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Arc and Beam Grouping and Alexa issue

  • March 14, 2021
  • 1 reply

My Arc is connected to my TV (Sony XBR65X950H) while my Beam is not. The TV and Arc was purchased in January, while the Beam dates back to about 2 years.


About 3 weeks ago, I could no longer group  Arc and Beam to play music or sounds from TV on Beam. When I group them to play music, it works for maybe 15 to 30 minutes and then the speakers stop playing. When this happens, Sonos  App still indicates music is playing, yet no sound. If I select “stop” on Sonos App, I received a message that the App can’t be found. Also, when I group Arc and Beam together for TV sound, the sound on the Beam goes in and out.  If I play music as a stand alone (without grouping them), both seems to work fine independently and TV sound using Arc as speakers has no issue. The problem occurs in grouping them. I also have Sonos One - when I group all of them, sound stop on Arc and Beam with music (No sound on Beam for TV). There is no Wifi issue when this happens. 


I reset the Arc and the Beam numerous times and reinstalled the Sonos App, yet the issue still persists. In fact, after resetting the Beam a few times, I am now unable to add Alexa as a voice service.  As a fix, I deleted Sonos on Alexa skills and re-added it back - it didn’t work- Alexa still can’t be linked to Beam. 

Any thoughts? 

Best answer by Corry P

Hi @LBStar 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

First, please stop resetting your Sonos products - if it didn’t help the first time, it won’t help any other times either, and each reset comes with an inherent risk.

Grouping for TV audio is not supported, as it heavily relies on the health of your network connections, though generally, it should work. I recommend you switch your WiFi router and Sonos devices off, wait 30 seconds, switch on the router then when you have WiFi, switch on your Sonos devices. Please also check our Reducing Wireless Interference page for help. Pay attention to the router and each speaker - interference near your Arc can affect the Beam, as can interference at the Beam.

If you have multiple WiFi access points, please make sure they all use the same WiFi channel - Sonos devices use the WiFi channel they connect on to also communicate directly from device to device - if they’re using different WiFi channels, issues with grouping can be expected.

Although there are no specific instructions, I also recommend you read my article Troubleshooting Sonos on WiFi - this may give you some insight as to what Sonos needs to operate.

Finally, if you’re stuck, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team, who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system.

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1 reply

Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8461 replies
  • Answer
  • March 15, 2021

Hi @LBStar 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

First, please stop resetting your Sonos products - if it didn’t help the first time, it won’t help any other times either, and each reset comes with an inherent risk.

Grouping for TV audio is not supported, as it heavily relies on the health of your network connections, though generally, it should work. I recommend you switch your WiFi router and Sonos devices off, wait 30 seconds, switch on the router then when you have WiFi, switch on your Sonos devices. Please also check our Reducing Wireless Interference page for help. Pay attention to the router and each speaker - interference near your Arc can affect the Beam, as can interference at the Beam.

If you have multiple WiFi access points, please make sure they all use the same WiFi channel - Sonos devices use the WiFi channel they connect on to also communicate directly from device to device - if they’re using different WiFi channels, issues with grouping can be expected.

Although there are no specific instructions, I also recommend you read my article Troubleshooting Sonos on WiFi - this may give you some insight as to what Sonos needs to operate.

Finally, if you’re stuck, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team, who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system.

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