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New construction wiring for sonos ceiling speakers

How many in ceiling speakers pre-wires should I place in the Kitchen-Breakfast-Family room layout below? And what should be the position/installation layout?  Thank you




Will below placement work?


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Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • April 27, 2021

Hi @ravitri 

I don’t see anything wrong with your suggestion. If you purchased Sonance In-Ceiling speakers, you could run all 3 pairs off one Sonos Amp, but you would not have individual control over them. If you wanted that, you have to add a second, and possibly third, Amp. 

Is the family room going to have home theatre in it? If so, you might want to plan that out before placing speakers in the ceiling.

  • Contributor I
  • April 27, 2021

Thanks, not planning a home theatre here.  might just add a soundbar/woofer to the TV, since there will be a dedicated media room for home theatre.

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