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dolby digital

  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
good morning.I wanted to know if there are sound differences between dolby multichannel pcm 5.1 and dolby digital plus 5.1.I have the beam (2 generation) two one and the mini subwoofer.thank you.

Best answer by Ken_Griffiths

Multichannel PCM 5.1 audio is uncompressed/lossless and requires an HDMI-eARC port connection to the Sonos Soundbar. Dolby Digital/Plus 5.1 audio is compressed/lossy, lower-bandwidth format that has been optimized for use with streaming services and it just requires an HDMI-ARC port connection or eARC, or you can use an optical connection with DD 5.1 audio. I personally struggle to hear any huge difference although with Sonos soundbars McPCM audio may sometimes sound quieter than DD, but I just choose to increase the volume if ever I encounter that issue. Otherwise the output sounds the same/similar to my ears. Both McPCM and DD+ audio can support Atmos audio too. That includes height channel audio and metadata, which directs/controls where the audio content should be played and their levels etc. (see attached, which I came across online)

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3 replies

  • 5976 replies
  • August 12, 2023

What sound differences are you looking for? What differences do you notice?


Multichannel PCM 5.1 audio is uncompressed/lossless and requires an HDMI-eARC port connection to the Sonos Soundbar. Dolby Digital/Plus 5.1 audio is compressed/lossy, lower-bandwidth format that has been optimized for use with streaming services and it just requires an HDMI-ARC port connection or eARC, or you can use an optical connection with DD 5.1 audio. I personally struggle to hear any huge difference although with Sonos soundbars McPCM audio may sometimes sound quieter than DD, but I just choose to increase the volume if ever I encounter that issue. Otherwise the output sounds the same/similar to my ears. Both McPCM and DD+ audio can support Atmos audio too. That includes height channel audio and metadata, which directs/controls where the audio content should be played and their levels etc. (see attached, which I came across online)

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • August 14, 2023
Thank you very much for your answers.I had to put on a Netflix movie "Mission Impossible" and that's where I noticed that the Dolby digital plus 5.1 sound sounds louder, as you mentioned.before with my old samsung tv i didn't have that option, but with my new tv i can choose multichannel pcm2.1/dolgi digital 2.1, multichannel pcm5.1/dolby digital plus 5.1.As for dialogues, I have not yet observed differences, since I just bought the TV.thank you.

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