
setting up Sonos 1 with new community fibre network

  • 29 April 2024
  • 3 replies

My daughter has moved into a new flat that uses a shared community fibre broadband and we cannot set up her Sonos 1.  We have tried resetting on numerous occasions but to no avail. We can’t use an Ethernet cable as there isn’t a modem in their apartment. Any ideas please?


Best answer by jgatie 29 April 2024, 17:20

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3 replies

She needs to buy a travel router.  Connect the travel router to the community internet, connect all her stuff to the travel router.  Even if she didn't have Sonos, I would recommend this approach just for security purposes. 

I wouldn’t want to set it up on a shared network anyway, anyone on that network would be able to use a Sonos controller to ‘play’ on her Sonos at any time, 

Since there is no network cable drop in her apartment, I’d recommend a travel router. The travel router would connect to this community network, and create her own network to use. With the added bonus of not only a network port, but a firewall to help keep nosy neighbors from accessing her data.

To be honest, this whole situation seems poorly thought out. If each flat doesn’t control their own network, there is bound to be the potential for data theft by some less than scrupulous person. 

Userlevel 7
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Some shared WiFi setups use what is called some variation of “Client Isolation” that blocks all inter-client connections on the shared WiFi and only allows direct client - router connections.

How much you can trust that varies though.

It also messes up things like a NAS or other client-client connection requiring devices.
