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I have a system that should be fully compliant with S1, nothing is older than May 2020. Yet when I start the S1 client it tries to force me to download S2. I do not want to change, I can't believe the issues I'm seeing and basically nothing could force me to do that until they are solved. Why am I being forced to change, when none of my devices are even from 2020? How can I keep using S1? 

What issues? I don’t have any.


Stay away from ‘Settings → System → System Tools → Compatibility Check’, then you aren’t forced to migrate to S2.

I have a similar problem. I go to ROOMS, it tells me that there is an upgrade available and if I select a ROOM it asks for permission to start the upgrade for that ROOM. So right now the only ROOM I can send music to is the one that was in use on that controller before they rolled out the S2 upgrade. I cannot select another ROOM to control.

I have the same problem. Anytime I open my s1 Sonos app, it does not allow me access to any features but only gives me an update page. Even the link to "Other Options"a does not allow me to avoid updating to S2. This is terrible! I am happy with s1, and it integrated well with Alexa. So now why would I want to inherit all of the problems that everyone is talking about with S2. An app that gets an overall review of an average of 1 is not something I want. Please please will someone tell me how I can get past the update screen and access my s1 screen and NOT upgrade to S2

What issues? I don’t have any.


Stay away from ‘Settings → System → System Tools → Compatibility Check’, then you aren’t forced to migrate to S2.

I can't even get to the menus on my original s1 app without upgrading to S2. I don't want the s2 app because of the bad reviews it has received. but there is no way to bypass the upgrade screen to get back to the menu of my s1 app. What is wrong with this!?

I can't even get to the menus on my original s1 app without upgrading to S2. I don't want the s2 app because of the bad reviews it has received. but there is no way to bypass the upgrade screen to get back to the menu of my s1 app. What is wrong with this!?

What platform are you on? I don’t remember this problem, on the PC app anyway.

I have S1 on my Android phone.


I have S1 on my Android phone.



Post a screengrab of ‘Settings → System → About my System’ showing every single Sonos component of yours.

Same problem here, and afraid to click the "reset app" option. Also on Android. I thought I could try to bypass somewhat by using Wink, but when I click on the speaker tab in that app it boots me out, so that integration is currently screwed up as well...

I can't send a screen because I can't GET to any settings for the system. 😟

I can confirm it is not a compatibility issue - I have a Move, Playbase, and multiple Play:1s. None of these are "legacy" products, nor are they post-May 2020 products which require the upgrade. Here's the screen we're getting on the app which blocks us from doing anything else and tries to force us to upgrade.


...and this is what's under "more options"



Spikely you are a star. Those are precisely the screens I show! Please Sonos, tell us how to get back to our system! I can use the speakers because they are already linked to Alexa. But I can't adjust anything!  


Sonos is going down if this continues...

@DrVJMJ, I already told you what to do.


Is this process reversible?

While we don’t recommend downgrading your products to S1 after updating to S2, it is possible to downgrade by resetting the S2 products to their factory settings and adding them to an existing S1 system. An existing Sonos product running S1 software is required to downgrade an S2 product back to S1. Note that all settings and preferences will be lost when downgrading a product from S2 to S1.


According to your profile all of your units are S2 compatible, and if you’ve “accidentally” upgraded to S2, then there’s nothing you can do about. Uninstall the S1 app, download the S2 app from the store (connect to an existing system) and provide the screenshot I have been asking for.

Firstly click “About my system” and share the response, as Smilja has requested. This will let use see which devices you have and what they are running.

What happens if you just click Done on that final screenshot?

"Done" simply closes the menu. I've listed my devices above.

"Done" simply closes the menu. I've listed my devices above.


No, you didn’t. I’ll need to verify on which firmware each of your Sonos players is running on. Uninstall the S1 app, download the S2 app from the store (connect to an existing system) and provide the screenshot I have repeatedly been asking for.


Or give Sonos support a call next week.

@Simon B 

Hi Simon - can you address this thread re: the S1 app trying to force us to upgrade the controller on systems that should not require it according to Sonos documentation? A few of us are being blocked by it, and it may be easier to address here than more of us contacting Support for the same issue. Thank you!

Here's what's running on the speakers. We do not want to download the S2 app given all the problems reported - that's the whole point of this thread. I only have 6 speakers, not 13 like someone else on another thread is now struggling with trying to re-set up again, but I still don't want to go down that path if I can help it...


The screenshot does clearly say that the Play:1 is on firmware S2 (12.0.1). If the other Sonos devices also display S2 (12.0.1) there is no way back and you are required to delete the S1 app in order to use the S2 app. You can’t operate the system if there is a version mismatch between controller app and speaker’s firmware.


Ok thanks - they must've auto-updated overnight, since there was no warning or anything btwn the time I went to bed around 3 in the morning and waking up to this app screen. I still may limp along using voice commands and manually adjusting volume to see if Sonos sorts out some of the kinks with this app/OS upgrade.

"Done" simply closes the menu. I've listed my devices above.


Here's what's running on the speakers. We do not want to download the S2 app given all the problems reported - that's the whole point of this thread. I only have 6 speakers, not 13 like someone else on another thread is now struggling with trying to re-set up again, but I still don't want to go down that path if I can help it...


@DrVJMJ You should be able to click “More Options” on that app screen which will get you to the menu on that 2nd screenshot - click “About My System” to get the details of what firmware you’re running on your speakers (that’s also where the “done” button shows up to exit out of the “More Options” menu).

But yeah, sounds like if your firmware has been upgraded to S2, you MUST upgrade the controller app to match it. @Smilja also posted earlier with a link to the process to downgrade back to S1, but sounds like it would require rolling back the firmware on all your speakers by resetting to factory, which is a whole pain in itself.

Personally I will prob wait at least a week to see if there are any improvements in the app, since I can limp along like you by hollering at Alexa & Google Assistant and using the hardware buttons on the speakers. Le sigh.

@DrVJMJ You should be able to click “More Options” on that app screen which will get you to the menu on that 2nd screenshot - click “About My System” to get the details of what firmware you’re running on your speakers (that’s also where the “done” button shows up to exit out of the “More Options” menu).

But yeah, sounds like if your firmware has been upgraded to S2, you MUST upgrade the controller app to match it. @Smilja also posted earlier with a link to the process to downgrade back to S1, but sounds like it would require rolling back the firmware on all your speakers by resetting to factory, which is a whole pain in itself.

Personally I will prob wait at least a week to see if there are any improvements in the app, since I can limp along like you by hollering at Alexa & Google Assistant and using the hardware buttons on the speakers. Le sigh.

Spikeley, got it! I had missed the About System link.  When I used it just now it turns out that like you apparently my speakers updated their firmware to S2 without my permission!  Sigh!  So now it seems I must update the controller app too and potentially inherit all the problems.

What does the Reset option do? Does it just reset the S1 app? Anybody know? I am hesitant to try it when everything is working so well through Alexa.


The “Reset” option makes the controller app forget the ID of the system and cleans the cache, so that next time the app starts it will give the option of connecting to an existing system, or starting a new one. This is required for those that have multiple systems (eg work and home) and need to switch the app between them.