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I have updated to the new app. Like the new layout, but how do I access, set and remove alarms on my system, now? 

This is a joke, I can’t even switch off alarms! Can’t believe that Sonos are encouraged people to upgrade but there is no warning that key functionality is lost. A PR howler…. Can’t even work out what’s better, everything has just moved!!!!

This is absolutely ridiculous. Why force a new app on us with a massive missing feature. Amateur hour at Sonos dev office.

No alarm on Sonos iOS? Speaker is worthless now. Can I have my $500 back so I can get a different setup?

Heads should roll for this! Absolute madness! I now have my alarms going off based on the last settings and cannot switch them off. Unbelievable oversight from Sonos developers.

I have updated to the new app. Like the new layout, but how do I access, set and remove alarms on my system, now? 

Came here for this as the radio station I’d set now is an obtuse alarm! Searched app endlessly, only to come here and understand they’ve removed what I consider a basic feature… why do tech companies do this!?? It’s short sitedness! Also, the new app is even more jinky than the S2 version, and that was flipping annoying. To the desktop app!! 

You can still change your alarms in de desktop app. 
On MacOS (and probably same in other OSes) available on the bottom right, in the third column.

Is it possible to uninstall the Update and return to the previous version of the app?

okayyyy….. this is now how we play the game in the cloud?

Honestly this was my biggest fear when I bought 6 Sonos 1, ARC and SUB… Now I got automatically updates on ANDROID & IOS- BUT BUT a very very very basic function like setting an alarm is not there anymore?

Really? Setting an alarm is considered as feature??? Are you kidding me? Now I shall switch on my laptop every time when I want to activate / deactivate / set an alarm?


If you guys are not able to include this feature, then damn the hell why not rolling back the update and ship a month later?

How shall I trust you guys with the next updates??? And for you dear developers: I hope you all have as well the updated version on your devices at home!!!!


Honestly I am very close to sell all devices and buy another one… 

This new app is a disaster.  As well as no alarms, also can’t access Amazon Music or search my Music Library so far as I can see.   Why do Sonos keep doing this to us after sucking us in to their ecosystem??

I love my Sonos and use the sleep timer and alarm options every day. 

I spent 10 minutes browsing the new app last night looking for both these things and thought I was going crazy not being able to see them on the new app. I my husband realised it must be the new app and did not update his app because I needed to set the sleep timer and confirm my alarms were set.

Please bring back these two functions. My whole family uses the Sonos alarm every morning! 


Same for us. SONOS, please bring back this useful feature immediately.


Is there maybe an option to rollback this current update?

What a joke!!! Can not believe that a company as Sonos makes a huge mistake like this. The previous installed alarms still work; but people can no longer make changes; leaving them with the only option to simple unplug the speakers with alarms on them (in case you don't want to use the alarms anymore).

My brothers Bose setup does not do this. For years he has envied my Sonos. Today he is laughing. Sort it out ASAP. I am ready to switch loyalty

Was any user research or design testing conducted before removing features and changing the UI? I have a hard time believing alarm functionality is not a key feature… PLEASE bring this back asap!

SONOS.. Get his fixed asap. It’s embarrassing…  


Over to product management and quality assurance for now planning a proper release and impact on features that are highly used!

time to make a sprint shorter and damage control


unfortunate to head of product for his/her lack of oversight on the migration process


alarms going on automatically and can’t turn them off!!! This hurts 



The testers didn't pay attention to setting the alarm. Update since yesterday evening. Pretty cumbersome app. You have to search, so you have to search for the alarm. They say: "Set", "Manage" and "See alarm". Unfortunately there isn't one. I have Android and yesterday I turned off the alarm because I had days off. And now I can't set it anymore. Please come back soon.  

What a dreadful update. Setting alarms is, in my humble opinion, a must have for Sonos. Luckily I was able to rollback my update. Turned off automatic updates until Sonos address this issue. What a way to drop the ball.

This ambush, non-negotiable update is bad enough, but to remove a KEY function like Alarm, that we use every single day is ridiculous.

What UX redesign genius thought this was a good idea.

Please restore immediately.​​​​​​​

I have updated to the new app. Like the new layout, but how do I access, set and remove alarms on my system, now? 

Please can someone at SONOS explain how do you do an upgrade and then leave fundamental functions like the alarm out?!?!?    Someone’s head need to roll for allowing a half developed app to be released. What a joke!!

Was any user research or design testing conducted before removing features and changing the UI? I have a hard time believing alarm functionality is not a key feature… PLEASE bring this back asap!

I cannot actually believe in today’s day and age that a major company like SONOS could allow a half developed app get released. WTF!?!?!?  

Best you start an urgent sprint to fix your mess SONOS and fire the idiots who allowed this. 

Really? Please tell me this was an oversight and will be added to the update. Like everyone else here I thought the alarm and sleep timer were some of the best functions of the app. I used them daily. Without them Sonos is basically just another set of speakers. 

Whose idea could this possibly be, to remove one of the most important functions of the whole Sonos  system the alarm.  I use it pretty much every single morning and now it’s gone!! I was actually convinced that I must be mistaken and that’s why I came onto forum to find out. I really can’t believe it

My son has been unable to set an alarm for tomorrow when he has an exam.. as he has autism trying to explain there are alternative alarms available in the house is not ideal at bedtime.. you have lost his and our trust. Boo to you!

The worst time to discover Sonos hires the least competent product managers is 10pm when trying to adjust an existing alarm.


Alarms playing bloomberg radio was the single reason I had a sonos speaker.