I'm certain this has already been discussed because it is extremely annoying so I don't believe I'm the only one to complain. But I cannot find the relevant thread. So, nagging incoming:
Wrong group displayed:
Every time I start the app, the wrong group is active and displayed.I f I am watching tv, it will display a non-active session of Spotify in my office room. If I'm listening to music in my office room then it will display the inactive line in PC. Mehhhh....
It has been exhausting!!! Why has such an obvious defect on base functionality not been fixed yet?
Quick access:
One feature that I have been waiting even before the mess with the new app: a quicker way to access to equalizer, surround and sub.
Or better some profiles that I can associate with activities. For example, I need different settings when I watch TV and when listening to music. Even when I watch tv, I need different settings for a streaming service such as Netflix or watching anime on my laptop.