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How to solve the Error 913 (Music Library) on a Mac

There is a reported bug fix coming mid-June 2024. If you can’t wait until then…

(I did this running Sonoma 14.4.1) And thanks to folks in a separate thread on the details - just tried to put them all in one place.

I made a video of the process if you prefer that way:

Part 1 - Set up the share (System Settings/Preferences)

  1. Open System Settings (in earlier MacOS it’s called System Preferences).
    • Click on the apple in top left of your screen to find that option.
  2. Choose General
  3. Select **Sharing**.
  4. Enable **File Sharing**
  5. Click the "i" symbol
  6. Click the "+" symbol.
  7. Add a shared folder by choosing the folder where your music is stored and selecting Open
    • The name of the folder here will be the ShareName that you’ll use in Part 3.
  8. Under ‘users’, confirm that the list includes an ‘everyone’ option, and that you set ‘everyone’ to *Read Only* at a minimum (or “Read & Write”)
  9. Ensure the customer's account is set to **Read & Write**
    • I’m not 100% sure ‘customer’s account’, but I took it to mean the account I login with on the computer.
  10. Click the Options button
  11. Ensure that both SMB and the customer's account below are checked and choose Done. 

Part 2 - Find your computer’s name

  1. At the bottom (or sometimes top in earlier versions of macOS) of the Sharing page, you’ll see Local hostname. Everything before the .local is the hostname. Copy that down - that will be your MacName that you’ll need in Part 3.


Part 3 - Add the share to Sonos

  1. Open the Sonos app on your mac.
  2. Choose Manage > Music Library Settings
  3. Choose the + for your music folders.
  4. Instead of ‘another folder or drive’, choose Networked Device
  5. Type the network path name when prompted, and press Next. The format will be \\MacName\ShareName
    • Remember the ShareName and MacName you captured earlier? This is where you’ll use them. Make sure the \ are the right ones (not /, but \).
  6. Enter the Mac username and password. The password is the same as when you login opening your laptop.
    • If you’re not sure about the username, you can find it this way:
      • Open an app called ‘Terminal’ on your macbook. (Go into Launchpad and type ‘term’ and it’ll show up)
      • Type whoami and press enter. 
      • The result that shows is your username. (e.g. Perhaps my computer shows my login name as Salami Slices but my username technically is different (salamislices)). Copy and paste that into the username that Sonos is asking for.
  1. If that doesn’t work, someone had mentioned trying the following:
    • From System Settings, on left side, choose ‘users and groups’
    • Click on the ‘i’ next to Guest User
    • Enable “Allow guest users to connect to shared folders” and choose OK.
    • Now, from Sonos app, when get prompted for username and password, leave them blank and just choose enter.
      • The idea is it would treat it as a guest and since gave access to guests, will work.


Ok last post-- I was able to fix the issue of playlists disappearing, though it’s a bit clunky.

After doing salami slices’ fix, I then created new folders under the media folder which also contained my music folder.  From my itunes library, I then went into each playlist, highlighted all the songs in each, then dragged them into the new corresponding folders I created.  One new folder per playlist.

Lastly, I went back into sonos and under manage, I updated my music library.

Voila!  The playlists arrived, under “folders” within the sonos window.

Hope that helps until the eagerly-awaited Sonos fix.



This worked. It imported my iTunes library, but it did not import my iTunes playlists. Any suggestions?

This worked. It imported my iTunes library, but it did not import my iTunes playlists. Any suggestions?

See my post right above yours.  I had to create new folders on my computer for each playlist, then drag the bunch of songs into each folder.  Then update the music library in Sonos.

So freakin’ annoying, but it does work.

MiKO12112 - that is clunky and I assume it would require me to go through that entire process each time that I update my playlist.  

Thank you for posting this! I was able to successfully re-add my Music folder using your detailed instructions. Fortunately, I’m not having any of the challenges I’ve seen in the other comment. All my playlists are accessible and search is working correctly.

This was a HUGE bug on Sonos’ part. Thank you for coming up with a workaround until Sonos gets its act together!

Thank you so much.  Was able to use PLEX and my NAS previously, but this takes me back to my state prior to this disaster.  Sonos should reward you-  how about a large credit?

Worked even when re-adding a NAS folder on a time capsule as shared folder in the file sharing preferences as instructed. (Note, that the new update broke that access, too). Thanks so much.

Thanks to Sonos being not capable of rolling out a proper update, I only wasted half a work day at least. Regardless of this work around, I am done for good with their products, meager support and poor software decision making.

This isn’t working for me.  I am on an older Mac: A 2012 Mac Mini that runs on Catalina.  My files are on partition on an external hard drive connected to the Mac Mini via USB.  My computer is called simply MacMini.  My hard drive partition is called Squeezebox (inherited from you know where).  

I’m unsure if I need to account for the fact that it’s a partition or that it’s an external hard drive.  But I have tried \\MacMini\Squeezebox, \\MacMini\Volumes\Squeezebox, etc.  I have also created a folder with a dozen or so music files that I placed on my desktop and tried that with no success.


To sfjorge, i wasn’t able to mount a Catalina directory either. I happened to have a Sonoma Mac and copied the music directory there and could mount it from a Catalina Sonos. Suspect there is a nuance in Catalina that Sonos doesn't understand. 

Thank you for this thread. Unfortunately, my error code simply changes to 1002 from 913 when I do any of this



First time didnt work (in win11) but then I added Sonos1 as a new windows user with its own user name and password, that did the trick 🙂 Thanks to the OP :)

You are a hero - thank you. 🙏 

To get playlists to appear again…

MAKE SURE you are selecting the folder: iTunes and not selecting the folder: iTunes Music

this will ensure all your playlists get imported as they used to!

I hope this helps someone and thank you Salami so much for the original fix!

To get playlists to appear again…

MAKE SURE you are selecting the folder: iTunes and not selecting the folder: iTunes Music

this will ensure all your playlists get imported as they used to!

I hope this helps someone and thank you Salami so much for the original fix!

When you say select, I assume you mean the path you type in, while in Sonos manage.  Mine doesn’t allow me to specify the path to iTunes, only the music folder in general.  When I try to take it to iTunes, I get the same old error of wrong username and password, which I know I am not entering incorrectly.

To Salami Slices - many, many thanks - your method and detailed instructions were great, and my music library and playlists are fully restored. It is maddening that Sonos did not thoroughly check their new software before release. Knowing it is faulty, the least they should have done is to provide the kind of informed, non- technical help that you provided. Thanks again!

Thank you soooo much. This worked for me too. I was losing the will at not being able to play my music. All my I tunes playlists have not copied over though. Does anyone know how to get the playlists back? At least I can play music again though!

Thank you soooo much. This worked for me too. I was losing the will at not being able to play my music. All my I tunes playlists have not copied over though. Does anyone know how to get the playlists back? At least I can play music again though!

  1. Open ITunes (Music), click on Home in the upper left, then go to File -> Library -> Export Library

  2. This will create a "Library.xml" file. Save it to your Desktop

  3. Make a Folder and name it "iTunes" on your Desktop

  4. Rename the "Library.xml" file to "ITunes Music Library.xml" and put it in the folder you just created.

  5. Move this Folder to where your music is. And I mean that literally. Like where you have all the artists listed in your iTunes Musics files.. Put it there.

  6. Remove and Re-import via Sonos and you "should' be all set. You should be able to just "Update Music Library" instead of removing/re-adding, but I'm not 100% sure.

Oh my goodness!! Thank u so much for posting these instructions in such a way that even I could understand and follow them!! I got my music library back and it is HEAVEN!!!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thank You !!!

Your instructions worked perfect!  Music Library back up and running. The Library shows up on all other Controller Apps (after you reset them and log back in).  Awesome, you deserve much praise!!

Worked even when re-adding a NAS folder on a time capsule as shared folder in the file sharing preferences as instructed. (Note, that the new update broke that access, too). Thanks so much.

Thanks to Sonos being not capable of rolling out a proper update, I only wasted half a work day at least. Regardless of this work around, I am done for good with their products, meager support and poor software decision making.

Update: It worked, but only temporarily. If my MacBook Pro is not running, there is no connection to the NAS. It’s weird, I can connect to the time capsule via go to in the finder menu and entering smb://bIP number|/ Since device password is enabled on my time capsule, I can do so as root user and entering the device passport. I can then run the Sonos library set up again, but am getting a 1002 error now. When looking at permissions, I cannot change the access for everyone, which is needed for Sonos to run.  So question is, why does Sonos need to have permissions enabled for everyone to run on a NAS? That’s not a secure setting. It should be able to run just as the user selected (me), no? Spending too much time, and not being paid for… I am not working for SONOS, obviously. I am just a user!

Worked even when re-adding a NAS folder on a time capsule as shared folder in the file sharing preferences as instructed. (Note, that the new update broke that access, too). Thanks so much.

Thanks to Sonos being not capable of rolling out a proper update, I only wasted half a work day at least. Regardless of this work around, I am done for good with their products, meager support and poor software decision making.

(Sorry for reposting, was meant to go somewhere else). Update: It worked, but only temporarily. If my MacBook Pro is not running, there is no connection to the NAS. It’s weird, I can connect to the time capsule via go to in the finder menu and entering smb://bIP number|/ Since device password is enabled on my time capsule, I can do so as root user and entering the device passport. I can then run the Sonos library set up again, but am getting a 1002 error now. When looking at permissions, I cannot change the access for everyone, which is needed for Sonos to run.  So question is, why does Sonos need to have permissions enabled for everyone to run on a NAS? That’s not a secure setting. It should be able to run just as the user selected (me), no? And what about afp support, to make your products truly Mac compatible??? Spending too much time, and not being paid for… I am not working for SONOS, obviously. I am just a user!

Thank you thank you thank you to thedarkhalf too for the instructions on how to get my i tunes playlists back too. I now have everything up and running again as normal and am soooo happy. I thought I was going to be without my music for at least a month until this was sorted out! 🙏

Unfortunately I dont have the

“Choose Manage > Music Library Settings”  only Your Services.  So no way of even choosing my iMac library.  

Thanks very much, great instructions that are nice and clear.  


It seems that for me step 11 in Part 1, the SMB and customers account stuff in Options, was the key piece of the puzzle.  


Will be interesting to see what impact the potential June update has and whether will have to refigure things out again after that.

Hey there,

Indeed I am suffering too of the ‘having a useless black box’ symptom …. not being able to correctly stream my iTunes library to soon.


Implemented the settings as you suggested, have now the iTunes folder on my mac visible for Sonos …. BUT …. its organised as ‘folders per artist’ and the ‘playlist’ (or ‘imported playlist’ function does not work, so it is practically useless …. can not stream on type (blues, rock, etc) or any other way …. 


Its a shame !! this is NOT good !!
