The S2 system is a disaster. My current list of problems are:
- Responsiveness to controls renders the system unusable. It takes 5-15 seconds between pressing play or pause before it takes effect, or adjusting the volume, or selecting a new song, and so on … that is if these requests succeed at all. Many such requests don’t.
- Searches don’t include content from my Music Library which I finally managed to “configure”. I can see on the Synology logs that the Sonos system is accessing it but I can’t browse the content.
- A pair of Play1’s that were working as a stereo pair before, on S1, can’t be paired together since the S2 system deems them incompatible.
- Apple TV is unable to control the volume in the room with a playbar, subwoofer and two Play1’s although this might not be a problem with Sonos
This is my second attempt to make use of the S2 system since the S2 fiasco was launched on us earlier this year. It has wasted a considerable amount of my time without providing any positive results. I would like to know what my options are since I have an unusable system comprising of the following hardware in four rooms:
- 1 x Boost
- 7 x Play1
- 1 x PlayBar
- 1 x SubWoofer
I suspect that S2 goal was over ambitious in terms of scope and feasibility. It may well work very well for new Sonos hardware but it clearly doesn’t in other scenarios. There is not enough help and diagnostics to effectively troubleshoot problems efficiently. It is just a hit and miss and very time consuming.
I will call customer support tomorrow, again. They were helpful the first time, but it took over two hours of my time, and theirs, to fix the problem in one room by downgrading it to S1. Just to be clear I would really appreciate some honesty and transparency about upgrade/downgrade paths, known problems and workarounds, if any. I’m seriously considering selling all of my Sonos equipment and never purchasing anything being sold by Sonos ever again.
What a cluster f*** …
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