakers are grouped, one acts as ‘group co-ordinator’, but I don’t think that is relevant here.

  • 19684 replies
  • May 28, 2021

Please would you try the following and report back?

  1. For one of your speakers, clear the queue
  2. In the Sonos app, search for an album and play it from Spotify, so that the playing queue consists of that album
  3. Find another Spotify track (within Sonos app) and ‘Play Next’

  • Author
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  • 5 replies
  • May 28, 2021

John, thanks for the feed back.


Just carried out the procedure you listed above, issue persists.


Will remove AP later hopefully and report back, only problem I may have is I introduce a new problem of poor wifi signal in the area the AP covers. A little speaker shuffling may also be required.


May also get round to patching my Playbar to the router and moving to sonosnet and to see if that helps.


Thanks all.



  • 19684 replies
  • May 28, 2021

Thanks for testing - that’s as clean and simple a test as could be done.

Trying SonosNet is worthwhile, but app will still connect via WiFi and so if there is some weird comms glitch between speaker and app then that may persist.

  • 19684 replies
  • May 28, 2021

I wasn’t sure what you meant by a separate Play:3.  Is that a separate system?

Depending on your answer to that, it may be worth powering off all but one of your speakers, connecting that one by Ethernet to your router, then repeating our previous experiment.  That could be a useful troubleshooting experiment, from which we could progress.

(In fact, if the issue persisted in that scenario I would suggest you submit a system diagnostic and call Sonos Support with the confirmation number!)



Thanks @John B for all your help here and just to confirm that I was referring to the Sonos Controller App on the mobile device... if the issue does persist after taking the excellent steps that John has suggested, you may also want to consider resetting the controller App, or perhaps even trying a different controller device altogether, if you are easily able to do that . All of course in trying to get to the root of the issue.

Admittedly, I too don’t have this queue insertion problem here with the latest release of the App and I have to say it’s not an issue I have personally seen on these boards previously, so I’m intrigued to discover what the cause is.

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  • May 28, 2021

Thanks again all, 


John, the Play 3 is in my bedroom and part of the same networked setup, its just not grouped to anything else, and I was trying hard not to say I carried out an experiment in the bedroom when I did the test.

I tested from that room as it is farthest away from the main router and shouldn’t get any chance to hop between AP’s.


I removed and reinstalled the app on my android phone before I started this post, don’t think I mentioned that anywhere, sorry, but again no fix for the issue.

I’ll get back to you when i get a chance to test some more, again feed back much appreciated.

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  • 5 replies
  • June 3, 2021

So, didn't get round to doing any of what I intended , too much work and painting to be done while the weather is dry, then today a software upgrade appears,13.1.1, and as if by magic the issue has vanished.

Have tried hard to break it, but no joy, all working , no missed songs no matter what I do.


Glad it's working but looks like it was previous software update, 13.1 , released a month or so back I think, which merges nicely with the issue first being seen, that had caused the issue.


Hopefully mystery solved. 


Anyway, thanks all for all your input, I hope to never bother you again , look after yourselves.


  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • August 1, 2021

Hi All,

I have today discovered that I have exactly this issue when using my iPhone8 with the Sonos S2 app. I have a BT Smart Hub and I recently had problems connecting, believed to have been caused by BT upgrades. I telephoned the Sonos helpline and they managed to get me re-connected. The issue described in this post started several weeks after the connection issues. My Sonos app is ver. 13.2.

Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Regards, John.


@John SSS,

If you haven’t don’t so already, I would perhaps first try the various troubleshooting suggestions mentioned already in this thread and if the problem persists after that, then maybe contact Sonos Support Staff via this LINK.

Hope that you get the matter resolved - and please let us know if you do get the issue fixed.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • August 23, 2021

Can confirm the issue. This is on 13.2 and iOS. Playing music on Spotify, queueing up a new track -it shows up in the playlist, but is skipped. Never had that problem on S1.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • August 28, 2021

I’m also having this issue. Running version 13.2.2 over iOs, streaming via Spotify, having the same problem with all my Sonos speakers (Move, Amp, Play 1, Play 3 and Playbar) regardless of combination.  It is intermittent and doesn’t happen every time, and of course it isn’t happening now I’m testing it out across my system!  Only ever an issue with the “Play Next” option within Sonos 2 app. Going into the queue and manually selecting the added song works fine. Anyone figured a solution yet? I’ve done the full suite of router/speaker reboots. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • September 7, 2021

I have exactly the same issue. I tried adding 2 songs this time instead of 1 to play next and it will skip the first song and play the second one added. This happened about 2 months ago and it's driving me crazy. If you play the songs via Spotify and add songs to the play next queue then it will do as it's supposed to.

The issue persists on both PC and Android apps.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • September 18, 2021

I’m having the exact same issue with the S2 app on iOS for the past few months when using Spotify.  “Play Next” will add song to queue, but it is skipped over when the current song ends.  The file will play if you toggle backwards or manually select in the queue.  Please help!

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • September 19, 2021

I too have been experiencing the same/similar issue for a few months. Sonos S2 iOS, Spotify, Add to End of Queue…skips first track. I receive the message “Song is not encoded correctly” on the first track then it continues and plays the rest just fine. Most frustrating. 

The attached screenshot illustrates what happens.  


  • 42513 replies
  • September 19, 2021

What happened when you submitted a diagnostic, and contacted Sonos support, as suggested by Ken above?

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • October 1, 2021

This has happened to me for the last months. Super annoying!

Running latest Android app and an Asus RT-N12 router. It's obviously a bug and not a network issue, since the song plays fine if I tap it in the queue (just after Sonos skipped it).

Hi all. Just chiming in here - have also had this frustrating issue for months. I’ve had to resort to using the Spotify app directly, as songs are frequently skipped when adding to the queue via the Sonos app. I also get the “not encoded correctly” error in the screenshot above.

I agree with others in the thread that this has to be an issue at the Sonos/Spotify integration level - I am only affected when adding individual songs to the queue and don’t suffer from network interference when playing an album or playlist.

In case helpful or of interest to anyone here - I’ve spoken with Sonos support and shared diagnostics etc - they’ve suggested a host of network settings to check/amend which I’ve pasted below. Personally I don’t think this is relevant as the issue is triggered by specific actions in the app, and would surely manifest at other times if it related to general network interference. I suspect it will only ever get fixed in a software update and because playing queued songs reliably is important to me - I’ve had to bin the Sonos app for now.


1) 2.4 Ghz enabled
2) Split 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz (separate SSID for each band) - and the 5GHZ needs its own SSID with 5Ghz at the end of the name
3) Make sure the 2.4 Ghz Mode is set to 802.11 BGN
4) Client isolation should be off to ensure wifi devices can communicate with each other
5) Select a manual wifi channel, do not set to auto
6) Security type should be WPA2 with AES Encryption
7) Enable UPNP
8) Change DNS to - Primary - Secondary
9) Enable multicast
10) Disable smart setup or any other setup assistant
11) Enable IGMP snooping
12) Firewall preventing setup and connectivity - set to medium
13) MAC filtering off

After changing the router settings  , please check the following article to decrease the interference on the sonos System :

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