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Sonos controller problem on iOS 9.3.5

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129 replies

  • Contributor II
  • 7 replies
  • April 12, 2019
just downloaded sonopad (£3.99) and it seems to be working ok . It's a bit of a faff on but I do have my system back .

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • April 12, 2019
Get Sonopad from the App store. It works and you don't have to tear you hair out with the SONOS people.

Sonopad Sonopad Sonopad - the solution to the IPad 9.3.5 iOS issue. A solution I shouldn't have had to pay $A5.99 to get but it neatly solves the issue. I'm not sure that the SONOS people fully appreciate the hostility that arises when they make perfectly good IPads useless for their (otherwise) excellent product. And then try and justify it with the gobbledegook in this thread. Simply leave a workable version in the Appstore. Disappointed to be treated so shabilly as the family has 3 similar IPads and Minis. Mr Sonopad will be reaping a well deserved bonus. pp

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • April 13, 2019
You just know that SONOS does not give a flying F____. Leave it to the free market and the solution will create the solution. It will be up to us as buyers of SONOS hardware to recommend to potential buyers ... OR NOT.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 335 replies
  • April 13, 2019
It's always an excitement to update Sonos. You never know what will happen.

Maybe you lose some functionality, maybe you'll have to toss your remote, maybe you need to go buy a new iPad, maybe you get a new GUI you better not get used to because it will be altered soon enough or maybe you just get som strange dropout problem or other inconsistency. I'ts been a continous train of small or big disasters keeping Sonos up to date.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • April 13, 2019
Waterloonie wrote:
Get Sonopad from the App store. It works and you don't have to tear you hair out with the SONOS people.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • April 13, 2019
no solution for older iphones with Sonopad - strike one !

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • April 14, 2019
pattywack wrote:
no solution for older iphones with Sonopad - strike one !
- just downloaded Sonopad for my husband's iPad and there "does" seem to be an app for iPhones. Did not dig deeper to see if useful for older devices.

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • April 14, 2019
Thank you to everyone who recommended Sonopad.
Like many of you I am deeply disappointed with Sonos for not recommending this solution. The "Help" person went so far as to tell me I should have received an email warning of the change. I did NOT receive any email!
We've enjoyed our Sonos system and had no issues, *up until now*. Oh, except that iPort xPRESS Audio Keypad is a useless piece of junk!
Shame on you Sonos. This whole planned obsolescece thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth about this company.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 335 replies
  • April 14, 2019
mbc wrote:
pattywack wrote:
no solution for older iphones with Sonopad - strike one !
- just downloaded Sonopad for my husband's iPad and there "does" seem to be an app for iPhones. Did not dig deeper to see if useful for older devices.

It's called Sonophone.
Still going strong on my iPhone4 running iOS7!
Think it is 1 dollar or something like that 🆒.

Sonopad has a great feature where you automatically get searches on the web for what you're listening to. I mainly use Discogs, where you often get track info, artwork, and credits. Almost like to good old times with physical albums.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • April 14, 2019
Why can’t Sonos make the older version of their app available . Although my iPad still works, my iPod running 9.3.5 doesn’t. I feel conned by Sonos into having to replace my iPod if I wish to use that as a controller. :@
I was going to buy a Sonos system as a present for my son in his new home but not now 😉

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • April 14, 2019
It has become apparent that Sonos is entirely comfortable to instruct their "Help Desk" to imply need to purchase another Apple Inc device, but pointedly does not recommend Sonopad or Sonophone in their long winded (but not useful) response to this issue. Ironic.
Meanwhile, not everyone will have the foresight to look on this forum.
I rarely complain, but this time I am mad! Just wrote to the Help Desk again, for what it's worth.

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • April 14, 2019
The Help Desk's replies have become more nuanced over the past 10 days:
Hello ,

As of our 10.1 update there have been a few changes made to the minimum supported version of operating systems for the Sonos controller. You should have received emails and in-app messaging detailing this change to alert you ahead of time so that you could disable the automatic updates of your application if you wished to remain on the old version.

Information on this release can be found here:

Keeping your system up to date is the only way to ensure reliability for the system and access to all features, Music Services, and player updates that Sonos releases. As the iOS, Mac, Android and Windows platforms continue to update, we need to ensure we can support their software requirements.

As a result, this can lead to manufacturers' older products losing functionality with their Sonos system. We do our best to support them for as long as we can but also want to make sure it doesn't result in further interruptions with playing music. We have no intentions of planned obsolescence as all of our devices with the exception of the original hand held controller are still fully functional within the Sonos app.

At this time, we don't have the ability to downgrade your software but should you choose not to upgrade any further, you can make sure you do not allow Automatic Updates in the "Settings > Software Updates" section of the Sonos app.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us by replying to this email or you can browse our online FAQ forum at

Your Case Number is XXXXXXXX.


Daniel D.
Sonos | Customer Care | Contact Us
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  • 2770 replies
  • April 14, 2019
mbc wrote:
It has become apparent that Sonos is entirely comfortable to instruct their "Help Desk" to imply need to purchase another Apple Inc device, but pointedly does not recommend Sonopad or Sonophone in their long winded (but not useful) response to this issue. Ironic.
Meanwhile, not everyone will have the foresight to look on this forum.
I rarely complain, but this time I am mad! Just wrote to the Help Desk again, for what it's worth.

Why should Sonos recommend third-party apps that don't even meet the requirements for a fully supported controller? If you don't have other mobile devices you won't be able to manage your Sonos system, starting with not being able to enter the room settings.

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • April 14, 2019
mbc wrote:
If you don't have other mobile devices you won't be able to manage your Sonos system, starting with not being able to enter the room settings.

Better than NOTHING, which is what Sonos has left us with by not making an older controller app version available for those of us with older devices.

I would like to offer SONOS another big thumbs down 😠 for offering updates that say nothing about the fact they will be a downgrade to peoples systems (once again).

I join the many people whom have been duped into "upgrading" with some generic upgrade notes of to the effect of ...system upgrades & bug fixes...

It's a real pain in the backside that SONOS keep killing off controllers (even if they are ageing), it can't be that bigger deal to leave these things in the app store in an older version (like many companies do) or offer reduced functionality or an elegant reduction of functionality over time (eg core functionality that doesn't depend on third party services).

In my case its just the old iPad that I have as a controller for the kids / guests etc to put on a bit of music, skip tracks or adjust the volume but not having it will be a real pain in the backside.
I'm forced to now having to source yet another suitable replacement controller (money I would have preferred to spend on SONOS equipment) just to solve a problem that I did not have until my system was "upgraded"

Whilst older iOS devices may no longer be supported by Apple (and may offer reduced functionality as such) they still make a passable single use controller for SONOS systems in selected applications. All controllers (like may third party services and devices) are enablers for the SONOS system, Please stop killing them casually!.

I can appreciate these may not be many peoples primary controller, but they have a use.
As an early adopter of SONOS I have recommended SONOS many times, as for the most part SONOS has improved the functionality of the system but these system downgrades make it increasingly harder to recommend the product.

Surely SONOS can appreciate the difference between offering customers functionality upgrades and system downgrades, and the customers need for choice in the later case to concur what is being gained outweighs what its being taken :?

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • April 16, 2019
same issue!!!! terrible customer experience. we all can't go out and buy new iPad to run sonos

  • Enthusiast I
  • 45 replies
  • April 19, 2019
I have downloaded the Sonopad app to my iPad. everything seems okay with it although I am not sure you can use it to add speakers. At least it means I can use the iPad still. I never got the email from Sonos warning about the update though.

  • Contributor I
  • 3 replies
  • April 19, 2019
Yeah, I received no communication regarding any update breaking functionality either. This was either a hand-in-glove arrangement with Apple or, most likely, just a poorly managed execution of discontinued support for legacy hardware. Communication should have been clear, with instructions on how to prevent it.

It still seems ludicrous to me that Sonos could not spend the small resources required to maintain a legacy App that would provide basic functionality and port service updates from their "full fledged" app to the legacy variant as service interfaces evolve. Worst case scenario, they maintain support for the 3-5 most used services and abandon the rest, though this seems like it would not be necessary if they are just porting interface code.

As I told customers service, brand loyalty is only as strong as a brand's loyalty to its customers. I have sang praises for Sonos for years. When asked why Sonos is worth the premium, the simple answer has always been "Because it just works and works well." Sadly, I can no longer say that.

For what it's worth, Sonopad seems to work least for now.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • April 19, 2019
I have always used automatic update as all the apps suggest - guess that was stupid. Now I cannot use my sonos from my old IPAD which is where I want to use it. This is really a poor decision by Sonos in my opinion. I don't care if I do not have the newest and best - it was working just fine. I bought all these speakers and had them integrated with my IPAD both with the TV and through Sonos but now I have to either purchase new hardware or go back to the great old days with multiple controllers. Bad decision that should be corrected.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 569 replies
  • April 19, 2019
ddntmosely wrote:
This is really a poor decision by Sonos in my opinion. I don't care if I do not have the newest and best - it was working just fine.

Nobody is saying you need the newest and best iPad.

You just need iOS 10.
Apple stopped updating your device.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • April 23, 2019
😠 Same problem here I use it in my restaurant!!!! PLZ SONOS make something !!

  • Enthusiast II
  • 569 replies
  • April 23, 2019
:@ Same problem here I use it in my restaurant!!!! PLZ SONOS make something !!

Get a supported controller.

i.e. one running iOS 10 or higher, or an Android devices running 5.0 or higher.

  • Lyricist III
  • 6 replies
  • April 24, 2019
This is crap. I am an authorized SONOS dealer and have installed many, many systems. I personally have 4 iPad 2's for my own system that are now useless. It brings to mind one of my favorite sayings "IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT". SONOS; listen to your customers. This is obviously a bonehead move and one that could be handled entirely differently. Customers have to resort to using a 3rd party application - SERIOUSLY?

  • Lyricist III
  • 6 replies
  • April 24, 2019
SONOPAD FOR SONOS application is definitely the solution. SONOS has done things over the last couple of years with the navigation in their app that made no sense to me. I remember scratching my head at the changes to a once very intuitive application and eventually "adapting" to the SONOS app. SONOPAD reminds me of the "once upon a time" much simpler and intuitive app that SONOS used to be. I don't know what all "bloatware" SONOS has been putting into their application (seems like it takes forever to load). SONOPAD loads up instantly and navigates very intuitively and directly. Not to mention the price is right (it is a "pay" application). SONOS' official response to this issue should be "use this other guy's app - he has your solution all worked out". I am using the SONOPAD FOR SONOS app on my one newer iPad that runs the newer SONOS app because I LIKE IT BETTER - GO FIGURE!

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