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9+ months later and Sonos is still floundering and it's NOT JUST THE APP!

  • February 5, 2025
  • 8 replies


There are a number of reasons Sonos has let so many down and are still struggling 9+ months after forcing a terrible app (+cloud control) on a once mostly happy/repeat customer base. 

  1. Yes the app is still sub-par even with some major improvements lately, yet almost a year in and still some features/services/function are not even on par with S2-1 (even SonoPad &  SonoPhone are better apps).  Outrageous!
  2. Firmware (software for the units) is also an issue which is why we keep seeing it updated so often. All this so they could shove some BT cans out the door and force us into their cloud.
  3. Forcing our once local control over to Sonos’ leased servers just adds all sorts of potential lag/security issues/complications, not to mention, future potential monetization of our user data (see also new TV set-tip box). Yes there are some lucky users in the Goldilocks zone, but not most or Spence would still have his job. 
  4. Short-sighted, greedy, lying leadership backed by an apparently blind board set the ball rolling as more and more support staff were canned over the last 3 years and leadership ignored the cries to hold off on S2/2.  And now NOT A PEEP from the new CEO since he took over. 
  5. Promises NOT to introduce new hardware last quarter until the app was fixed was another misrepresentation.  Arc Ultra looks cool, but has a lot of reported issues.
  6. Trying to goose the faltering stock price by hinting at new speakers/TV set-top boxes while the recent app ratings are still in the dumpster is another sign that this company can’t pull forward. 

The press is not impressed either:


Why all this outrage? Because I/we: 1. used to adore Sonos products and whole home audio.  2. the hours and hours of wasted hours trying to get the new app/firmware/cloud systems working with little help from the off-shore, contracted, script-readers Sonos calls Support. 3. We really want to purchase more awesome Sonos Hardware to expand our systems, yet will NOT because of -- SEE ABOVE.  

I sometimes regret the optimist in me, but I’m so hoping Sonos can get their act together before the are left in the rubble heap of so many failed tech companies (Rim/Blackberry anyone?). 

Did you find what you were looking for?

8 replies

  • Author
  • Enthusiast II
  • 202 replies
  • February 6, 2025

Oh, I guess we did hear from Tom Conrad after all - inadvertently that is.  He let go 200 more employees.  Yay team!

For all of my and many other’s observations on here (and the many other forums + the press) it’s been the poor leadership, arrogance, and ignorance of the C-Suite holders and lazy board the caught our ire, not the folks at Sonos actually doing the heavy lifting, support, and more.  They deserve our gratitude and best wishes they all end up at a better run company with a bright future.  

The continued ens***ifacation of a once great product line in the increasingly rotting tech sector.***tification-marches-on-here-are-some-of-the-worst-offenders/

What a kick in the gut for those employees today… and for those left to pick up the pieces. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 167 replies
  • February 6, 2025

Going on a year after the ‘new and improved’ app release, basic features are still missing like in-app playlist editing; return from full page display of the track playing to that track’s place in the queue list; reliable volume and EQ control (instead we get intermittent control freeze and lag); reliable connection (never a problem before, now one or more speakers will drop off far too often); and most disturbing, for some reason sound quality has degraded significantly with the most recent system update.

It’s a bit tragic. Inertia keeps me from throwing my Sonos hardware in the trash and starting over with another system. As a result I listen to music less often; when I do, too often I’m frustrated by limitations of the app or control, connection, and lately sound quality issues.

Depressing, really. A few thousand dollars worth of equipment sits here that I don’t really enjoy using anymore. And until the ‘Big Upgrade’ last year, I was a Sonos fan who recommended Sonos to friends. Now if anyone asks, I tell them to steer clear.

Sonos had a good thing going until management fouled its own nest. 

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  • Enthusiast II
  • 202 replies
  • February 9, 2025

  • 6086 replies
  • February 10, 2025

It would not be a good idea to offset a lower device price with a subscription model, I think. I pay subscription (too much already) for content, not for a device to watch content…..

  • Enthusiast II
  • 76 replies
  • February 10, 2025

I’ve gotta face one inescapable fact: I’ve lost confidence in Sonos. There’s been a few blips in the past - notably the S1/S2 issue - but nothing like this. I genuinely hate the “new” app (only 9 months old, enough time to grow a viable human baby). I hate its lack of functionality, I hate the UI, I hate the way it has all but ignored those of us who keep our music on a NAS and have little interest in streaming services. I hate it, and my previous, genuine love for Sonos products has soured along with it.

It will be expensive, but if they don’t address these issue by the anniversary of their failure (May 7th), I think I’m out. Currently looking at the Bluesound system. I can half commit by replacing all my Sonos items except my home cinema setup, though if happy that would go too later.

In business, consumer confidence is very important, once lost it’s hard to regain and I do not see Sonos’s future as bright. 

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  • Enthusiast II
  • 202 replies
  • February 18, 2025

For the fanbase on here who keep stating that the new Sonos app has been and is working great.  You lucky folks!  Sadly you’re in the rare Goldielocks zone.  The app is still AWFUL and forcing us through their servers for simple controls is sill failing! 

App store reviews are still in the 1-star ratings as are reviews on TrustPilot  and more.

This is NOT getting better and the acting CEO appears to be hiding from its customers/users. 

Come ON TOM!  Address this in the forums NOW!  At least P.Spence had the guts to!


  • Author
  • Enthusiast II
  • 202 replies
  • March 9, 2025

Yup, it’s not just a few of us.  Too many bad reviews of the app and YET, Sonos still arrogantly refuses to let us go back to any form of the prior app so we can actually use our expensive gear! 

Why?  Because they WILL NOT give up the ability to wedge their servers between the controller app and our Sonos gear.  Almost a year now and this insistence on using the CLOUD for such simple functions as Volume have a pretty stupid excuses now after all this time. 

And it is STILL BROKEN!  Sure there are a few in the Goldilocks zone, but too many, even tech reviews, know personally what a pain-in-the-arse this app is. 

Come on TOM, finally level with your customers why you insist on inserting your severs between us an our Sonos equipment!!!! 

  • Author
  • Enthusiast II
  • 202 replies
  • March 10, 2025

Interesting and relieving article in the WSJ/podcast and transcript.  My take-away:

  1. they keep admitting they knew all along this was a huge mistake!
  2. over $600mil in losses due to this screw up
  3. app still NOT fully fixed.
  4. Refusal to tell the press the key reason so many are having issues who weren’t prior to May 7th.  It’s NOT your local network folks, it’s Sonos’s continued stubborn decision to FORCE their servers between your control and your speakers!  That’s a recipe for lags, dropped data packets, security issues, on and on.  

And why continue to risk the entire company and brand?  Hmm, monetization of that captured data comes to mind despite their initial denial (maybe not our personal data initialy, but the aggregate is valuable!).  It’s a nice constant, forecast-able, revenue stream.  Every tech company does it now (sadly),  WE ARE THE PRODUCT not the CUSTOMER in this modern tech world.

What do you think, and WHY THE HECK IS TOM CONRAD still hiding from the people who make his salary possible?


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