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I’m unable to add an album to existing queue. Is this feature gone or am I missing it?

So download the latest update and in my opinion it is a POS.

No songs show in the queue so can’t add or remove songs, can’t see what’s going to play, can’t access to select crossfade.


Support have told me that having music library available on iOS app and ability to add to end of a queue are features that are not yet available in updated app!? These are the features that made Sonos worthwhile. I was told they should be in future updates at unspecified time!? When will these essential features be in the iOS app? Or do I need to sell all Sonos products and try something else? 

There no longer is an option to add a song or album to the end of my queue when I long hold an icon. Is there a new way to add songs and albums?

Everyday I queue up the podcasts I want to listen to using Pocketcasts. That functionality isn't there any more which seems like such a basic omission. 

No alarms, no local library search, no podcast queuing, did you even Beta test this update Sonos? Terrible.

I’ve used the new app for about 5 minutes, and here are two critical comments:  1) There’s no way to add songs to a queue that you are currently playing. You used to be able to do this.  2) It’s too busy of an interface, with too many “forward/back” options that don’t make much sense of where you are at.


Will the queue management features come back? There are no options to “play next” Or “add to end of queue”. You also can’t edit the order of Songs once they are in the queue.

For someone who has had Sonos since the Gen 1 models, this update is a little disappointing to take that customization away. I use my Sonos daily and having those features are key.



I can’t believe Sonos removed the ability to edit the queue while in use in the new update! That was the single best feature of their product!!!

Ponderous! 🙄 You’d think this was their first rodeo. Amateurish and embarrassing. Thank you for the reply. 

Hi all,

I have gathered your feedback regarding queue management and other features in the Sonos app from your individual threads and compiled it here. I understand your frustration and can assure this feature will return in a future update.

If you have any other suggestions or comments, please let us know by replying here or by posting in the Sonos app announcement thread linked below:

That thread, along with all other feedback, threads, and comments regarding the Sonos app, will be closely monitored and forwarded to the relevant teams.

Thank you for consolidating the feedback around this issue Jamie A.  I’ll add that this ‘future update’ cannot come soon enough.  I recommend Sonos give it the utmost priority. This is the single best feature of the system and app, the ability to collaboratively queue music from multiple sources on the fly. Whenever I’m talking Sonos up with others this is the main selling feature in my view.

I haven’t found a way to delete songs from my Sonos playlists in the new app. Am I missing something or is it simply impossible?

Agree with most comments.  Please return queue management features ASAP.  You’ve destroyed the listening experience.  

Absolutely agree - the queue is the main feature I rely on and it feels like a major inconvenience to have to replace the queue every time.  It’s just not how I consume music.  I would have preferred it if this update had been held back until this is available, in case that helps.  All your hard work will go unnoticed and be lost if the app can’t do what it used to, from day one.

I also wanted to report that I had no services available at all when I first launched the app after update (on Android).  I quit the app and restarted and they were available.

The app just killed their competitive advantage - the Sonos ecosystem. It has rendered my 20 active Sonos products into a iPod Shuffle with Streaming Service algorithm. They should do the right thing and make the Gold S2 App available again on App Store. The trust installed in these guardians is dying, and so too will their company. 

No queue management, no point in Sonos.  What is this, 1976?  Are we putting on single albums, waiting for them to end, then putting on another album?  Who at Sonos thought an update that removing what is, arguably, the most ESSENTIAL and DEFINING feature of the app would be an improvement?  Who in their right mind would invest in a system that prevents a user from enjoying music and podcasts through a user editable queue?  Dear Sonos, next update please include the hiss of dust on a turntable needle, give us the whole retro experience...

Add to queue is gone. Why? This has to be an oversight. Bring it back, quickly! These updates are going in the wrong direction. 


From an email sent to all customers on April 23rd hyping the new app.


How will this affect my system?

We've taken great care to ensure that this update only enhances your Sonos experience. Your products, features, and services will work as they always have, and all your settings will be saved.


ive bolded the patently false part.  if i had known this wasnt the case i would have never updated.


Suggestion 1.  Rollback app on app store to 16.1 until all features are ready.  Release the new app as a new app for those that want it in the meantime.


Suggestion 2 -  Communicate ASAP timelines on when features will be back and more importantly if they will be back.  Many features have been promised to return but some others havent (ie local library search).


Customers need accurate information to make informed decisions.  Weve been left in the dark.


its sad that i got this list from a retailer and not from Sonos itself.  Mind you that now seems to be removed so hopefully it was wrong and i wont have to wait until July for queue management.


Unfortunately as with most app launches nowadays, this isn't the finished article just yet. While the Sonos S2 App has launched with a solid foundation, some users might have noticed a few missing features including the ability to edit playlists and queues (frustrating we know). Here's some good news! We can confirm they are on their way and we've been able to compile a timeline for some of the crucial additions Sonos is expected to bring in the coming months:

Auto Trueplay / Quicktune Era (100 & Era 300) - Arriving in Late May

Snooze Alarms - Coming in June

Google Assistant Setup on Android - Coming in June

Sleep Timers - Coming in July

Find Missing Products Tool - Coming in July

Offline Devices - Coming in July

Queue & Playlist Editing - Coming in July



I’m going to weigh in and echo what other users have said because it seems like SONOS may be monitoring this thread and it’s virtually impossible to reach SONOS tech support this week. Taking away the ability to create and edit a queue is a disaster. It’s the most important function of the SONOS app. It’s why I use SONOS: To create playlists and queues and listen to the music I want to hear in the order I want to hear it. This has to be addressed as soon as possible or I’ll give up on SONOS. At least a response acknowledging this issue and giving some idea of how and why it will be fixed. Also, simply eliminating the OS controller and replacing it with a “web controller” that is even worse than the new IOS controller was an awful choice. Especially without warning SONOS users. This whole roll out is a disaster. Tech support, understandably, can’t keep up with the need for help and the person I spoke to after 40 minutes on hold was nice but useless. He Had no idea what was going on with the new app or if there were any workarounds. SONOS, please make this as right.

New app is absolutely too busy (previous version was already a lag fest of hurry up and wait) and arrived here specifically from searching Lord Google about "adding albums to the queue, new Sonos app update"…

Why has this been removed?!


Please at minimum revive the adding items to the queue feature -- it'll make the additional minutes of waiting for everything to load more bearable. 



I’ve used the new app for about 5 minutes, and here are two critical comments:  1) There’s no way to add songs to a queue that you are currently playing. You used to be able to do this.  2) It’s too busy of an interface, with too many “forward/back” options that don’t make much sense of where you are at.


You would think that no one on their end tested this in the real world of users... in my instance, I opened Sonos this morning to start the day, which is to say the slogfest of doing dishes and my usual morning stuff, and immediately was greeted with a new look where upon I said to myself, "this looks great but it'll be super laggy as it is too busy"... not only was I correct but quickly realizing there is no option for adding to the queue was disappointing to say the least. 

Add me to the list of people annoyed by this. I’ve been using the app for five minutes, and keep tripping over things that used to work just fine, and don’t seem to be available now.

  1. Unable to add things to the queue. 
  2. In fact, all we can do is replace the queue, and we can only do this on a per-album (or maybe per-song) basis. Want to listen to all music by a given band, say, Shellac? Tough cookies, there’s no “replace queue” option when you’re looking at the band-level view, the “replace queue” option only shows up at the album-level view.
  3. Search is able to scan across every music source EXCEPT my local library, which is where I have 90% of the music I want to listen to!
  4. Scrolling sucks now. I want to listen to Shellac today, because everyone should be listening to Shellac today. But I can’t, because their name starts with an “S”, and scrolling to “S” from the top of the list took several minutes before I gave up in frustration, and there’s no obvious way I can find to jump to that part of the alphabet. 
  5. I’m lying, I was already listening to Shellac before I installed the app update. But after updating, the app can’t see the queue I’d created earlier today, and claims that the queue is empty, even though the speakers are actively playing music from the invisible queue. It’s when I tried resetting the queue that I noticed the problems above. 
  6. I haven’t gone looking for alarms yet, but from this discussion, it sounds like that got dropped too, which is another feature I used a lot.
  7. No obvious way to submit feedback from the app. 
  8. Trying to initiate “chat support” from the website put me in a queue behind dozens of other people. “You are 42 in line.” Then the count dropped to “40 in line”, Then the count went back UP to “42 in line”. Then I gave up and tried searching the Forum, then the App Support page. Then I was gratified to see that the top comment is others seeing the same problems I’m seeing. 
  9. Good thing I didn’t update the desktop app yet. 
  10. Good thing I can listen to Shellac on my phone for the time being. 

Agree with all. Why remove queue management functions? Cant see what is upcoming. Can't delete the queue until you select something else. Can't modify the queue.  Not at all impressed with this update.  Seems a typical Sonos move - let's not ask customers what's important, we know what is best.

My take is that they think all their customers do, or in the near future are going to do, is stream, either a broadcast service, a pre-prepared mix/playlist or one album at a time. Some market research genius’ idea of the new users they need to hit growth targets  - who cares about the thousands of existing users who rely on queueing their own mixes, need alarm functionality, actually have a music library that needs to be searched along with installed services, etc. All of which are foundational for many of us. 

We started with S1, transitioned to S2, added more speakers and functionality. We’ve been down the road with them for over 10 years. I used to recommend Sonos to anyone who asked. Not anymore.

I have to put my summer house parties on hold until the edit queue feature returns. Hurry. 

Oh wow I'm really shocked at the loss of queue editing. I've been relying on this for home music listening for maybe a decade. Really underscores what I've felt a few times over this period - my home music ecosystem is problematically over reliant on Sonos, because functionality can disappear overnight (among other reasons).
