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Why the account setup?

I have had a sonos setup for years. Today I get a message on my controller telling me to “finish setting up my sonos account” to CONTINUE using my system. Help me understand why I paid thousands for this system, spent a large number of hours dealing with issues (setup and otherwise) only to be told I HAVE to log into the sonos servers to keep using my system. I’m not updating until I get clarity.
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49 replies

Keith N
  • Sonos Staff
  • 4604 replies
  • July 12, 2018
Hi there, aaronreiff. Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community. Did you happen to see this topic where we dive into Account Linking? While the topic is focused on adding a new speaker, I paint a little more detail in the Account Linking process:

Creating a Sonos account and linking your system to protects your system and data with a username and password, linked through an email verification step. This is designed to facilitate seamless integration with cloud services that we use like Amazon Alexa, Spotify, and Deezer. Additionally, it has been necessary to create a Sonos account in the past in order to utilize cloud services such as Amazon Alexa or Spotify Direct Control when those features were introduced. We've also required creating a Sonos account when adding a new device to your system or registering a new system, as of last year.

At this point, we felt it was a reasonable precaution that all Sonos customers should take. The idea is to make sure that every Sonos user is ready to go when if they ever wanted to use one of these (and/or other future) services.

If you are currently opted-out of marketing communications, you will remain opted-out after creating your account and we will never sell your information to third parties. Ever.

Have any specific questions about our privacy policy or how we use your data? Check out our privacy policy for a full list of information we gather, and how that information is used. (jgatie did a great job giving the cliff notes.) There are some great answers to many of your questions here on the FAQ of the Privacy Policy here.

Any other questions, please feel free to reach out to our team and we'll be happy to chat.

Feel free to reach out should you have any questions.

  • Author
  • Avid Contributor I
  • 5 replies
  • July 12, 2018
I’m already seamlessly integrated into the systems I want to use without a sonos account. I don’t want to have one more account that I have to maintain. I don’t want to have to screw around with remembering a password to use the system I’ve paid thousands for. I registered my system when I bought it years ago. I don’t want to have to opt out out marketing that I shouldn’t have to sign up for.

You’re holding your customers hostage with this.

  • Author
  • Avid Contributor I
  • 5 replies
  • July 13, 2018
Also, how does this protect my system and data? It’s already protected by not having to login. Help me understand.

  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • July 13, 2018
So I have an account ( I wouldn't be here otherwise would I?), but I'm still getting this message demanding I set up and account and change my password. I'd rather not. No option is provided to log in with the account I already have. What's with that? And no, I don't need or want any additional or new services, I just want my system to keep working the way it has.

  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • July 13, 2018
Not to mention that the email verification appears not to be working. It said it would send me an email hours ago and it hasn't.

  • Author
  • Avid Contributor I
  • 5 replies
  • July 13, 2018
Same here. I called and spoke to John (waited 35 minutes) and the only reason he could give me on why I’m signing in on a system that already works is “what, you don’t want the updates?” and “I can’t change the system so what do you want me to do?”

I’m giving in but also not receiving verification emails.

Would have been really nice of them to let us know that this mandatory action was being taken. The units sound great but they still haven’t worked out the customer service bugs yet,

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • July 13, 2018
Absolutely furious. Just trying to use my speakers this evening and I get caught in this account set up nonsense. Extremely disappointed with Sonos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • July 13, 2018
...and my remote ap has forced me to update THREE times now!!!!

SONOS, I do not own and will NEVER own your Alexa-blah speakers. All my SONOS speakers (4+ years old) are working fine, so stop this almost daily update crap for speakers that do not and will never support these Alexa etc. features and let me use my speakers without forcing me to log in to a dubious SONOS account. I will check with my local consumer protection agency whether there is a way to act against such extortion or not. In all these updates, NOTHING really changes in the controller. Still no way to save groups or have speakers reconnect to the configured group after a power interruption (yes, I am using smart plugs that turn off the speakers at night, since you did not and obviously cannot implement eco-friendly power saving features). Still no caching of radio station or album thumbnails in media library...

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • July 14, 2018
Sonos, I have 9 speakers and they have been working fine for years. I use my own library as well as spotify an pandora and it has been working fine. I suspect your new sign in requirement is just a way to collect private usage data to fuel your business and I will not subscribe to this. We paid a lot of $$$ for your system and if we knew it required surrender private data, we would have looked for another system. The sign in must be optional. You must revert that policy and at least grandfather the customers who trusted you when you were a little start up. We purchased this system and the model was upfront payment without any strings attached and I refuse to surrender my private usage data.

Lets force our valued remaining customers to have an account so that we can data mine for a few extra dollars!!
This is not freeware or a cheap system where the profit is to be made from other streams, just desperate gouging.

Why do SONO's make me hate a system that I originally loved so much. 12 years and 10 speakers / amps
Feel trapped and angry due to the money already spent, but at least I can warn others to stay well away.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • July 15, 2018
Sonos, this is unacceptable. At the time I bought the device, this was not a requirement. I have no need for online services, and no need for voice control. It is not acceptable to change the purpose of a device retrospectively and prevent its use for the purpose advertised at the time of purchase. This is also a clear violation of a recommendation made by the European Parliament to fight software obsolescence. I will be contacting the European Consumer Centre to seek legal advice on this matter.

I'm really irritated about this. I never much liked all the app changes as it fundamentally altered the experience of a very expensive product I'd already purchased. I suspect these latest moves to force you to update your account have something to do with their recently filed IPO. I have a hard time imagining the market is going to love a smart speaker company that depends only on selling speakers. Existing customers, especially ones that have already spent lots of money on speakers, probably aren't that likely to buy more. I read somewhere that someone who purchases one Sonos product on average buys 1.4 more. That sounds great, but not to finance guys. What sounds great to finance guys is you have a large customer base that automatically gets billed on a monthly basis for some type of subscription. I'll take a shot in the dark and say that Sonos corralling all of it's existing user accounts has something to do with launching some type of subscription service. It's hard to imagine they wouldn't be talking about this kind of move. To me it looks like they are positioning themselves for it, and it's certainly a very modern thing to do. Just my two cents worth of paranoia and disappointment.

I used to recommend Sonos so highly to other people. I know a few dozen or so people that got involved in it on my word and I'm sure I'm not alone in this regard. Music is a huge part of my life and Sonos has been the delivery method for it for years. I think I'm finally and completely worn down on Sonos. I guess at a board meeting at some point they'll talk about breaking a few eggs to move forward. I guess I'm an egg.

  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • July 15, 2018
Let's sue Sonos. Has someone created a gofundme page for this already?

aaronreiff wrote:
I have had a sonos setup for years. Today I get a message on my controller telling me to “finish setting up my sonos account” to CONTINUE using my system. Help me understand why I paid thousands for this system, spent a large number of hours dealing with issues (setup and otherwise) only to be told I HAVE to log into the sonos servers to keep using my system. I’m not updating until I get clarity.

I echo the concerns of those above regarding this recent change. We've had Sonos kit for over a decade, starting with a ZP80 and a ZP100, and this is the first time we've been FORCED to login to use any of it. Previously we've been able to skip the Sonos Account step of the updates, which we always did because we weren't users of Alexa, Spotify or any of the other online services. We still aren't, we're just accessing the music stored on our own network at home.

Will this login be required with every future update? Because if so, that would be a right PITA.

Pretty disappointed with this change, to be honest. The kit is great, as it always has been. The ways in which we're being forced to use it? Not so much.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • July 16, 2018
I have had Sonos for a number of years without having to associate my devices with an account. I haven't felt left out or unprepared for adding additional services, and I certainly haven't been worried about security. So, Kevin's response to Aaron is simply perplexing. I have no desire to use Alexa. I do not want to use Spotify. I am quite happy with what I have. If I want to use additional services for which I would really need a Sonos account, perhaps I would consider creating an account then. But, please, Sonos, don't force me to add an account before I am ready to do something or to have one so that I can add a new device. I added another device earlier this year. I had intended to put one in each of our bedrooms this year when the new colored models would be introduced, but now I will not be adding any more Sonos devices. In addition, I have recommended Sonos to a number of people; they have all purchased Sonos based upon my recommendation. I will no longer recommend Sonos. Nor do I intend to upgrade my Sonos systemS. Note the plural.

  • 27690 replies
  • July 16, 2018
What "new colored models"? :?

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • July 17, 2018

I don't use Alexa or Spotify direct, why do I need to set up yet another account?

This means that if I opt out I will no longer be able to update the speaker?

Think will keep running at current version forever ...

  • 42584 replies
  • July 17, 2018
You're not setting up another account when you add a speaker. You're adding it to your already existing account (the one you used to post your comment).

  • 3350 replies
  • July 17, 2018
You already have a Sonos account. You've probably had one for years, since you needed to establish one way back when you first created your Sonos system on your network. And like Bruce said, it's the same account you use in the forums here.

Regardless of whether or not you'll ever use the various things like Alexa, Spotify Connect, or direct app control through Pandora or Tidal, or whatever other services are added in the future, your speaker still needs to be linked to your Sonos account. Sonos does this to ensure that on that one day that you change your mind and want to use one of those services or features, you'll be able to do so with only the minimal required effort.

Everyone seems to want to fight this effort, and there's no reason to. You have more to lose from the music services that you use than you do with Sonos itself.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • July 18, 2018
There is a real problem with the way sonos consider his customers. You buy some hardware serveral thousand of dollars and they consider you as a data source as if you were using a free service.

I don't want to use alexa or all this spying crap. I just want to listen to my music without being forced to upgrade (during the past year upgarde never gave me an interesting new function. NEVER). The real problem is that they render the older controller version unusable as newer version come in. For exemple the 8.5.1 controller is no more able to manager local libraries. The menu item are just greyed out !! and if you upgrade your are required to link your device to a nomnative account. It's not somethning caused by a technical problem (same hardware, same NAS ....) just a policy to force you to upgrade and spy on you.

The opt-out of data collection is not even availlable in the android app.

I just want to be able to completly opt out of ALL data collection (why the heck do they need data on my wifi network or the room names for ???). And as of support reply if they delete all personnal information my device will stop working. I want my money back !!

I think they are taking the pee. Quite frankly sonos should let us decide if we want to setup an account or not.
Pretty related – You must have an account now to add a device to your system:
Below is the conversation I had with support / customer services – You could not make it up.

Thousands of pounds.
"The register" might find this shambles of interest – I may mail them the link to the thread and see what they do with it.

Start reading from from the top.

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Me
Sent: 5/20/2018 4:04 AM
Subject: Setting up a new deviceAccount is now required!?

Dear Sonos,

I was very surprised to notice that it is now a requirement to sign in to be able to add a Sonos device. This was never the case and certainly not part of the deal when I purchased all my sonos equipment.
I would expect Sonos to work and be usable without having to sign in.

I have, over the years invested heavily in a system that I expect to work without an internet connection, in a self-contained manner and that used to include registration of new devices. This is now not the case.

If you want me to explain why the path you are following is a very dangerous one, for both, your customers and the future of Sonos, I am happy to explain, but me having to do so would be a shame.

Remove this hindrance at once, and allow those that have supported Sonos, to carry on enjoying the experience they should expect, without having to rely on your environment being up and running, and this indefinitely.


Your trusting customer but now very unhappy

----- Original message -----
From: Sonos Support
To: Me
Subject: RE: Setting up a new device - Account is now required!?
Date: Sun, 20 May 2018 14:29:12 +0000 (GMT)


Thank you for contacting Sonos Customer Care. Registration of new units is a requirement in order to receive updates, and updates are needed to ensure your system remains operational.

We need to make regular updates to our software and firmware periodically in order to resolve issues, maintain compatibility with the ever-changing music services we partner with, to deploy new features, and overall make your listening experience better.

As many music services now interface directly with our API, and an account is needed in order for the API to function, all of this is a functional requirement for the streaming music system to work.

If you prefer to have your system work entirely offline, you can do so, but you will not be able to add new speakers, receive updates or support, and you will only be able to utilize locally stored music.

Please note as well that if the device you are using to control Sonos has a newer version of the Sonos app, devices on older versions will not be able to work with it. As a result, you will also need to leave your controller permanently offline to avoid receiving updates.

If you choose to use the system in this way, please note that this is unsupported, and as with any unsupported setup, we cannot make any guarantee as to the functionality of the product in this configuration.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Best Regards,

Sean M.

----- Original message -----
From: Sonos Customer
To: Sonos Support
Subject: Re: Setting up a new device - Account is now required!?
Date: Sun, 20 May 2018 16:08:33 +0100


My comments below each quote

"...Registration of new units is a requirement in order to receive updates, and updates are needed to ensure your system" remains operational.
This never used to be a requirement.

"...We need to make regular updates to our software and firmware periodically in order to resolve issues"
Get it right first time - no issues to resolve then :)

"...maintain compatibility with the ever-changing music services we partner with:"
I may not always care about music services - I may be happy listening to the music I have to deploy new features
I don't need new features and overall make your listening experience better.
Experience is worse now (this also include the mobile controller interface, but that's a different matter).

"...As many music services now interface directly with our API, and an account is needed in order for the API to function, all of this is a functional requirement for the streaming music system to work."
That's pooh talk, email login to add a new device was only added recently, API interaction with your system is donkey's old - In any case, I am interested in listening to MY music.

"...If you prefer to have your system work entirely offline, you can do so, but you will not be able to add new speakers, receive updates or support, and you will only be able to utilize locally stored music."
That never used to be the case - my agreement, when I purchased my many devices was that it would work without internet

"...Please note as well that if the device you are using to control Sonos has a newer version of the Sonos app, devices on older versions will not be able to work with it. As a result, you will also need to leave your controller permanently offline to avoid receiving updates."
Tell your dev team to consider "Backward compatibility" - It is not a new concept

"...If you choose to use the system in this way, please note that this is unsupported, and as with any unsupported setup, we cannot make any guarantee as to the functionality of the product in this configuration."
Shame on Sonos

If you have any other questions, please let me know....and below

1. I have a pioneer system, it is 35 years old, it works. If pioneer go out of business tomorrow my system will still work, and I can still sell it.... I hear you say, no spotify, no this, no that... But I don't care. I purchased my sonos to play my ripped CD's and listen to TV around the house. This was the idea at the time.

2. If you guys go out of business tomorrow. I am stuck with all this equipment worth nothing, can't add to it, can't sell it. Thousands of £'s down the drain.

3. Sonos decided that If I ever move where there is no internet connection, i am stuck with what I have.

4. I have always had good things to say about Sonos, and I know a lot of people who have invested in your product as a result. I am embarrassed now to have miss advised them. I will never have good things to say about SONOS again, not ever.

5. I will say one thing: slippery slope, very slippery

You must reconsider
Looking forward to your reply

Your very unhappy customer

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Me
Sent: 23/05/2018 06:19
Subject: Re: Setting up a new device - Account is now required!?

Dear Support,

I took my time detailing why my Sonos system is no longer fit for purpose (based on the agreement we had when I purchased every bit of equipment that I now own).
What I would like to know is when will Sonos reply? From a PR perspective, ignoring customers complaints is rarely a good idea!


----- Original message -----
From: Sonos Support
To: Me
Subject: RE: Setting up a new device - Account is now required!?
31 May (2 months ago)
Date: Thursday, 31 May 2018 15:21

Hi There,

My name is Sarah-Jane and I am part of the Management Team at Sonos.
First I would like to apologise with this delay and I can understand your concerns with relation to the sign in prompts.

The reason why we ask you to do this is to ensure that the players are registered only to you. This is important from a security point of view and comes into play in the event of theft if this were ever to occur.

Your account isn't just a list of the devices you own, it also allows us to confirm your country of residence. This allows you to have access to music streaming services and content which is restricted elsewhere in the world.

In the past we had installers who would set up whole households across the country using their one email address.
If they were to sign up to a Beta program with Sonos or if the owner wanted something changed, the installers would be the ones controlling this.
This was becoming concerning as technically the Sonos wasn't registered to the real owners and would end up factory resetting every piece of Sonos in order to set it to the correct email account.

I hope this clarifies more understanding as to why we have put this method in place.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Kind regards

Sonos Technical Support

  • 2770 replies
  • July 18, 2018
velter wrote:
[...] I just want to be able to completly opt out of ALL data collection (why the heck do they need data on my wifi network or the room names for ???). And as of support reply if they delete all personnal information my device will stop working. I want my money back !!

Are you using voice control (aka Alexa)?

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • July 18, 2018
It looks like Sonos is claiming their hardware back. It's not your system anymore, it belongs to Sonos and you paid for the "privilege" of using it and Sonos is doing you a "favor" by implementing a mandatory log in system, next step perhaps is "real ID", where you will have to appear in front of a representative to prove your identity.

No matter if you want to use your own library of music, have a poor or move to a nonexisting internet connection place. It's THEIR hardware now. Wait until they start injecting audio ads into your music stream, it's a free service after all... BUT NOT!

Very disappointed.

  • 27690 replies
  • July 18, 2018
montecri wrote:
It looks like Sonos is claiming their hardware back. It's not your system anymore, it belongs to Sonos and you paid for the "privilege" of using it and Sonos is doing you a "favor" by implementing a mandatory log in system, next step perhaps is "real ID", where you will have to appear in front of a representative to prove your identity.

No matter if you want to use your own library of music, have a poor or move to a nonexisting internet connection place. It's THEIR hardware now. Wait until they start injecting audio ads into your music stream, it's a free service after all... BUT NOT!

Very disappointed.

It is still your hardware. It never was your software. And you've always had a Sonos account.

Stop clicking through those license agreements, people!

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