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I switched the source of an alarm to BBC Radio 1 on BBC Sounds. It was previously set to the same station but on Tune In and has worked flawlessly for around 5 years. In the two days since I changed source I've been woken with the Sonos chime. I'm running S2 although I've only been on S2 for about a week.


Anyone else have this issue?


Hi @jacob_7 

Thanks for your post, and sorry for the delay.

If this happens again, please submit a support diagnostic and reply here with the number given. Unless you say otherwise, I’ll look for issues on a speaker labelled Bedroom.


BBC is no longer on tunein on sonos.

You need to add bbc sounds as a service to sonos and use that in the UK.

Since the change in playing BBC radio channels my alarm specifies it will play the radio it does it plays the chime.

I have turned the alarm off and back on again making sure I selected The BBC radio station on BBC sounds and it still keeps happening. Does anyone know how to resolve this?

My issue was identical and I resolved it by simply deleting the alarm and created a new one. It's worked flawlessly since. Hope that helps

Hi @jacob_7 

I’m glad you found a solution - thanks for updating the thread here!