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How do you clear the queue on the new App

How on Earth do you clear music on this new App

Where has the clear Queue function gone

i can’t stop music from playing 😡


I have to say that this is the worst APP update in my history of SONOS which goes back too many years for me to remember.  How many people were on the Beta - I know aI never saw and invite and I have done Beta’s before.  Completely devoid of UI engineering and no bridge back to prior version.  I wonder if the S1 app is I wonder if it’s worth downgrading to S2 and just use that app?


beyond pissed… yes, clearing the queue from my PC, damn inconvenient when I have a 4 device group and we’re outside for the day.

So it just stops the play, I can see that thanks but how do you clear the album from showing at the bottom of the app?


If you are looking to clear the queue entirely, you can’t.  That function is currently missing.  

Try switching to a radio station. I’ve found my queue disappears if I do.

Work arounds are not a solution. They said this stuff would be fixed in June. We're half way to August. It seems they don't care.

Unreal. Something as simple as clear queue can’t be resolved by a company that has taken thousands of dollars from me and others without nary a comment here about the issue. June has come and gone and we are nowhere closer to fixing the critical anomalies introduced with this horrendous app update. I think with Sonos introducing headphones that don’t even work with its own system is a telltale sign that this company has jumped the shark.