My SONOS system dosen’t work.
I’ve reboted all router, speakers, app. several times. Forgot how many.
After a rebot the speakers one by one pop ups in the app. I can start music in some but not all. Creating group of speakers is not an option.
A friend, that designs network, has looked in to my system. And he claims that I have a very good system with strong signal in every room I have a sonos speaker. The speakers are found in the network with strong signal. But still not found in the SONOS app. Funny thing that one speaker played music but was not visual in the app. So I couldn’t stop it from playing. Had to unplug. This it not working any longer. I’m not educated in network design. I juste like to play same music in every room in the house. Now I’m thinking of selling the speakers and buy something that works. Been following SONOS since they started. And been building the system starting with a Play5 and connect. But now I give up and will look for a new system.