I have a pair of Play 1's, Sonos 3 and I've just bought a Sonos Beam to create a surround system with the two Play 1's.
I want to add two outdoor speakers (not purchased yet) for two different patios. These speakers I want to use for ambience so I won't need anything high powered.
I've seen a ZP90 second hand and wondered if it is worth buying. I don't currently have any other sound system apart from the Sonos I've listed. I thought to buy a mini amplifier from Aliexpress for the two outdoor speakers.

My question; is the ZP90 worth buying? Should I instead look at a newer Connect? I see both the ZP90 and Connect aren't supported with the S2 app. Would this mean I would need to use S1 app for the outdoor speakers and S2 for the rest of my system?
I don't really want to splash out for the newest Sonos Amp as I don't have a current system and only want it for the outdoor speakers.
What are my options?
Thanks in advance