I have a Sonos One Speaker that has been hooked up to my home internet since 2015. It has worked just fine until recently -- when I opened my Apple Music account and got the message:
“Your Apple Music account needs to be Reauthorized” I click “OK”, and get: “Your Apple ID xxxxx will be used to reauthorize account” The ID is correct, so I click OK.
After a few seconds, a screen pops up ( with bells and banners...) and the text says: “Your Apple Music Account has been Reauthorized” SO...I click the “DONE” button at the bottom and get the message:
“Unable to browse Music...” I click out of that screen and get:“Your Apple Music Account Needs to be Reauthorized” AARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
I could play that loop many times with no good outcome...Everything is up to date, speaker, sonos software, computer, etc.
Here’s what hasn’t worked so far:
1) Turning Router off and on (many times)
2) Rebooting the Speaker.
3) Setting it all up again from the beginning, trying BOTH an iPhone and an Android.
I’m afraid I passed my “wit’s end” quite a while ago, ANY help would be greatly appreciated before I resort to trying the “Sonos Speaker Toss” ..(at this point I could probably break 25 or 30 yards!)