i have recently bough a sonos arc and 2 sonos Era 100 for my living room and kitchen.
i have an open area with the kitchen and the living room.
the area of the living room (about 45 sqm) has the TV with the sonos ARC and 2 sonos era 100.
I would like to improve the whole room (living room+kitchen) but i don´t know what is the best option.
may be +2 Era100 in the area of the kitchen?
may be +1 sonos five in the area of the kitchen????
I don´t have for the moment a sub, and i´m not thinking in one, because the sound is great only with the ARC + 2ERA100.
and i don´t have them as surround, may be it´s also a mistake.
i use it more for music than for films.
thanks in advance for your ideas !!