I’m unable to add an album to existing queue. Is this feature gone or am I missing it?
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- New SONOS App - Adding to queue
New SONOS App - Adding to queue
- May 8, 2024
- 354 replies
- Contributor I
- 1 reply
Hi all,
I have gathered your feedback regarding queue management and other features in the Sonos app from your individual threads and compiled it here. I understand your frustration and can assure this feature will return in a future update.
If you have any other suggestions or comments, please let us know by replying here or by posting in the Sonos app announcement thread linked below:
That thread, along with all other feedback, threads, and comments regarding the Sonos app, will be closely monitored and forwarded to the relevant teams.
354 replies
- 21940 replies
- May 9, 2024
Oh wow I'm really shocked at the loss of queue editing. I've been relying on this for home music listening for maybe a decade. Really underscores what I've felt a few times over this period - my home music ecosystem is problematically over reliant on Sonos, because functionality can disappear overnight (among other reasons).
I was quite shocked aswell, but Sonos have announced that queue-editing/functionality is coming to their new Sonos app. There’s a development timeline mentioned here somewhere in community posts, but perhaps suffice to say, it’s coming in the not too distant future. I’m eagerly awaiting this feature too.
- Lyricist II
- 4 replies
- May 9, 2024
I am starting to suspect that Sonos wants to remove the Sonos Playlist feature permanently. I suspect this from seeing this quote of the new feature of the app from their press release:
“Customize and curate: Enjoy unparalleled curation by designing your Home screen to reflect how you listen. Pin rows of your favorite content and services; then move, edit, or rearrange them to your liking.”
I noticed no mention of playlists. Just pin content (whatever that means) and services. Sonos playlists was my favorite feature because I could pull together songs from various services into one playlist and then edit the order while playing the music. It was awesome and it worked well and my son loved dragging songs into the order he wanted. I suspect the playlists feature not coming back and that they would rather we just use services or play content one at a time. Its their choice what kind of product they want to provide to users but I would have liked some warning. This downgrade was in NONE of their press releases and marketing.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 10, 2024
And Sonos has done it again… Releasing a poorly executed app into the wilderness, and again us users have to deal with the poor design and feature set. I’m so glad that I have thousands of dollars worth of Sonos systems, that no longer have queue management. What genius thought this was a good idea? You guys should start by firing the entire development management staff, and apparently start over again. I totally agree with all the others here, put the old app back in the App Store and delete this piece of garbage and start over again.
- Renowned Enthusiast I
- 78 replies
- May 10, 2024
Hi all,
I have gathered your feedback regarding queue management and other features in the Sonos app from your individual threads and compiled it here. I understand your frustration and can assure this feature will return in a future update.
If you have any other suggestions or comments, please let us know by replying here or by posting in the Sonos app announcement thread linked below:
That thread, along with all other feedback, threads, and comments regarding the Sonos app, will be closely monitored and forwarded to the relevant teams.
Not being able to add and remove songs from a queue is huge. Trying to play in multiple rooms is now clunky. I hope you’ll consider just going back to the previous app. No one asked for these “improvements” to the home page. I find it way too busy. You also can’t mute the volume now like we could do in the past. Also, I have a video I made of my iPhone controller where when I try to turn the volume down, it jumps back up to the “louder” position. It takes like 5 attempts to lower the sound. It’s so frustrating.
- Enthusiast I
- 16 replies
- May 10, 2024
Hi all,
I have gathered your feedback regarding queue management and other features in the Sonos app from your individual threads and compiled it here. I understand your frustration and can assure this feature will return in a future update.
If you have any other suggestions or comments, please let us know by replying here or by posting in the Sonos app announcement thread linked below:
That thread, along with all other feedback, threads, and comments regarding the Sonos app, will be closely monitored and forwarded to the relevant teams.
NO EXCUSES JAMIE A. This a terrible, terrible App update, truly dreadful. How on earth could management allow this miserable piece of software lose? Unfortunately I'm so invested now in SONOS that it would cost me many thousands of dollars to replace it all, but I may be left with no choice! Tell those app developers to get their arses into gear and get it fixed ASAP - no politeness here I'm sorry, this is an abomination of an app. Get it sorted. Rant over!
- Renowned Enthusiast I
- 78 replies
- May 10, 2024
Hi all,
I have gathered your feedback regarding queue management and other features in the Sonos app from your individual threads and compiled it here. I understand your frustration and can assure this feature will return in a future update.
If you have any other suggestions or comments, please let us know by replying here or by posting in the Sonos app announcement thread linked below:
That thread, along with all other feedback, threads, and comments regarding the Sonos app, will be closely monitored and forwarded to the relevant teams.
NO EXCUSES JAMIE A. This a terrible, terrible App update, truly dreadful. How on earth could management allow this miserable piece of software lose? Unfortunately I'm so invested now in SONOS that it would cost me many thousands of dollars to replace it all, but I may be left with no choice! Tell those app developers to get their arses into gear and get it fixed ASAP - no politeness here I'm sorry, this is an abomination of an app. Get it sorted. Rant over!
And worse, they do an interview claiming it took courage to release it.
- Trending Lyricist I
- 13 replies
- May 10, 2024
From an email sent to all customers on April 23rd hyping the new app.
How will this affect my system? |
We've taken great care to ensure that this update only enhances your Sonos experience. Your products, features, and services will work as they always have, and all your settings will be saved. |
Queue & Playlist Editing - Coming in July
Ha! Everything will work the same except for the three or more months when you can’t use your expensive hardware for the most basic functions it was purchased for!
- Lyricist II
- 4 replies
- May 10, 2024
I’m unable to add an album to existing queue. Is this feature gone or am I missing it?
What a complete shambles. Reminiscent of the initial release of S2 which planned to abandon support for a huge range of legacy products. This was early 2020. The CEO Patrick Spence publicly apologised after a huge negative customer reaction and committed to putting things right. To be fair he largely did. Now in 2024 Sonos have done it again. They have turned their fabulous app (my view) into an album player, no more. It’s outrageous. As customers we are paying the same for less. The CEO needs to apologise again with a firm commitment and timeline for putting things right. Everyone’s comments, we are all disgusted by this, are both well made and well placed. What is most worrying is that we are all so invested in the product (I have 10 pieces) that Sonos might think it can do what it wants!
- Enthusiast I
- 17 replies
- May 10, 2024
I suspect this has been mentioned elsewhere but another blocker is the lack of capability to navigate in-track on audiobooks. My listening was interrupted, I needed to rewind or even start the chapter again… how?
I could do this 2 days ago but now, after pausing, I can play or change volume but no moving the cursor of where I am in the chapter.
In the chapter list there is no highlight of the current, paused track either, so I can’t navigate that way (eg by long tapping..). Everything is just a list item with a play button - no identifying the CURRENT item.
It’s broken. Guys you are worrying us all with this release, because it doesn’t seem as though you’ve actually tried it much yourselves first. I know about user inertia with a redesign but this is BROKEN and I’ll compromise my experience with the source material if I just surrender to my one option of continuing to play at the point I paused.
It’s broken and “sometime in June” is too long and you can fix today by reinstating the previous version. If Audible had caused this and told me “sometime in June” I’d be asking for my monthly subscription to be refunded right now.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 10, 2024
Such a bizarre decision. Another issue with the queue is each time you access, you need to start at the top then scroll page after page to view where the current track playing is. I was actually thinking they had done a good job on this update as it seamed to fix the lag issues. It might be fast now but it’s totally unusable now without queue editing. They took the queue from Peter and gave it to Paul who is waiting for the next update
- Contributor I
- 3 replies
- May 10, 2024
Loss of queue function is ridiculous. Should at the very least warned about this - I would not have upgraded. Am left with a system that does not work for me
July update - if that is what is suggested- is 2 months too late ( at least).
Very dissatisfied and disappointed.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 10, 2024
Right now I’m really close to putting my Sonos speakers down in the lake outside and just move on with my life. I mean, what are they thinking over there at Sonos? What do they think is the purpose with their speakers? Have an empty shell of an app with no features whatsoever which make their speakers totally useless?
I once upon time bought my Sonos speakers with the sole purpose of listening to both my own music library as well as music from streaming services the way I choose.
After this update, the only feature that remains is to play the same music in different rooms. Every other feature seems to have gone down the toilet. I can just as well use Spotify Connect nowadays. At least they have a (not very good) playlist functionality..
As we say here in Sweden, this is just a ”hole iin the head”-update. Please go back to the drawing board and start over. Meanwhile, publish the previous ”working” app in App Store and Google Play so we may keep our hair.
Over and out!
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 10, 2024
From an email sent to all customers on April 23rd hyping the new app.
How will this affect my system? |
We've taken great care to ensure that this update only enhances your Sonos experience. Your products, features, and services will work as they always have, and all your settings will be saved. |
ive bolded the patently false part. if i had known this wasnt the case i would have never updated.
Suggestion 1. Rollback app on app store to 16.1 until all features are ready. Release the new app as a new app for those that want it in the meantime.
Suggestion 2 - Communicate ASAP timelines on when features will be back and more importantly if they will be back. Many features have been promised to return but some others havent (ie local library search).
Customers need accurate information to make informed decisions. Weve been left in the dark.
its sad that i got this list from a retailer and not from Sonos itself. Mind you that now seems to be removed so hopefully it was wrong and i wont have to wait until July for queue management.
Unfortunately as with most app launches nowadays, this isn't the finished article just yet. While the Sonos S2 App has launched with a solid foundation, some users might have noticed a few missing features including the ability to edit playlists and queues (frustrating we know). Here's some good news! We can confirm they are on their way and we've been able to compile a timeline for some of the crucial additions Sonos is expected to bring in the coming months:
Auto Trueplay / Quicktune Era (100 & Era 300) - Arriving in Late May
Snooze Alarms - Coming in June
Google Assistant Setup on Android - Coming in June
Sleep Timers - Coming in July
Find Missing Products Tool - Coming in July
Offline Devices - Coming in July
Queue & Playlist Editing - Coming in July
To have to wait until July for basic queue management is unacceptable. I have a party planned in July - that’s going to be interesting. Sonos must reinstated S2 app onto the App Store immediately.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 10, 2024
Agree the new app looks like crap. No way to change it from any color except dull gray.
Removing the edit queue feature - what are you THINKING?!?
I was going to go back to the S2 app but nope, can’t download it any more on the Play store
Why not make it available again while you work issues or our junk this new app!
- Lyricist III
- 7 replies
- May 10, 2024
Been reading this and another thread here regarding the new app... besides histrionics and threats of lawsuits, I am as unhappy with the app as anyone else but no one will die from its existence or contract cancer from its usage, I say the most reasonable & thoughtful thing to do, be it Android or iOS, is offer a rollback to the previous version that is readily available on either platforms app store.
Come on Sonos, do the right thing and offer the rollback immediately.
- Contributor I
- 4 replies
- May 10, 2024
I’m just adding another post to echo all of these complaints. This has been a terrible update, and the more people who say so, perhaps the faster Sonos will fix it.
- Lyricist II
- 3 replies
- May 10, 2024
Today is the first chance that I’ve had to properly use the new SONOS app. Went to play some songs and add to the queue and the feature is not there. This is beyond frustrating. It’s all I used to use it for. Complete shambles
- Lyricist II
- 3 replies
- May 10, 2024
Have to wait until July for the Playlist/Queue Editing to be added … NO NO NO NO
Snooze Alarms are seriously more important a feature to get June than Playlist/Queues … c’mon … well I guess its time to migrate the playlist over to Spotify, delete the app and just push the Spotify stream to my Sonos Speakers. Seriously Sonos what the F***
- Contributor I
- 6 replies
- May 10, 2024
Terrible app release , absymal
no easy way to search or navigate through locally stored library.
No options to play albums from folder view.
Did a rival develop the app to destroy Sonos's reputation?
- Lyricist III
- 5 replies
- May 10, 2024
This is crazy! Why would they remove queue management? I presume this is an oversight rather than a deliberate act. Please reinstate it immediately
- Local Superstar
- 1332 replies
- May 10, 2024
It hard to see how the new app can be improved as essentially the overall concept is flawed (probably fatally). They can tack on missing features, but the overall experience of use and look is not really going to change - it's just unpleasant and irritating to use.
Anyone investing in the new 500 dollar headphones is likely to expect a matching app. This isn't it.
- Renowned Enthusiast I
- 78 replies
- May 10, 2024
Is there no way to change the Sonosnet channel now in the app?
- Lyricist I
- 2 replies
- May 10, 2024
Not a question, just a complaint!
Another unhappy customer. I can’t manage my queue?! This seems like the 2nd most basic feature of a music app 2nd only to playing music… this app was not ready, your devs are giving agile a bad name
- Renowned Enthusiast I
- 78 replies
- May 10, 2024
Going another night trying to use this app at home and another night of frustration. It’s just junk. Yet, developer pride and ego won’t let them admit it’s junk. Whoever defined the MVP and let it be released should be fired. The WSJ recently did something similar with their iPad app---ruined it. Both companies seem to be taking the stance that the customers are idiots and don’t realize what a wonderful improvement has been created.
Please bring back queue editing. This new format is also a mess. Just give us the old app even if pride is standing in the way with the developers.
- Lyricist I
- 2 replies
- May 10, 2024
So I can literally play one song at a time ... Then open the app and choose a new track. Are you fecking kidding me. This update is a joke. £1000s spent. Not happy!!
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