Diagnostic 1334398637, occasionally the radio skips back and repeats a few seconds, the radio will later turn off.
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- Radio skipping backwards - BBC radio repeats
Radio skipping backwards - BBC radio repeats
- September 8, 2020
- 146 replies
- Contributor II
- 1 reply
146 replies
- Lyricist II
- 4 replies
- March 17, 2021
I’ve got the same problem, with Radio4 skipping backwards about 10 seconds. It does it several times in a single programme. It’s only started doing this since I switched from Sonos Radio or Tunein to Radio Player which I’ve had to do because I believe BBC will cease providing the stream via Sonos Player and Tunein on 22nd March. This feels like a problem between Radioplayer and Sonos - no problem with any other service. This is very frustrating after 12+ years of excellent Sonos listening
- Lyricist I
- 2 replies
- March 17, 2021
Just to add a different perspective, I’m listening to BBC radio through BBC sounds on Alexa, but not using Sonos, using an Orbi Voice smart speaker. I’m having EXACTLY the same issue as is described, which is very frustrating and makes it unlistenable.
However, it does point to there being a problem with BBC sounds and the streams they send perhaps, rather than the speakers themselves? I found this thread by searching in frustration for people with similar issues, but haven’t come across anyone complaining of it using Echo devices, so I wonder if it is something about the combination of the stream and the speaker, some kind of incompatibility….I really hope we can get to the bottom of it though, certainly miss the BBC stations.
- Chromatic Producer I
- 65 replies
- March 18, 2021
I’ve got the same problem, with Radio4 skipping backwards about 10 seconds. It does it several times in a single programme. It’s only started doing this since I switched from Sonos Radio or Tunein to Radio Player which I’ve had to do because I believe BBC will cease providing the stream via Sonos Player and Tunein on 22nd March. This feels like a problem between Radioplayer and Sonos - no problem with any other service. This is very frustrating after 12+ years of excellent Sonos listening
I am a bit confused now. I switched to the MyRadio service from TuneIn. Then MyRadio started broadcasting warnings that BBC programs will be withdrawn. Are we now saying that BBC stations will be withdrawn from both My Radio AND TuneIn?
- Retired Community Staff
- 1058 replies
- March 18, 2021
I’ve got the same problem, with Radio4 skipping backwards about 10 seconds. It does it several times in a single programme. It’s only started doing this since I switched from Sonos Radio or Tunein to Radio Player which I’ve had to do because I believe BBC will cease providing the stream via Sonos Player and Tunein on 22nd March. This feels like a problem between Radioplayer and Sonos - no problem with any other service. This is very frustrating after 12+ years of excellent Sonos listening
I am a bit confused now. I switched to the MyRadio service from TuneIn. Then MyRadio started broadcasting warnings that BBC programs will be withdrawn. Are we now saying that BBC stations will be withdrawn from both My Radio AND TuneIn?
- Chromatic Producer I
- 65 replies
- March 18, 2021
I’ve got the same problem, with Radio4 skipping backwards about 10 seconds. It does it several times in a single programme. It’s only started doing this since I switched from Sonos Radio or Tunein to Radio Player which I’ve had to do because I believe BBC will cease providing the stream via Sonos Player and Tunein on 22nd March. This feels like a problem between Radioplayer and Sonos - no problem with any other service. This is very frustrating after 12+ years of excellent Sonos listening
I am a bit confused now. I switched to the MyRadio service from TuneIn. Then MyRadio started broadcasting warnings that BBC programs will be withdrawn. Are we now saying that BBC stations will be withdrawn from both My Radio AND TuneIn?
Glad to hear that or all my Sonos gear was going straight on Ebay.
- Lyricist II
- 4 replies
- March 19, 2021
This seems to be becoming more and more problematic, its becoming almost unlistenable when you have the radio on all day. Driving me mad.
- Chromatic Producer I
- 65 replies
- March 19, 2021
I wonder if Sonos could chime in some more on this really annoying issue? If we are still in the position of Sonos blaming the BBC and the BBC blaming someone else, i will probably dump my Sonos gear and look for another solution. No doubt Sonos will be shaking in their boots at the thought me getting rid of my Sonos gear, but it now simply doesn’t work for me.
- Contributor I
- 3 replies
- March 19, 2021
I also have this issue and after seeing the message from
Thanks for contacting BBC Sounds support about your Sonos device skipping backwards when listening to BBC streams.
This has now been confirmed to be a Sonos fault rather than a BBC issue. You should check out their help forums where they have updated some of the threads to show this.
I did a search but have not found any reference this updated status - is anybody able to point me to where the threads have been updated?
- Contributor I
- 2 replies
- March 19, 2021
I am getting the same BBC radio skipping issue which started a couple of months ago. Have informed BBC but they don't seem to think it's their problem. Is Sonos still working with the BBC on this? Very annoying
- Lyricist I
- 2 replies
- March 20, 2021
Had the same problem. Not sure if it's a universal fix, but changed from Tunein to myTuner Radio as the music service for radio.
Quality of sound better, and no more skipping backwards. Hope it works for others!
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- March 20, 2021
I also have this issue and after seeing the message from
Thanks for contacting BBC Sounds support about your Sonos device skipping backwards when listening to BBC streams.
This has now been confirmed to be a Sonos fault rather than a BBC issue. You should check out their help forums where they have updated some of the threads to show this.
I did a search but have not found any reference this updated status - is anybody able to point me to where the threads have been updated?
Xander P’s message still seems by far the most plausible explanation here - I’ve had the skipping issue for ages across all BBC streams and it’s absolutely what you’d expect when an HLS stream is generated incorrectly. Not all HLS players are created equal though, so it could be a subtle issue with the way the BBC streams are generate breaking playback on Sonos. I agree it’d be interesting to see what updated threads the BBC are referring to here, though.
- Lyricist I
- 2 replies
- March 20, 2021
A week ago I switched from tunein to Radioplayer to see if the repeating was any better. It’s just as bad with Radioplayer on both Radio 2 and 4. Will try myTuner Radio to see if it’s any better although judging by the comments in this thread I don’t hold out much hope.
- Contributor I
- 3 replies
- March 22, 2021
Thank goodness I came across this thread as I was beginning the lose the plot slightly. For months now I’ve been plagued, yes plagued , with Radio 4 skipping back when playing on my Sonos One Gen Twos using BBC Sounds. Coupled with the 50/50 chance that it won’t stop playing when asked, instead having to ask it to play something else and then stop it, it’s becoming a little tiresome. So, based on this thread I’ve disabled the BBC Sounds skill in the Alexa app and enabled the myTuner skill instead. Fingers crossed...
- Contributor I
- 2 replies
- March 22, 2021
The BBC have responded this morning re-stating this is a known Sonos issue. Can I have an update when available? Thanks
- Lyricist I
- 2 replies
- March 22, 2021
This can’t be purely a Sonos problem, as I’m experiencing exactly the same on my Netgear Orbi speaker, which uses Alexa, but has nothing to do with Sonos (see post above)
Do we know if other users using Alexa but through non-Sonos devices (e.g. Echo) are also experiencing it?
- Lyricist III
- 5 replies
- March 23, 2021
- Lyricist III
- 5 replies
- March 23, 2021
I’ve reverted to using RadioPlayer for the source of BBC Radio 2, no issues at the moment - come on Sonos, you want people to use your Radio Service as the main source but here in the UK we have issues.
- Contributor I
- 3 replies
- March 23, 2021
I also have this issue. There is no difference if started with Sonos app or Alexa. I have also tried with Google no difference.
What I don't understand is with this skipping backwards why is the program finishing on time? or is it a case that with all these seconds I am running behind in this lockdown time!
- Lyricist III
- 8 replies
- March 23, 2021
I’ve been putting up with this issue for a few months but it’s getting worse (just now I’ve had 3 skip backs in 15 minutes!) so felt I had to add another name to the list.
I initiate Radio 2 with Google via TuneIn.
This is making think twice about future Sonos purchases, like a Soundbar.
- Lyricist I
- 3 replies
- March 24, 2021
I am new to Sonos having recently invested in a Beam Soundbar for family room TV.
I have been using Amazon Echo devices for a few years, with no issue.
When I listen to any BBC radio (BBC Sounds) , launched by Alexa on the Beam, it will randomly jump back 20-30 seconds.
I have never had the same problem with any of the Echo devices.
If this isn’t resolved soon I will return the Beam under warranty.
- Contributor I
- 3 replies
- March 24, 2021
I also have this issue and after seeing the message from
Thanks for contacting BBC Sounds support about your Sonos device skipping backwards when listening to BBC streams.
This has now been confirmed to be a Sonos fault rather than a BBC issue. You should check out their help forums where they have updated some of the threads to show this.
I did a search but have not found any reference this updated status - is anybody able to point me to where the threads have been updated?
I asked the BBC to point me at the forums they meant and, low and behold, they pointed me at this thread. I can only think they meant the post from
- Lyricist I
- 3 replies
- March 24, 2021
I also have this issue and after seeing the message from
Thanks for contacting BBC Sounds support about your Sonos device skipping backwards when listening to BBC streams.
This has now been confirmed to be a Sonos fault rather than a BBC issue. You should check out their help forums where they have updated some of the threads to show this.
I did a search but have not found any reference this updated status - is anybody able to point me to where the threads have been updated?
I asked the BBC to point me at the forums they meant and, low and behold, they pointed me at this thread. I can only think they meant the post from
I was online with Sonos support today, their suggestion was to use Radioplayer skill with Alexa to play BBC, instead of BBC Sounds. I explained that this was a clunky work around and not a fix. I asked that my request be added to the list of candidate issues to be resolved in future Sonos SW release. Continuing to use myTuner to play BBC Radio on Sonos until this is fixed permanently.
- Lyricist I
- 3 replies
- March 25, 2021
I also have this issue and after seeing the message from
Thanks for contacting BBC Sounds support about your Sonos device skipping backwards when listening to BBC streams.
This has now been confirmed to be a Sonos fault rather than a BBC issue. You should check out their help forums where they have updated some of the threads to show this.
I did a search but have not found any reference this updated status - is anybody able to point me to where the threads have been updated?
I asked the BBC to point me at the forums they meant and, low and behold, they pointed me at this thread. I can only think they meant the post from
I was online with Sonos support today, their suggestion was to use Radioplayer skill with Alexa to play BBC, instead of BBC Sounds. I explained that this was a clunky work around and not a fix. I asked that my request be added to the list of candidate issues to be resolved in future Sonos SW release. Continuing to use myTuner to play BBC Radio on Sonos until this is fixed permanently.
This is what Sonos support said in chat “It looks like this is related to 'BBC Sounds Skill' that isn't fully functional on an Alexa enabled Sonos device versus an Amazon Alexa Enabled Device.”
- Lyricist III
- 5 replies
- March 25, 2021
I also have this issue and after seeing the message from
Thanks for contacting BBC Sounds support about your Sonos device skipping backwards when listening to BBC streams.
This has now been confirmed to be a Sonos fault rather than a BBC issue. You should check out their help forums where they have updated some of the threads to show this.
I did a search but have not found any reference this updated status - is anybody able to point me to where the threads have been updated?
I asked the BBC to point me at the forums they meant and, low and behold, they pointed me at this thread. I can only think they meant the post from
I was online with Sonos support today, their suggestion was to use Radioplayer skill with Alexa to play BBC, instead of BBC Sounds. I explained that this was a clunky work around and not a fix. I asked that my request be added to the list of candidate issues to be resolved in future Sonos SW release. Continuing to use myTuner to play BBC Radio on Sonos until this is fixed permanently.
I might have missed this bit in the forum, so wanted to check. Does myTuner Radio play BBC Radio on Sonos without the backward skips?
- Prodigy III
- 324 replies
- March 25, 2021
Haven't seen any recent diagnostics on this for over a week do I thought I would add one. This doesn't happen very often to us but had a very noticeable backward skip this morning Radio 4 streaming from Radioplayer initited by a Sonos alarm system is 11.2.4 so 6 months since last updated.
Diagnostic 1255664793
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