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Looks like the Sonos app has had a makeover which usually means trouble. The first being that there is no longer a widget on android which is a massive PITA. I'm assuming I'm not the only one and also am hoping this is a goof and not deliberate on the part of Sonos.


Version 80.00.04-release+20240507.671145b com.sonos.acr2

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Seems like this has happened before and was fixed rather soon after major updates. I'm on your team though and hope they fix it soon as well.

I've downloaded the APK of the previous version and restored sanity then turned off updates both of the Android app and the Sonos speakers themselves. It wasn't just the lack of widget but also there isn't a way to turn mute on and off from the volume sliders any more, that's if you're quick enough to use the sliders before they vanish. I didn't go much further into the app after finding those two gotchas.


Sad state of affairs

I'm even having problems staying connected to Spotify and music services now.  Awesome to speakers that cant play any music waaahhh

Same issues as everyone else, and I see the old bug is still there, it seems too find the one gen 1 device first, and just gives up, force close the app etc brings back the list of gen2 devices.. 


I'm having latency issue with volume control. What's up, Sonos?

I've downloaded the APK of the previous version and restored sanity then turned off updates both of the Android app and the Sonos speakers themselves.

Does anyone know how to do the equivalent on IoS? I only have one IoS device and I rarely use it but I want to keep it on the working release of the sonos app, it’s currently on a much older version which needs updating to connect to the speakers, but I don't want it updating to the botched makeover version.


First they remove the ability to play songs stored on the phone, now they get rid of the widget with no warning…

When it comes time for me to update my home sound system, I’m not staying with Sonos, and I’m never recommending them to anyone. From limited features, to having no expectations of having any feature stick around, they’ve lost all of my trust and confidence.

First they remove the ability to play songs stored on the phone, now they get rid of the widget with no warning…

When it comes time for me to update my home sound system, I’m not staying with Sonos, and I’m never recommending them to anyone. From limited features, to having no expectations of having any feature stick around, they’ve lost all of my trust and confidence.

I am also considering switching to Google because connectivity and integration is really bad... it's sad

I have gotten so many people, friends family and co workers to change to Sonos from Bose since about 2016.   I will not advocate anymore for the reasons noted. Not being able to use my on phone library (years of music) and now no Widget.... This is absurd for products that are not inexpensive. My entire home is Sonos and was a well functioning machine... Used to think Sonos actually cared based upon customer service before. But now... Not so much.  I've spent thousands... And had friends do the same.  Just terrible.... 

Hate the app!

Bloody bring back the widget we have so much more control and a better set up.

Sooo frustrating we should have an option to choose!

I've also lost the widget after the app update. Does anyone know when sonos are going to fix it. Share others experiences, sonos seem to be going downhill.

Je viens de découvrir la nouvelle application, sans widget... Et autres.

Peut-être faut-il que Sonos arrête de penser qu'ils sont les meilleurs du monde et cela commencera à aller mieux.


Moderator edit:
Google Translate-


I just discovered the new application, without widget... And others.

Maybe Sonos needs to stop thinking they're the best in the world and things will start to get better.

It's now June 7 & they've pushed a big android app update & I've uninstalled reinstalled but still no widget. 

This is ridiculous

I want the widget back 😥

Streaming from Spotify and i cant use the widget anymore from my homescreen to switch boxes/volumes and so on.

Also for the beam. 

I have to open the app and search. 


Please put the widget back 

If my home phone rings or a visitor comes to the door instead of just pressing stop on the widget I now have to go into the app, wait for it to find my system because it says I don't have a system most of the time.

Then eventually I can stop my music.

Widgets are not a nice to have option they are essential.

Please put the widget back asap.

Just boycott Sonos app and use bubbleupnp android app &wídge

It's super versatile, maybe a little too much

I was a fan of Sonos like many here, these screwups are terrible and my confidence is gone. Like most here I never recommend Sonos to anyone anymore. 

I've  actually wanted to complete my setup with a Sonos Sub for awhile, right now I am happy I never got one. I am doubtful I'll ever buy one, I'd rather get a whole new boring Bose set without the drama.

Sonos at least give the option to switch apps, don't downgrade everyone and give us the middle finger. As I've used the widget the most this is truly a loss.

Also anyone else got the realization that you're totally dependent on the Sonos app to do anything? I'm FORCED to upgrade to this app otherwise I can't control any Sonos device. (I've installed the old app through the APK mirror before)