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Sonos App controls no longer appear on your lock screen

After updating to 9.0 on iOS, I am getting the message "Sonos App controls no longer appear on your lock screen" on all my updated devices. The lock screen controls stopped working on all my controllers with above message.

I do not have any other music player running nor I have any sort of voice over configured. Settings for the app are correct with both hardware volume control and lock screen controls enabled on all devices.
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226 replies

Badge +1
Suggesting that reinstating the lock screen control (which is essential on a consumer device like Sonos to make it usable) by disabling airplay, which is a key feature required by other components in our systems, is just absurd. eg Many of us use apirplay on apple TV multiple times a day. It's essential so why on earth would we disable it? I can't believe that disabling airplay is put forward as a solution.

I also find it hard to accept that if the Sonos app is being used lockscreed controls are no longer available. If Spotify can do it when connected to Sonos (not the app; to the sonos speakers) then surely the Sonos app can do it when connected to Sonos.
Userlevel 1
My Sonos Connect runs through an AV Receiver which has AirPlay built into it - this cannot be switched off.

This situation should not have occurred and the contempt that Sonos have shown to users by dismissing their concerns is worrying. They have withdrawn a key feature.

What’s next? Remove the ability to connect to a NAS? “Oh yeah, we decided to remove that feature - get over it”
Userlevel 1
Just cancelled orders for additional Sonos speakers (had planned to match my extra play:3 and play:5, and pick up a sub). This update deserves to get Sonos employees fired.
Based on the S1 filing, and your dependency on Amazon, it won’t take long.
SHORT The stock. What a sad end to a once great tech.
Userlevel 1

What’s next? Remove the ability to connect to a NAS? “Oh yeah, we decided to remove that feature - get over it”

All joking aside, Intuit (Quickbooks and ProSeries) did this about two years ago, screwing professionals along the way.

Architecturally Sonos doesn’t have an issue (Intuit does), but since Sonos is a business - now at the mercy of Amazon and Apple - this wouldn’t surprise me. At all.
Userlevel 1
This is BS. I used the lock screen controls many times per day. I’m not disabling Airplay. I used it as well. I’m really thinking about selling my $4000 worth of Sonos and switching back to Bose.
This is the dumbest freakin update idea they’ve ever had. Who is the idiot that thought this was a good idea? Fire him or her and bring back the freakin controls. It is the biggest selling point for me.
Just stupid.
Just lost my lock screen controls as well. Since my system is mostly built-in speakers with Sonos Connects, I will not be using Airplay 2.

This is a HUGE disappointment, please add an option to completely disable Airplay 2 in the app for those of us who can't use it and return our beloved lock screen controls!
Just lost my lock screen controls as well. Since my system is mostly built-in speakers with Sonos Connects, I will not be using Airplay 2.

This is a HUGE disappointment, please add an option to completely disable Airplay 2 in the app for those of us who can't use it and return our beloved lock screen controls!

Agreed! Sonos, LET US DISABLE AIRPLAY IN YOUR APP! I have no reason to use Sonos to Airplay something, this is a HUGE step back!
Userlevel 1
This is a gigantic fumble. No doubt there are all kinds of technical reasons, API limitations, hardware and software issues that I don't understand and Sonos felt their hand was forced in some way. Nevertheless, there was NO warning PRIOR to the update, so I naively walked into a gigantic downgrade for my system. I don't have any Airplay 2 compatible Sonos devices (I have 2 connects and 2 connect: amps) so there's no added functionality for me at all. Sonos either needs to fork a "Sonos classic" app for people who don't need Airplay compatibility or work with Apple and figure this out. Not only did I use the lock screen functionality all the time but now it doesn't work with my Apple Watch either (which was indispensable in the pool).

I'm not asking heads to roll or threatening to sell all my equipment but, seriously Sonos, this is a crappy way to treat your existing customers.
I won't be buying any sonos products until this is fixed. This is a product management fiasco.
Another vote here for adding the option to turn off Airplay and re-enable lockscreen controls. I have no plans (nor equipment) to use Airplay with Sonos, but do use it (outside Sonos) for Apple TV and my AV receiver. I used the lockscreen Sonos controls all the time. Now I'm mostly playing from the Spotify app to my Sonos system to regain lockscreen control but would rather be using the Sonos app.
Userlevel 1
This is a gigantic fumble. No doubt there are all kinds of technical reasons, API limitations, hardware and software issues that I don't understand and Sonos felt their hand was forced in some way. Nevertheless, there was NO warning PRIOR to the update, so I naively walked into a gigantic downgrade for my system. I don't have any Airplay 2 compatible Sonos devices (I have 2 connects and 2 connect: amps) so there's no added functionality for me at all. Sonos either needs to fork a "Sonos classic" app for people who don't need Airplay compatibility or work with Apple and figure this out. Not only did I use the lock screen functionality all the time but now it doesn't work with my Apple Watch either (which was indispensable in the pool).

I'm not asking heads to roll or threatening to sell all my equipment but, seriously Sonos, this is a crappy way to treat your existing customers.

I now prevent sonos updates based on the prior fumble / fiasco (half-downloaded update due to server issues).
This really is an awful update.. makes no sense why you would add one feature and take away another. Your taking away the benefits of Sonos. I can you Airplay on other devices!

So I’m outside and have to go to my phone and open it to change a song? Can I still use my watch, probably not?

Please provide instructions on how to disable Airplay, no one can find it and I’ve wasted a lot of time on this already
Disabled AirPlay on my Apple TV (I use AirPlay once or twice a month so not a big deal to turn it back on when needed). So now I have my controls back, and I can still use AirPlay 2 from my devices to stream to the speakers. I wonder what interferes so much with the Apple TV?
Userlevel 1
Badge +4
I have the same issue. AirPlay is disabled, lock screen controls are set to "on" but I still can't use the volume buttons when on lock screen. Seconded.
I also downgraded to this new version 9 and my lock screen controls are unexpectedly also gone.
unexpectedly, because the only device I see when I look for airplay devices on my iPhone is my Sonos Play:5
We have 4 iPhones and 2 iPads in the house but no other devices capable of either airplay 1 or 2.
Still the Sonos app doesn't show the lock screen controls. How can I switch off airplay on my Sonos Play:5?
I couldn't care less about airplay, but losing the lock screen controls seriously cripples the Sonos experience.
You guys caused this defect by software, so you can solve it by software.
Please do so asap.
Disable Airplay on Apple TV and that seems to work. Not ideal, but until they fix only solution.. please fix
I just spent 9k+ on a whole house Sonos setup and they takeaway the best feature a few days after I finish. Time to dump Sonos if this is not fixed ASAP.
Userlevel 2
I just spent 9k+ on a whole house Sonos setup and they takeaway the best feature a few days after I finish. Time to dump Sonos if this is not fixed ASAP.I feel your pain!
Yep.. total crap
Needs to be fixed
Thank you so much, got back control on my iWatch 😃 Reset controller in advanced settings in sonos app restores lock screen and hardware volume controls :D

How did you manage that, my watch still shows blank on ‘now playing even when after turning off the one airplay device (that I don’t even use!) and got the lock screen back on my iPhone?’ I turned off the only device in my house that came up on ‘screen mirroring’ which ironically was an android box?!

Absolutely devastated by this ‘update’ downgrade, the lock screen controls and watch control are literally the most important aspects of the experience, what an idiotic implementation.. PLEASE GET IT SORTED SONOS, THE AIRPLAY TOGGLE ON/OFF IS A MUST!!
Well this is a step backward for Sonos. This functionality was great. Please bring it back again.
Userlevel 5
Badge +2
Just saying ......

Badge +1
Re the ability to turn airplay on and off from Sonos: This really would be a most unsatisfactory solution for most users. Why should users have to remember to turn airplay on/off? Talk about a band-aid solution! The only real solution is for a consumer device like Sonos is for the Sonos app to work correctly WITH airplay. They need to fix the problem, not expect users to work around it forever. It must be possible to do. Spotify, Plex and others do it -- the lock-screen controls appear with their apps. Sonos needs to work out how to do it as well.
I'm a huge Sonos proponent but this latest update is terrible. I still don't really understand the big deal of using Airplay with Sonos? Sonos needs to address this as soon as possible. I'm terribly disappointed.
Just venting and echoing the frustration of the group here.

Just seems to me that sonos consciously removed the single differentiator that sets them apart from the competition: a native sonos app that fully isolates the activities on the phone and the music playing.

Now, sonos is just another “speaker company”. Their lock on your market has been given back. Now that their speakers—the few they sell with airplay 2 compatibility—will be no different from a HomePod. What sets you apart now from the competition.

I am truly disappointed. Best we can do is keep shouting and maybe they will change it back.