Hi, I work from home as a call centre agent and use my Sonos five stereopair every single day.
Hi, I work from home as a call centre agent and use my Sonos five stereopair every single day. Up until the app update, I used to have it set at 3% which was perfect. Just enough noise in the background, but not too loud that it became distracting whilst taking calls. Since the update however, one percent is way louder than even 3% was before the update took place.I've tried other products in the house and they all seem fine, it is just this pair of fives.
I've tried other products in the house and they all seem fine, it is just this pair of fives. We have another five in the dining room which is connected to a mixing desk through a line in cable, and a one SL in the kitchen which, at one percent, is way quieter than the stereo pair in the front room where I work.
is way quieter than the stereo pair in the front room where I work. Any advice please?