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Upgrade from old Sonos System (Play 1)

Hi there.

I have a Play 5/Play 1 system (at least that's what I think it is as I’m using the S1 App) and it is time for an upgrade.

I’ve looked at the latest products, but am not sure what the equivalent or better system is in the new product range, so would like some advice on what to get as a replacement.

I’ve attached some pictures of my current system so as to confirm the model.


Main System
I Have 2 of these


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  • Enthusiast II
  • May 25, 2024

If you buy a new product, you'll have to switch to de S2-app. You may have noticed that this app isn't very well received. You should probably wait for at least another month before you consider buying a new Sonos product.

  • Contributor I
  • May 26, 2024
IvPo wrote:

If you buy a new product, you'll have to switch to de S2-app. You may have noticed that this app isn't very well received. You should probably wait for at least another month before you consider buying a new Sonos product.


Not worried about using the S2 app, but are there new products due, as you say to wait at least another month before buying?

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