I have the Project T1 that I bought with a Five, but now have it connected through the Amp to some Linn Majik 109 speakers.
The sound from the turntable is really poor in comparison to listening to streamed music in the sense that it loses all character and volume.
I have the input set currently at 9. I have tried all settings up to 10 and 9 is about as much as i can push it before it gets a bit messy.
I listen to streamed music on volume 10 when working or 15 if i want it a little louder. On vinyl i have to listen at 45-50.
I have had the turntable preamp repaired by Sonos as it was originally delivered damaged, so i am confident the preamp is working and set as it should be.
I have another amp, that i have swapped out and it didn’t improve anything, so i am confident the amp isn’t the issue.
The speakers sound fine when streaming so i don’t think there is an issue with the speakers or cable.
I have come to the conclusion that perhaps the quality i am getting is the quality that i should get, but i just don’t like it. So my questions are, how have other people found the Project, how have people improved on it, and has anybody any experience of a significantly upgraded turntable through the Amp?
I am a massive Sonos advocate with 2 Amps, 2 x Play 3, 1 x Five, 7 x Ones, 1 Play Bar, 1 Play Base, 1 x Move, a Sub & 2 x Roams. I am really keen to have a great vinyl experience through the amp.