Turntable record bug has bit me guys so asking questions. I was born in 69 parent had an all in one unit tv was in the middle with a turntable one side radio on the opposite so I grew up on LP.
Daughter got one of those suitcase BT victrola for Xmas last year, been playing with it some over the year thinking of adding one to my system. I have an arc, sub 3 pair of one sl as front surrounds and pair of era 100’s as rear surrounds all in living room.
Talking about the turntables at a family gathering was offered one from an uncle a Kenwood kd-3077 in great condition. Haven’t taken it as it got me looking should I get an Audio-Technica LP120XBT turntable or find a vintage matching receiver and have an old school setup.
Figured I’ll have to ungroup the 100’s as surrounds and use the line in either way or just add a third. I’ve toyed with going all old and found a Kenwood KR-6600 receiver that’s needs no work. Hoping to get some pros and cons of each from people here.