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Where is the Alarm and sleep timer?

The alarms and sleep timer are gone in the new app? Did sonos really destroy such essential features or is this a bug? 

I really hope they didnt just go "fork the paying user" on us here, a ton of us use and rely on those every single day. Gonna look for a money back option here

Share the fury that the alarm function has gone - insanity - but:

Some people say we can manage alarms (temporarily) on the web app, others say they can't find it on the web app. I can't find it when I look at the web app, the setting is just not there.

So are we saying it's available to some people on the web app and not others? And if so, what's different about setups that can and can't see that setting in the web app?

I just want to turn my existing alarms off!

Did i have a F@#$ing stroke?! What have they done to this app?! I set an alarm for early Thursday morning and then the update happened and changed everything in the menus.  Now, Saturday morning the alarm goes off and there is no way to turn it off?! And this is going to happen everyday?! Awesome. Good job sonos you really made some loyal customers mad. Your complaint dept gonna be really busy on Monday. You better show up with the good coffee and special donuts to wade through this $#!t show. 

Bring back the alarm asap!!!!!!!!!

What a ridiculous thing to overlook on an update, I have an alarm set from before the app updated, for 6am! I work shifts, I don't want an alarm going off every morning at 6am ffs, this better get sorted soon, to think these people do this as a full time job and overlook something like this, crazy

Sorry to hear the world crashing down on so many folks out there.  I’m sure Sonos will be capable of restoring the alarm function to your lives with the next software patch.  In the meantime maybe take a chill pill and listen to some music.  

Give us back the old app!

I need sleep timer every night to fall asleep!

Seriously, I hope it is a bug and not a design choice.


Ps. Give us back the sound volume number on the volume slider in the room page. I hoped for a volume knob, but you removed the number.

The sound number is there, you might need to familiarize yourself with the new update.



Please restore alarm and sleep timer !!! I need go working !!

This update is non sense !!!

Sonos - words totally fail me!

It is currently 23:57 and I've just spent the last 15 minutes hunting around your 'new and improved' app to change my alarm time for the morning.

This process previous took about 30 seconds.

I can't believe you are so utterly out of touch with your customers and have rolled out a new app that doesn't have alarm or sleep times.

To say I'm angry is an understatement!


At the very least give us the option to change back to the old version that worked until you get it sorted out!

I use the sleep timer periodically - its a great feature. Why remove it? Please restore this feature as soon as possible.

Removing sleep timer and alarm functions from portable devices is one of the dumbest decisions I've ever heard of.  Gotta wonder, who from Sonos management signed that off?  And then advise a work around to log onto a Mac or Pc.....

I can’t believe you did this.  I have 3 systems in my house. I NEED THE ALARM BACK!

i Yep. I used the timer EVERY NIGHT. Thanks Sonos 😒

Idem. J’ai acheté SONOS pour me réveiller tous les matins avec du bon son. Désormais, ce n’est plus possible. Sonos se moque de sa communauté et de ses clients en livrant une app dégradée qui a perdu ses fonctions essentielles. C’est une honte. Quand je pense à la publicité que Sonos a fait ventant cette nouvelle app, plus performante, repensée etc. c’est à mourir de rire… j’aimerai pas être à la place des développeurs...

Idem. J’ai acheté SONOS pour me réveiller tous les matins avec du bon son. Désormais, ce n’est plus possible. Sonos se moque de sa communauté et de ses clients en livrant une app dégradée qui a perdu ses fonctions essentielles. C’est une honte. Quand je pense à la publicité que Sonos a fait ventant cette nouvelle app, plus performante, repensée etc. c’est à mourir de rire… j’aimerai pas être à la place des développeurs...

Sorry to hear the world crashing down on so many folks out there.  I’m sure Sonos will be capable of restoring the alarm function to your lives with the next software patch.  In the meantime maybe take a chill pill and listen to some music.  

Read the room, buddy 

I’ve just come across a post by Jez Nolan in the ‘New Sonos App - Adding to que’ thread from yesterday which gave a link to the Reddit website.

If you follow the instructions it allows you to reinstall the old version of the app and get back to where we all were before Sonos forced this abomination of an update on us:

I’ve just gone through the process ‘step by step’ and managed to reinstall the old version of the app and said hello again to: Alarms, Sleep timers, music que management etc etc…….! 😀

The ‘new and improved’ version will stay firmly in the bin until Sonos have released something that actually works.

I’m on Android and the process worked fine - sorry but I’ve no idea if there is also the same available for Apple OS.

SONOS - It should not be down to individual users to post this information. Sonos should have given us all the option to ‘roll back’ the instant it became clear there were problems with the new app!

Merci pour les conseils ! Si quelqu’un a une astuce pour revenir à l’ancienne app sur Apple OS pour iphone…🙏🏻

Per Support on day 1, use a computer to update your alarms, really??  This is another insane moment of lack of thinking at Sonos. Any improvement some be based around → as good as or better or don’t do it. We struggled through S2 from S1 and this is ridiculous. 


Je n’ai jamais utilisé la web app sur mon Mac. Je viens de la découvrir, et toujours aucune trace du réveil/alarme non plus dans les réglages.. Désespoir..

Please fix the sleep timer!!!!!!!

Way to go Sonos, you told me with great excitement that this was a killer update. Did not realise you have killed the best feature and got rid of my wake up to music feature

Idiots !

Also I love how the PR says some customers love the new interface… I find that pretty hard to believe. You can only fastforward by dragging - which is super inaccurate, the litttle fast forward function is even gone.

What a terrible app update. Shiny new FYP but no alarm or sleep timer?  Great job Product team… NOT!

I have nothing good to say about the new app. 

YAY there’s been an app update so I thought the sleep timer would be back 🤔 NO CHANCE still not there 😡 Come on Sonos you’re trying your users too much!!

YAY there’s been an app update so I thought the sleep timer would be back 🤔 NO CHANCE still not there 😡 Come on Sonos you’re trying your users too much!!

Per the Sonos Website, the plan is to restore this feature (and others) mid June.  If I was in charge, there would be several Product Managers TERMINATED!  This update is AFU!!

YAY there’s been an app update so I thought the sleep timer would be back 🤔 NO CHANCE still not there 😡 Come on Sonos you’re trying your users too much!!

Per the Sonos Website, the plan is to restore this feature (and others) mid June.  If I was in charge, there would be several Product Managers TERMINATED!  This update is AFU!!

Thanks I hadn’t seen that - however that’s a month away and TOO long and I agree with you with the product managers and it doesn’t take a month to restore a sleep timer!!!




According with the below  post, the alarms are now availbale (New update) - I trying to find it….


Available now
To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

  • Adding and editing alarms
  • VoiceOver on iOS now properly interacts with individual elements of the Sonos app's home screen.